~Chapter Nineteen~

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~{Romano's POV}~
Have you ever spent a night with the Three Stooges? If not, consider yourself lucky. If you have... Well, my friend, I am so, so sorry. They are the most annoying when all three are together. And they just had to drag me along on their adventures to the grocery store.

It's basically pure torture. I mean, I love them and all, but seriously. At least I don't have to sit next to Spain. Or France. Yep. I got put next to my secret boyfriend. Even he was uneasy about the idea. Of course, it was France's idea, because it's France's car. Damn snail muncher.

I swear, if I have to listen to another one if their dumb group songs, I'm going to flip a switch. Still, though, I find amusement in their weird, crazy dances. And Prussia still gives me attention, though the others don't see it. It's not really attention, but to me it is. Him just locking eyes with me is enough attention. He keeps winking at me and using me a victim (or at least I feel like a victim) of his motions to the words. It's so hard for me not to giggle and smile at him.

They like using American songs, a lot, too, so there's that. It makes my pain worse.

As I listen to the music, I watch the cars and building pass us through the window. Not exactly the sight I need at the moment, but hey, it's a bit calming. Each car speeds by, eager to get somewhere or not. People go in and out of buildings, just as easy as they could walk out of someone else's life.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as Spain, France, and Prussia squealed like teenage fangirls.

"It's a Avril Lavigne!" squeaked France.

"Oh, hell no," I said. "Let me out if this car..."

"Sorry, Romano~! No can do!" chirped Spain.

"You'll die without us!" played Prussia.

I moaned loudly and listened to them all sing their stupid song, Prussia using me again. Their voices aren't exactly the best for this stuff, but they're having fun, I guess. I looked out the window again and sighed. Putting up with these three is hard.

My hand got warm and I looked back to see Prussia grinning at me. He wrapped his hand around mine, making me blush slightly. I made sure France and Spain weren't looking and gave him a small smile back. He's just too sweet... What did I do to deserve this?

Intertwining our fingers, we sat in silence the rest of the ride, hiding our hands. Prussia must've known something was wrong. He wouldn't have just took my hand in front of the others. I don't even care if we aren't suppose to be together right now. I love him so much, he's the only one that knows when something is wrong. He can tell. Because he has the same problem.

We can help one another. And that's exactly what he does, and all he has to do is exist. A little smile is all I need from him. A warm hug, a reassuring talk, a sweet kiss on the cheek, he knows exactly what I need when I need it. He pampers me. We haven't even been together that long. He treats me wonderfully. Maybe that's why I love him. He's just simply the best person I've ever met.

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