| 3 | The Adventure Begins

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Tanburn/ Tanbarun 10:00pm 

After that scene with the stupid guy of the palace, I ran back inside and packed up what I needed for the journey. I was feeling determined, I wasn't going to let Shirayuki get hurt. The least I can do for her is find her and make sure that she's okay. I packed my father's sword and placed it in a case. I'm not sure why she ran away but I have and an idea that it's because of the stupid prince. I walked outside with a small bag in my hand, I looked at my surrounding making sure that no one was, after securing the area I looked at the woods. I was sure that Shirayuki had gone into the woods for two reasons

1. She knew the woods better than anyone

2. through the woods is the only way out of Tanburn/Tanbarun.

I reduced my risk of being caught by wearing dark clothes that would blend into the shadows and the night. You aren't allowed to leave Tanburn without permission from prince Raji but he wasn't the kind of person to let his subjects go and not to mention that if he did let you go you would have to a pay a ridiculously large amount of money to cross the border an I wasn't up to spending half of my money, so I wasn't allowed to be seen by the palace guards. I wore a black cloak over black clothes but my belt was mixed with silver (let's just say you're dressed like Kirito off SAO) (or the matrix, he's cool too :3) I was a little afraid that I would have to get my hands dirty to find her, I hope it doesn't resort to fighting anyone from the palace.

Dark woods somewhat 3:00 am

It has been ages since I left Tanburn. As I wondered in the dark woods, my only source of light was the full moon, I had no idea how I was going to find Shirayuki in this state, she could've gone anywhere. I have food with me, I never said finding her was going to be easy, after all, I could be heading in the wrong direction. I looked up to the moon for support, what should my next move be? I'm away from Tanbarun so I should be alright. Maybe I should get some rest.

I started to think about my destination. There's a neighbouring town, perhaps I can seek refuge there, maybe Shirayuki is there! My feeling of determination rose. I could live in the next town, they may even pay me better, that's if I find the town first... I was going to collapse anytime now. I should seek a safe resting place for tonight. Then I'll continue my journey through the day. I looked around and I saw light up ahead. Should I go and see what it is? I walked closer to the lights and it turned out to be two men holding fire torches. They didn't look too kind, I should leave.

"Hey, you!" I stopped in my tracks and turned around in fear. The two men gave me a deadly glare. "What are you doing here at this time of the night?" The man walked closer, a sword obviously tucked in his belt by his side. A guard of some sort, they don't belong to Tanbarun. I've never seen their uniform before. I was taking some time to observe them. "Hey are you even listening to me!" I snapped out of thought. Right, I shouldn't cause any trouble for myself.

"I'm just admiring the night sky" I laughed "I'll just be off, pretend you didn't see me" I stepped back leaving the two men in utter confusion.

"You can't just leave! get back here" I shouldn't have expected it to be so easy. I turned around and held the grip of my sword. I didn't want to resort to this, should I just run away? The man saw my hand and pulled out his sword. "Under the restriction of Clar-" I cut him off, disarming him of his sword. He was too slow to even realise maybe he should focus more on his opponent than speaking but like I said I don't want any trouble. I put away my sword and quickly bowed before running away.

"I'm sorry! I don't want to cause any trouble!" I yelled off in the distance. The guards were now utterly confused at my behaviour but none the less they had to find me after my attack which honestly wasn't even that much of a threat but an attack is an attack and it can't be overlooked. So I kept running until my legs could no longer carry me. I should probably get some rest about now.

Up ahead I saw a small house.

'I'm saved!' I mentally screamed.

I slowly walked over to the door and lightly knocked. no one answered, perhaps no one is home I mean it would make sense, what's a house doing out in the forest anyway? It sounds like something Shirayuki would do, I chuckled. I slid down the side of the door and slowly drifted off to a deep slumber. 

I promise I'll find you Shirayuki.


I hope you are enjoying the story so far even though it's only the 3rd chapter? So tell me what you think in the comments. :3

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