~Chapter Eleven~

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Diary Entry-Romano

Saturday, January 23, 2016
/Dear Diary,
Last night, Italy and Germany told me they were going to help me get together with Prussia, but they didn't tell me how. I couldn't sleep very well because I was worried they're going to do something horrible. Or something. I still don't know, but when I came down to the kitchen this morning, they were whispering and hovering over Germany's phone. Should I trust them? Should I be scared? God, I don't know.

I only have a little over 5 minutes before I have to go back to Spain's house, so I won't have much time to write. I still have to get all my stuff together.

I don't really know what to say... I mean, you already know that I'm in love with Prussia and nearly dying because I'm not with him. That's about the only thing that's on my mind right now. Actually, now that I think of it, I do have another thing on my mind, but it's small.

I have noticed Germany and Italy acting like a serious couple now. They think I don't know, but I've seen them hold hands, kiss, and play around. I'm not upset, I'm really happy, actually. Though I'm still watching Germany, just in case. They seem really happy. Italy smiles brighter, too, and yes it's possible. Seeing Germany treating Italy like this, though, makes me feel a bit better. I know he's safe.

Anyway, I'm going back to Spain's soon, so I have to go. That's about all that I have to say anyways. So bye for now.

~South Italy-Romano~/

~{Romano's POV}~
"FRATELLO!" Ugh. Sounds like I'm at Spain's still.


I slammed my diary closed and put it in my back pack. Throwing my backpack over my shoulder, I ran downstairs, where Germany and Italy were standing by the door, looking suspicious.

Italy smiled and hugged me, "Finally, you were taking a really long time to get your stuff together!" I hugged him back a little bit.

"I was... making sure I got everything. Yeah." He stopped hugging me and I looked at Germany. "I'm not giving you a hug." He shrugged and ruffled my hair. He's perfect for Italy.

"Okay," Italy sighed, "Are you sure you have to leave? You could stay another night! Or a week. Or a year. Or-"

"Italy, he has to go home. Spain will miss him," Germany interrupted. I nodded and Italy pouted.

"So will I!" Germany shook his head and gave Italy a kiss on the cheek. I tried not to smile and squeal, while Italy smiled up at him. Germany grinned back at him.

Looking at Italy, I said, "I'll see you soon, don't worry." He sighed again. "C'mon, don't be sad. That's not the Italy I know."

Smiling, he said, "I know." He then looked up at Germany who nodded. "Okay, fratello. You'd better start going. Spain said he'll be at the end of the road soon." I nodded and Italy hugged me again.

"See you guys soon," I said, waving, as I walked out the door. I immediately zipped my jacket up as soon as I walked out. The wind was blowing and it was a pretty cold. Why am I walking in this weather? I'd understand if it were summer but it's not summer. It's winter.

I looked down at the sidewalk and kept walking. Hopefully Spain is there before I reach the end of the road. It's so fricking cold and I'm already hungry! I'm bored, too. I could listen to music- no. Don't really feel like it.

I laughed and smiled. I remember one of the nights Prussia came over, we snuck out to go to our favorite hill in the neighborhood. We ended up playing music from our phones and dancing like dorks. Then we looked at the stars and didn't go back until about five in the morning. We we're both extremely tired in the morning, but it was fun and we learned a few things about each other.

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