| 5 | Shirayuki

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Mitsuhide helped me stand up and supported me to walk. The wound he has given me doesn't do so well for my back. They were taking me to their town Clarines, the neighboring country of Tanbarun. If I had run away from Tanbarun which I did I would be going to this place, I mean it's right next door so why not? I just hope the prince here is better than Prince Raji.

I haven't learnt much about the two, Kiki and Mitsuhide that is but I know they must have something to do with the palace by the way they fight. Probably guards of some sort, then again, why would they be running out in the opening like that? I have so many questions to ask them but they were intent on getting me somewhere to rest for the night. Probably best for me anyway.

Once we arrived at the town I could only stare in awe at the view. The atmosphere was much more pleasant than the one at Tanbarun, the people seemed a lot happier too. Things must be going well. Mitsuhide walked me to an inn called "Twilight Inn" it seemed very cozy and the desk lady, named Clarrisa was very kind. Kiki, however, went to go and do some business in the palace, my deduction was correct, they did work for the palace. I wonder what they do?

I sighed as I laid on the bed. Mitsuhide was right beside me making sure that I was okay, I think he feels guilty for injuring me but there's no doubt that they'll be healed soon.

"So what did you do in your hometown?"

"I was the towns blacksmith" "The prince didn't appreciate it though, he never gave me a proper pay for my work" I sighed. What's even worse is that I don't even have a job now.

"That's a pretty cool skill to have, I bet you could use it here as well" he smiled at me.

"I'm not going to settle down anywhere until I find that friend of mine," "what do you do Mitsuhide?" I looked at him with curiosity.

"I'm one of the princes close friends, I'm also his protector" "even though he's fully capable of protecting himself"

"Is he a good prince? the kind that cares for his subjects?"

"Yeah, of course, he's amazing" "but only prince, not king he has an elder brother who is becoming king"

"Isn't he at all jealous of the power?"

"Not at all, if anything he's happy he doesn't have the duty of a king" "he prefers to be free and have fun outside." "He gets in trouble a lot for leaving the palace gate without permission" Mitsuhide chuckled at the thought. This prince sounds amazing, a lot better that Raji. I want to meet him but I know that can't happen because I'm just a commoner. "Not only that but he's really handsome" "girls swoon over him all the time" Mitsuhide puffed his cheeks in annoyance. So this prince has the looks as well as the personality. Sounds like prince charming to me, I bet he and Shirayuki would get along just fine. The prince charming and the kind and graceful Shirayuki. Yeah, that sounds about right, a match made in heaven. I wonder who my prince charming will be? Will I even have the chance to get a prince charming? I chuckled at the delusion. No way.

"You two seem to get along" Kiki walked in staring at the two of us. I guess Mitsuhide and I do get along just fine. "So Y/N, tell us about this friend of yours" Kiki sat down on the edge of the bed.

"She's been my best friend ever since I met her" "I was dreadfully ill one day, on my deathbed actually and she helped me recover" "I owe her my life, so when she went missing from our town I had to find her and make sure she was alright,"

"What's her name? She sounds familiar"

"Her name is Shirayuki, she has-"

"Red hair like fresh apples right?" "and she knows herbs and plants well" Mistuhide butted in on the conversation. How did he know? Have they seen her!?"

"Yeah that's her with that unforgettable red hair" I sat up from my bed. Even though my back was in pain I was intent on listening.

"We found her in the exact same place we found you" "the prince asked her to become his concubine" I clenched my fists, so she did leave because of that idiotic prince.

"Where is she now?"

"She's at the palace with the prince." Time stopped. Of course, she's with the prince charming of Clarines. That beauty of hers will be timeless, she'll have boys swooning over her just like the prince has girls swooning of over him. Here comes that jealousy again, I wish I could be like her. I sighed and time resumed.

"Shirayuki sure has beauty doesn't she" I faked laughed, luckily they didn't see through it.

"Yeah, and I think Zen likes her as well" Mitsuhide smiled at Kiki. Kiki smiled back, so there's something between the prince and Shirayuki. Either way, I have to see her again in flesh and blood. I want to see her again just to make sure that she's alright, then I can move towns again and start anew but for now, I'll rest and make sure I can use my back for tomorrow. I'll be going to the palace for a quick visit.

I finally found her, I finally found Shirayuki.

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