~Chapter Two~

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~{Prussia's POV}~
"IT'S FRIDAY AGAIN!!" I ran upstairs where Italy and Germany were sleeping. They woke with a start, and I laughed. Germany doesn't usually take naps. I guess he will for Italy.

"You didn't have to yell," Germany said, getting up and walking towards me. "Of course I did! You're suppose to be loud when you're excited!"

"Unless you're infiltrating. Or you're normal." I laughed as he stood there, his chest puffing out, unintentionally, and his hair sort of a mess. He looked very fit and some people might say "hot" but only if they're women that are into that kind of man. I raised him good! "That means you would yell too, because you are not normal. You were raised by me!"

Italy raised his hand to speak and said, "He has a point, fischo! (A/N There's your daily dose of GerIta) Your fratello is very strange!" Germany sighed as I laughed, knowing I won the battle. I ruffled his hair and walked towards the door with my bag on one of my shoulders and Gilbird sitting on my other. "I'm going to Spain's now."

Germany frowned and asked, "By the way, why are you so excited to go to Spain's agin? You weren't this excited last time, what did you three do there?" Smirking, I replied, "It wasn't us three," then walked out hearing Italy gasp and squeal. I said to myself, "Italy knows. Italy knows it all," and walked to Spain and Romano's place.
~Time Skip~
France and I walked in to Spain giving lessons to Romano. Dancing lessons. The furniture was pushed aside so there was more room. Romano's dance partner was in a red dress and Romano had a rose in his mouth. He dipped her as Spain watched. But when Romano dipped her, he noticed us and blushed, eyes wide.

Spain turned around and smiled. "Hola, boys! I was just teaching Romano to tango," he said as Romano pulled up his partner and thanked her for being his partner. He kissed her hand and she left, blowing a kiss before she walked out. "Adios, Toni. I hope I get to do this again, Lovino," she said, and with that, she walked out.

Romano crossed his arms and pretended nothing happened. France said, "So, how long have you been teaching him?" Spain went to talk but Romano talked before him and said, "I've known for quite a while, but he made me show him I could still do it."

"Who was that girl?" I asked. Spain responded, "Oh Rosa? She's my old partner." Well that wasn't as exciting as I hoped. Spain told us to put our stuff up and come back down. Apparently there was some game he wanted to play, and yes, Romano had to play, too, which he wasn't very happy about.

Once France and I put our stuff away we walked back downstairs where Spain and Romano were sitting on the floor at the coffee table in front of the tv. Spain smiled whilst Romano had his head on the table. There were two dice and a box-thing set on the table. There was a pillow on each side of the table, probably for us to sit on. I sat down on a pillow next to Romano and he turned his head the other way so he wasn't looking at me and France sat down on the other pillow. Gilbird relocated from my shoulder to my head. I gave him a little scratch on the head as his nested in my hair.

Spain grinned, "So, does everyone have coins?" Romano's head jerked up and he and I looked at each other. Oh it's about to get real in here. We both smirked at each other and pulled out three quarters, (Yeah they're using quarters, shut up, I know) France did the same, just not as excited or tense. Spain laughed, pulling out his quarters and saying, "I see you two know this game."

"Oh we know this game alright," Romano said, still glaring at me. "We've played it before, only it was more..." He searched for the right word, but realized he didn't know which one was best so I said, "Extreme," and he widened his eyes.

"Very extreme," he said.

Spain laughed nervously and looked at France who looked really bewildered. Then he explained how the game works but he forgot to add what game it was. France gave another confused look and Romano and I looked at each other and said in unison,

"Left, Center, Right."

Gilbird squeaked and buried his face in my hair. He was there. He was there when things went down and he knows that those three words means all hell is about to break loose.

France said, "Let's try to keep this friendly, I don't want to go home scarred." Romano didn't like that idea so he sighed and placed his quarters in front of him.

Spain explained it one more time and then we started. The rules were fairly simple for such a game: Everyone starts out with three chips (or coins if you're playing it that way) and some one rolls the three dice. Each dice represents one of your chips/coins/whatever. If one of the die have a dot, then the coin it represents stays with you. If you get an "R" on one of the die, the coin goes to the person to your right. If you get an "L" on one of the die, it's the same only you give it to the person to the left. If you get a "C" you put the coin in whatever is in the center to put the coins...er...I dunno. If you have less than three coins on your next turn, you roll as many die as you have coins; if you have more, you still roll three. And you keep playing until there is only one person with coins left, and that person gets all the coins in the middle. It's like gambling only in a family friendly game. That was turned into not family friendly with the gambling part. (Yeah sorry for that horrible excuse for an explanation of LCR. I suck at explanations. You get it, right? Eh whatever)

So we played LCR most of the night and had fun. Romano was even getting in on it. The two times he won, he rubbed it in our faces by doing a cute little victory dance and song. When he lost he growled and hit his head on the table. Spain seemed to be enjoying how much fun Romano was having. I was enjoying it too. His victory dances were cute, and he smiled so brightly, he almost looked like his brother. He was really excited.

Spain rolled a "C" for the last coin he had and Romano screamed along the rest of us, but his was a scream of happiness. Because he won, again. He grabbed the coins from the box and threw his hands in the air, "WHOOO! I WON AGAIN!! WHOOP WHOOP, BEAT THAT LOSERS!!" I was sure the neighbors weren't awake anymore, if they could sleep with our yelling in the first place.

We finally stopped playing and settled down. Spain, France and I went to bed (well I didn't) in the guest room and Romano went to his room with his all his money. I guess he forgot the last time he and I played this game, I beat his sorry Italian butt for winning literally every time. We were playing with Germany and Italy, too, so it didn't end well. It doesn't matter now, though, because he was really happy and excited. It was the first time I'd seen him smile since then, but this time he wasn't smiling because he won.

I could tell he was smiling because he was having fun.

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