| 12 | A New Bond

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In a medical bedroom {Within the palace gates}

Your POV 

I woke up in a nice soft bed in my white dress, although it was a bit dirty. Something must've happened yesterday and you can trust me to forget about it. I got out of bed feeling perfectly fine even though by the looks I was in a type of medical room. I slapped my cheek waking myself up and remembering what happened in the process. 

I got distracted by a baby bird stuck in a tree and then I decided to climb it even though the branches were thin and weren't prone to hold my weight. I was about to rescue that bird when the branch snapped. Yes, I remember now, I was such and idiot and I did it all in a dress to... in front of Zen, how embarrassing. I couldn't even walk so Zen had to help me that's even more embarrassing than him seeing me fall from a tree.

I walked outside of the room and Zen was leaning against the wall beside me. I wonder why he's here? 


"Oh, you're awake" "thank god you fell asleep when I was carrying you back to the casle" He sighed and hugged me tight into his chest. What's with all the sudden affection? "Ryu said you had a concussion and it might take you some time to wake up" Zen pulled away. 

"So you were worried..." My face started to turn red. 

"Hey, are you alright? are you sick?" Zen placed his hand on my forehead. 

"No, I'm not alright! If I remember correctly you left with rescuing that baby bird and you left my boot behind" I started to yell at him changing the topic. He was taken back by my sudden outburst but that what he gets for leaving a cute creature in danger. 

"Okay, I'll go and find your boots as well as the baby bird and bring them back" Zen turned on his heel and left without another word. 

"I-I'm coming with you!" I yelled and chased after him. He slightly laughed at my persistence. 

"I'll be here to catch you if you fall again" 

"You think I'm climbing the tree again after yesterday" I gave him a deadly serious look. "You're climbing that thing, I'm gonna catch that baby bird if it falls" Zen sighed

Zen's thought - 'of course I'm climbing the tree but then again I don't want her to get hurt again'

At the forest Zen's POV

we found Y/N's boots but the baby bird was unfortunately not up in the tree. I thought this would happen and there's no use staying here. 

"it's not here, let's go" 

"w-we're just going to leave" "Zen it's a baby bird we can't just leave it!" "we have to look" Y/N started to inspect the area closely and kept listening to see if she could hear it, she's so persistent. I'll help her, that way we can find it quicker. 

Y/N and came across a small river and sat down beside it dipping her toes in the water. Has she given up? Y/N sighed. "I wonder where that little bird could be could be?" 

"maybe it learned to fly?" I came and sat down beside her. Both of us had lost hope when we heard a little chirp. 

"Th-that's it!" "that's the bird" she hoped up on her feet again feeling much more determined, how can one change moods so quickly? Y/N wandered around the are looking up in all trees to find the bird. she pointed up to a tree that overhung the river. 

'I'm going to have to climb that?'

"Zen you have to save her" she jumped up and down while pointing at the tree. 

"Calm down I'll get her just wait" I rolled up my sleeves and started to cautiously climb the tree, I don't want to fall in but if Y/N really wants that bird then I guess it's worth it. Y/N was watching the bird intently in case it fell, I wish she would care a bit more about me. 

"Zen, be careful don't fall in the river, it's cold water and the last thing you need is a cold" I was surprised at her words, so she does care. I must've scared the bird because it jumped off the tree luckily Y/N was there to catch it. "I' caught it Zen, don't worry" She looked at me and smiled with the bird laying cosy in her hands. I laughed in rejoice (victory???) as soon as I did there was a snap in the branch and before I knew it was in the water. "ZEN!" Y/N yelled after me. She was right, it's cold, really cold. I rushed out of the water as quick as I could and landed stomach down in front of her. She knelt beside me, "are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine" "Is the bird okay?" Y/N nodded her head, thank god it wasn't for nothing. I got up on my feet and walked ahead of Y/N drenching wet. she caught up to me and started up a conversation. 

"Zen, I think this is a boy" "can we name it?!" She's really excited 

"What do you want to call him" "your decision" 

"How about we name him Mitsu" 


"Yeah after Mitsuhide, he's been really kind to me so I think it would be cool to name him Mitsu" "or do you want a different name?" "would you prefer not to have two Mitsuhide's in the palace?" 

"Go ahead and call him Mitsu if you want" "I have nothing against it" 

"How about we call him Victor instead?" "you don't seem to like my other idea and besides you're the one who rescued him" She laughed and started to pat 'Victor'. She was cute when she was happy. Everyone gave us looks as we passed through the town, who wouldn't? they're seeing the prince who's drenched with water beside a palace blacksmith. As we passed the tavern she quickly ran in and came out with a blanket. Good thinking, now I won't freeze to death. 

Once we were back at the palace, Mitsuhide saw us both and came running over to us. 

"Hey, where did you two go?" "I was looking everywhere for you Y/N" 

"We went back to the forest to get my boots and rescue the baby bird" Y/N held up the bird to Mitsuhide, he seemed really happy around Y/N, I wonder if he likes her? 

"Hey Y/N, I know you had a concussion and all but I was wondering if you would teach me some of your moves with swords" Mitsuhide was asking her for a sword lesson!? 

"Count me in" I butted in on the conversation. Y/N looked a bit startled by the idea but she accepted. You know I think I might just be a bit jealous that Y/N is giving so much attention to Mitsuhide. 


I want to get to know my readers a bit more so I'm going to ask a question, what do you love most about Zen and why?

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