~Chapter Eighteen~

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Diary Entry-Prussia

Wednesday, 1-27-16
Hiding things from Spain is hard. Even if he wouldn't exactly notice anything for a while, he'd still question, which would lead him to realizing the things that is trying to be kept from him. He's quite clueless, though. Maybe mine and Romano's secret can last for some time.

I've been hanging out with Romano a lot and he's never once questioned him much apparently. I don't know exactly how long we can keep this, but I'm sure it'll be a while.

Hey, diary? Do you ever feel like something is going too well for you? Of course not, you're a book, but still... I never thought Romano, out of all people and countries, would like me. He acts nicer when he's with me, too. Maybe I'm just scared I'll mess up and Romano will hate me, but I still think something is up. I guess I'll just put that aside for now...

My brother and Italy seem to be in a healthy relationship!

Except for the fact that they got into a little fight just now. But I guess every good couple has to have a little break every now and then, right?

I feel kind of bad for Italy, though. I mean, he threw a handful of insults at my brother, but West isn't as sensitive as Italy. I don't know all that happened. I only heard them fighting when I was heading for the kitchen to get some food. I decided to listen, even though that probably wasn't nice.

I hope this is just one of those couple things... It has to be, they seem to like each other, and God knows how longs they've actually been dating. But, if it is one of those minor arguments, they should be back to loving one another pretty soon, though it might take them some time to get the courage to say sorry and make up.

That's one of the weird things about dating. If it's someone you really love, it lasts, and things like that happen. If you and the person you're dating aren't meant to be, you'll have fights more often. These fights may end in the end of the relationship, and that's all.

Those two are really cute together, as well. I just can't see them not being together. But, I guess we'll have to see what happens.

I wonder if Romano and I will have a relationship like that...

Mein gott, I've got to stop thinking into the future... It's not good for me. I have to let whatever happens happen. After all, there's no way I can stop whatever comes my way.

I should probably check on West soon. I'll give him some time, though. I wouldn't want someone to do that, but my brother isn't me (even though he probably wishes he was!!). I'll call Romano, too, to see if his brother is with him.

Well, I guess I should go now. I have nothing else to write about. I wish you were a person. A person that I could talk to, my own diary person. You wouldn't tell anyone my secrets unless they found you. That's not how life works, though. It'd be so cool!!

See you soon, diary!

The Awesome Prussia!!/

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