~Chapter Thirteen~

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~{Romano's POV}~
"Sir! Get in the bag!" I whisper-yelled at my Teddy Bear. Today is my first date with Prussia and I like to keep Sir with me on occasions like this, because I get nervous. Italy will be with me, so maybe it won't be so bad... I have to learn, too. Okay, this time, I'm not taking Sir! I'll just have to hide him so Spain doesn't see him...

I took Sir out and put him in his bed in the closet. Locking the door, I said, "Sorry, Sir. I can't bring you this time. But I'll see you soon!" Then I scanned my room for God-knows-what reason and could've sworn I saw the words "wake up" somewhere. I'm not sure where, but somewhere. Am I going crazy?

Shaking it off, I walked out of my room and down the stairs. "Spain," I yelled to the busy Spaniard in the kitchen, "I'm going to my fratello's!"

"Why? Weren't you just there yesterday?" He asked, looking back from cleaning the counters.

"Uh... yeah. I was, but we're doing something today."

"Okay! Well have fun~! I'm glad you boys are getting along more!"

"Yeah... Anywho, I'll see you later. Adios."

"Adios!" I walked out and rolled my eyes. He's such a weirdo. Just looking at him makes me imagine him tripping over something or acting like a complete dork. Like always.

Just in time, the boys pull up in their spotless, blue Volkswagen. Now, when I say "spotless," I really mean "there probably isn't more than one speck of dirt on that thing." Germany treats it better than his dogs. No wait that's a lie, let me rephrase it; he treats the car almost as good as his dogs.

I hop in the back with Prussia who nearly tackles me in a hug and tickles me. Italy giggles and Germany chuckles. I start giggling, too, and pushing him away playfully. "Come on you two," Germany says, "buckle up so we can go on our date." We both stop, smiling and laughing, and buckle up so Germany can drive.

I can't believe I'm actually going on an actual date with my actual boyfriend! This is going to be the best ever!! I've never had a proper date before... I mean sure, I've dated a few girls but they were... not... nice. They'd all dump me after about a month for a different guy. Actually one dumped me because she thought she loved girls but she tried to come crawling back after about three weeks saying "she loved me and and isn't a lesbian." (Her words, not mine.) I didn't take her back because she was kind of a bitch, though.

Now I have Prussia. Tall, strong, adorable, loving Prussia. Not bitchy, rude, annoying, hateful Prussia. I don't think that could ever be a thing.

Eventually, we pulled over near a beautiful, green landform that stretched farther than my chocolatey eyes could even dream of. There were hills and big trees scattered around it and there was even a pond with ducks that were quacking their little hearts out.

I took one good look at it and gasped. It was so beautiful and amazing! Perfect for just about everything I could think of; Zen time, landscaping, games, stargazing, cloud watching, painting, running, and, of course, a picnic.

"Wow... It's... beautiful!" Prussia said in amazement.

I nodded, "You took the words right out of my mouth..."

We got out and grabbed the things for our picnic and set up in between two hills, under a big tree. The pond was just near it, but it wasn't too close. The ducks were now waddling around the pond, still quacking.

Italy seemed to be distracted by them, and I've got to admit, I kind of was too for a while, but Italy couldn't take his eyes off them. He was watching their every move carefully. I've never seen him so focused on such things before.

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