~Chapter Fourteen~

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~{Prussia's POV}~
"Come out of your hiding~!"

Budum. Budum. Budum.

My heart was pounding, and so was Romano's. We were both hiding behind a huge tree we found, desperate for air. It was kind of hard to breath with all that running, but we had to stay quiet so they wouldn't find us.

Then, there was a rustling in the tree. It couldn't have been wind, because there was none. Romano started sweating so I covered his mouth in case he was going to scream. I shook my head and looked back at the leaves of the tree. The creature finally came out and it was- "Gilbird!?" I whisper-yelled. "I thought I told you to stay at home today!"

Romano took my hand off his mouth and whispered, "Have you forgotten we're under attack with no weapons!?"

"Actually we have weapons, but no bullets."


"Sh! Did you hear that?"

Romano lifted an eyebrow. "Prussia-"

"No I'm serious..."

Gilbird started tweeting angrily at something on the other side of the tree. Neither I or Romano dared to check. I tried hushing Gilbird, but there's no stopping that thing once he's started. He kept chirping and flapping, leading us to our death.

Then there was a pop.

And a whoosh.

And a yelp.

Romano was lying on the ground. He was shot...

"South! I thought we agreed not to get killed!" I told him. He grunted and held his arm.

"You idiota! Run!" he snapped, "Find some bullets and win."

He was right. I had to win! No, correction: we had to win.

"Gilbird! Stay here and watch Roma!"

"Don't call me that!" Romano interrupted. Grabbing one of the guns, I ignored him and turned.

"I've got some losers to shoot..."

"You're a major dork."

Gilbird cheeped as I ran away from our tree and out into the open. No one was in sight. They're planning well... I have to hide.

I spotted another large tree and ran towards that. "Bullets!" I whispered as I popped them into my gun and smirked. Where in the world are they?

There was crunching behind the tree. Turning slowly, I readied my gun and prepared for whatever was coming if I missed. Then I jumped and shot.



I had shot Italy...

"Aw, darn it! We're still gonna win!" Italy said, pouting.

I grinned. Stealing his bullets, I said, "We'll see about that," and ran off.

One more to go... my brother. If I can figure out where their base was, maybe I can find a few more things out. I think their base was behind a hill in front of mine and Romano's tree. But which is our tree again?

Probably the one with the screaming Italian and the loud bird. I mean that's just a hunch, but still.

Just as I thought, there was a hill standing directly in front of our tree. Green and grassy, full of wonderful memories. And, most likely, a soon-to-be loser, Germany.

I slowly inched towards it, careful not to step on any twigs or leaves. I nearly tripped over my own feet on the way, though. Don't ask how.

Risking a bullet, I shot at the other side of the hill as soon as I reached it. But at the exact time that my bullet popped out, a different bullet came right at me. Not thinking, I squinted and flinched. The bullet hit my eye and fell somewhere on the ground. I screamed, falling in sync with another scream.

Did I seriously hit West right as he hit me?!



Just as I suspected, bruder came from behind the hill, rubbing his cheek. My hand was over my eye, shielding it from the air.

"Hell, those bullets are hard for a toy," I said, "Did you have to hit me in the eye?"

"I just shot, I wasn't aiming! You shot me, too, you know. My cheek is probably bruised."

"Aw, suck it up."

All of a sudden, Italy came over and jumped on Germany. Romano walked up behind me and grabbed my hand, blushing slightly and puffing his cheeks. Italy was smiling and laughing, while Romano was clearly trying not to scream at Gilbird who was happily chirping his feathers off behind him. They get along, I'd say.

"Yay! We won!" Italy chimed them looked at his cupcake hopeful, "We won right, Germany?"

Germany blinked. "I... I'm not sure... I think Prussia and I shot at the same time and got hit at the same time."

"So what you're saying," Romano asked, "is no one actually won?" Germany shook his head and Romano sighed. "Great. So I got shot for nothing," he said, rubbing his arm. "Speaking of which, which of you was it that shot me?"

Italy raised his hand and jumped up and down. "I did! Did I really hit you?"

"Uh, yeah!"

"Germany! I actually shot him!" Italy said, gasping before his sentence. He grabbed Germany's arm and smiled even bigger. "I can shoot!"

Germany nodded, smiling slightly. "Good job! I never knew you had it in you. You're full of surprises, aren't you?"


"Like you wouldn't believe," Romano added.

Italy nodded, "Yeah- wait..." Romano grinned then yawned. When he was done yawning, Italy yawned, causing Germany and me to yawn.

"Well," Germany said, looking at the sky, "apparently we're all a little tired, and it is getting a little dark. How about we rest for a little?"

"And watch the sunset!" Italy added.

Romano shrugged, "Sounds good to me."

"I'm in," I said, gripping Romano's hand tighter. He blushed a little and looked down so we couldn't see, but I could. Gilbird flew to my head and rested. Then we all walked to the middle of the field where our blankets lay.

Spreading them out, we all sat down, side by side, watching the sky turn from blue, to orange, and back to blue, only darker. The stars were beautiful as ever, shining bright, lighting up the littlest of amazing things; the pond, the top of the trees, and Romano's crystal clear eyes.

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