~Chapter Twenty-Two~

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~{Romano's POV}~
I lay in my bed crying. Don't worry, I'm not sad - well, okay. I am. But I was watching a sad movie, so you can't blame me! It's an American movie that America lent to me and it was romantic! And... kinda sad, as I already said.

Point is, it was about midnight. Spain was sound asleep in his room down the hall, and I was laying on my bed crying because I'm a closet romantic and I get really emotional when it comes to romantic novels and films. Don't judge me.

Anyway, as I was laying on my bed, bawling my eyes out, I heard a knock on my window. I turned my head to see Prussia pointing at my window. I saw that it was locked, so I opened it and wiped my eyes as Prussia crawled through the window.

"Hey, baby," he said, putting a finger under my chin, "what's wrong?"

I didn't want him to know I'd been watching a romantic film, so I fished my brain for something. "My, um... hamster died."

"What hamster?" Prussia asked.

"Um... The one that died?"

Prussia only crossed his arms. He knew I was lying. Sometimes I'm good at lying, I swear. I sighed and sat down on my bed. "Fine. I was watching a romantic, yet sad, movie that America let me borrow." Prussia only laughed.

"Oh, you're so silly." I rolled my eyes. "C'mere. My awesomeness shall heal your closet romantic feelings."

"How'd you know I was a closet romantic?" I asked, getting up and entering his arms.

"Just a hunch. Actually, no, I've seen your romantic novels hidden under your bed in the upper left corner of it." I blushed.

"Don't tell anyone... America only knows because he likes romantic things, too."

"Is that why you're dating me?" I rested my chin on Prussia's chest and stared into his eyes, giving him a questioning look, and he read my mind. "I crawl into your room through the window three to four times a week. Don't you think that's romantic?"

Smiling and giggling, I responded, "I guess maybe that's one reason why I enjoy dating you, but that's not the reason I am."

"Then what is?"

"Well," I turned my head and squeezed him really tight, but not too tight. "I love your hugs, for one. You're always so warm, and you give off heat like a heater. You're also really sweet, and you help me control myself. You bring out my good side, and seem to always know how to cheer me up. You're eyes look like rubies that have been buried in snow; so clean and clear against your pale skin and under your messy, yet formal, albino hair. You're just so amazing, and I love you so much. Is that a good answer?" I looked back up at him to see him smiling sincerely.

"That is more than what anyone else I know would give me. So yes, that is a wonderful answer." Prussia then leaned in and gave me a kiss - a real kiss! His lips were soft, like he always had them coated in chapstick. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it still felt wonderful, because I love him.

We looked into each other's eyes and smiled. I can't believe we just had our first real kiss, right in my bedroom. "Can you tell me why you love me, now?" I muttered sheepishly.

He laughed and said, "We'd better get comfortable first." I rubbed the back of my neck and we both crawled onto my bed. Prussia pulled me onto his lap so that my back was against his chest. "Now. One reason I love you, is because you have a wonderfully fun personality. And I was the first one to truly see it." I giggled at how proudly he said that. "You also give me something to look forward to; we both have problems that we can help one another with because we understand. And, to be honest, I find your clumsiness adorable, along with your strange flaws. When your curl turns into a little heart, I know that you love me, and me only, and that makes me happy. The way you always want to cuddle and hug me is flat out amazing because I've never had anyone to do that with. Your cute little nicknames make my heart flutter, and I always look forward to hearing you call me them. Romano, you are one of a kind, perfect for me. Even if we do have our small differences. You are the most awesome person I have ever met."

I couldn't keep myself from turning red and giggling. This isn't normally like me. But because I'm with him, it is normal. I wouldn't have it any other way. "I love you, Romano."

"I love you, too, Snickers."

Prussia chuckled. "There it is." We sat in silence for a little bit, me sitting in his lap, leaning back onto his shoulder, and his arms wrapped around my stomach, holding me close. I gave him a peck on the cheek and he grinned.

Our silence lasted a good time. Until it was interrupted by my door flying open. "Prussia?" It was Spain. "What are you doing here?!" He'd caught us.






BYE CUPCAKES *zooms away like an italian running from the britsh*

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