~Chapter Twenty~

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~{Romano's POV }~
Life has just been great!

Did I just say that? Oh, God. Prussia really has changed me...

He's away with America, so I can't hang out with him today. Spain is gone, too. Don't know where, but he's gone, so I'm left all alone on my bed.

My phone buzzed and I picked it up. I unlocked it and tapped the notification - it was a text from Prussia. He said to Skype him, so I ran downstairs, grabbed the laptop, took it back to my room, and signed on to Skype.

I awaited his call, which didn't last very long, and answered when he did. He smiled at me through the screen and said, "Hey, South. How ya been?"

I shrugged. "Okay. I'm home alone because Spain's gone, too. And I don't want to cook."

"Aw, you poor thing," he joked. "Why don't you go to West's? Italy might be there."

"Maybe. Hey, aren't you at America's?"

"Oh! Yeah, I am. He had to help a neighbor, so I took the time to check up on my wonderful boyfriend."

I blushed at that. I know I shouldn't be, I am his boyfriend, but the thought still gives me butterflies. Prussia laughed at my blush. "You're lucky I'm not there to make you blush," I murmured.

"Uh huh. And how would you do that?" I guess he heard me.

I thought for a moment. What would make Prussia blush? He isn't as courageous as he says when it comes to love. He's actually really gentle. "Give you a kiss." He froze. His face turned pink and I smirked. "I know you, it's not like it was hard to think of something.

Prussia's blush went away as a beam of light blinded him in the room he was in. He looked towards it and smiled. "Hey, Pumpkin, I gotta go. America is back." I could hear America asking a lot of questions.

"Okay, have fun, you dorks." America waved to me and I waved back. "Hello, America. Don't hurt Prussia in a raging fit, please."

America chuckled. "I won't."

Prussia kept smiling and continued, "I'll see you tomorrow, you little olive." America rolled his eyes at that one. I giggled. "Love ya."

"Love you too, Snickers."

"You guys are so cute," swooned America.

"Wait, Prussia, did you tell him?" I asked. He just laughed nervously.

"Gotta go, love you, bye!" And just like that, Prussia discontinued the call and I was left alone again. I could go to Germany's and see if my brother is there.

I called Italy (not Germany, I'm not calling him) and asked where he was. I should've known he'd be with Germany. They're always together. Before I could ask, he insisted I come over, because he was making dinner. Free food sounded good, and it was most likely going to be Italian since he's making it. I agreed. And got my stuff together.

All I could think of was Prussia's blush. He knew I would've kissed him. Maybe I can surprise him when he gets back. Or when we go on our next date. We have to kiss at some point. I giggled to myself, "I'm head-over-heels for him. And that's okay."

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