~Chapter Fifteen~

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~{Romano's POV}~
Okay, now you can go ahead and say that I am the worst, you can say everyone hates me, you can say that I don't belong in this world. I don't care! I know I belong here, because I wouldn't be have the greatest week of my life if I didn't.

Sometimes I feel kind of stupid for letting myself fall for this amazing man that's kind of still a pain sometimes. When I do, I think of all the reasons why I'm happy I have.

I would probably be at one of my brothers' house, doing nothing and going out with some bitch again. I would still be angry and an ass. I would be shouting at my brother and the stupid potato because I was jealous that my little brother got someone amazing to care for him, quite possibly forever.

Instead, I'm resting my head on Prussia's chest, looking up at the night sky. I don't even bother to look for my brother, I know he's innocent. Right now, I only want to stay here, cuddling Prussia, and looking at all of the stars.

I don't think it was suppose to end this way, but it did. And I'm happy. For once, in my entire damn life! There is nothing I want more than for this to actually work.

"Hey," Prussia nudged my shoulder. I look up at him and stare into his beautiful eyes. "Remember that night? When we snuck out of Spain's and went up to that hill?"

"And we just stared at the stars and talked?" I asked.



I pulled myself up so that I could sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder. He was so cuddly and warm! God, I could sit here forever, just me and Prussia, under the starlight, holding each other. Honestly, Romano, you are hopeless.

"I like this Romano that you have become," Prussia said, nuzzling my head.

"I think I do, to."

"What made you change?"

"You. I was able to talk to someone about my problems, and I somehow managed to fall in love with the man."

"What are you saying?" Prussia laughed.

"I never thought I'd like you. But here I am, cuddling you under the stars. This could ruin my whole 'ass' act."

"If everyone found out, that is."

"Our brothers know."

"They don't mind. Italy thinks it's cute, and Germany is probably glad you're not making fun of him and being a jerk."

"I wanted to ensure he was a good guy! I knew Italy liked him with the way he talked about him before I met him," I admitted.

"Is he good?"


"And how could you tell?" I could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Well, he didn't hurt me or throw an insult back when I did. He just let it happen. Then, when Italy and I got our curls stuck, he came to his aid almost immediately." Prussia sat in silence. I turned my head and looked at his smug smile. "What?"

"It's cute, how much you love your brother."

"Well, when we we're little, I never got to see him. Plus, he's better than me, and I want to be a good brother, even though no one could see it. It's just my way of protecting my little brother."

Prussia shook his head, "Don't say that again."


"That he's better than you. Sure, most people love him more because he's sweet, but that's because they don't know the real you. How do you think I love you?"

"I don't know..."

"I will admit, I had a tiny crush on Italy a while back. He never noticed how much I tried to tell him. At first, it was fun pretending I liked you, but then I got to know you. You're my favorite person, Romano. You're my favorite Italy, and I don't want you to be anyone else's favorite."

"I don't want to be anyone else's favorite either. I love you."

"I love you, too, Italy."

~{Italy's POV}~ "Finally!" -You
It's the sweetest thing ever! My big brother finally has someone he loves. Even better, he likes him back! I love him so much. The way they cuddle is the cutest thing ever.

Germany and I are spying on them currently, and we can hear every word. Germany keeps getting more and more surprised as Romano talks about how he was just make sure that Germany was a good man for me.

I looked at Germany's face and giggled at his emotions. Good thing they couldn't hear us! Germany's face switched from a small smile because they we're being the cutest couple, to arched eyebrows and a dropped jaw. I froze in my position and listened to Prussia's words:

"I will admit, I had a tiny crush on Italy a while back. He never noticed how much I tried to tell him. At first, it was fun pretending I liked you, but then I got to know you. You're my favorite person, Romano. You're my favorite Italy, and I don't want you to be anyone else's favorite."

That was it. That was enough to make me - almost - scream.

"I don't want to be anyone else's favorite, either," Romano said, snuggling closer to Prussia. "I love you."

The next thing Prussia said, almost brought a tear to my eye. Watching these two was like reading a love story.

"I love you, too, Italy."

I could almost hear Romano thinking. "Did... did you just... call me Italy?


"But... why?"

"Well, you're South Italy, right?"

Romano stared at Prussia for about a minute before he threw his arms around Prussia's neck and gave him a kiss. "Prussia, you have to stop being the greatest man alive before you kill me!" He yelled.

Germany chuckled and shook his head as I wiped a tear away. "Are you okay, sugarplum?" He whispered.

"No... They're so cute, and I'm so happy for mg big brother," I whispered back.

"I know exactly how you feel, Italy."

Germany and I watched the two for while. They talked, and laughed, and just stared up at the stars. Eventually, I almost fell asleep, but before I fell asleep all the way, I could feel myself being picked up and set on a blanket. The last thing I heard was Germany telling me goodnight and feeling him kiss my cheek.

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A WHILE. I HAD MY OTHER BOOK TO WRITE, THEN I KINDA GOT WRITER'S BLOCK AND DIDN'T DO MY WRITING IN THE MORNING ON THE BUS LIKE I'M SUPPOSE TO BECAUSE THAT'S WHEN I HAVE ALL MY STORY INSPIRATION FOR SOME REASON IDK BUT ANYWAY I'M SORRY i feel like i'm apologizing a little too much do you even care do you understand that sometimes being a writer is hard i'm sure you do anywho sorry it (probably) won't happen again. Okay it actually probably will but ya know.

I actually kinda feel like this book is really cheesy, but that's just how I roll. Plus it's cute. So yeah.

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