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Today Zen and I were going to have some time together to apologise for being so hard to handle with. It gives us more time to think about our feelings, although I already know I love him, he needs to think about how he feels for me. (total cringe)

The garden has nearly grown back, there are a few bushes here and there that still need to grow but overall the place is full of roses, tulips and carnations with our Gardenias growing in the mist of it all. Our Gardenias are the only ones that haven't bloomed, right now it's just a bush of green but when they do blossom they'll have the most beautiful scent.

"Hey Zen, do you think we could possibly build a lily pond here somewhere?" I wondered around the foresty area of the garden (I know foresty isn't a word but idc)

"Well if you want to, I guess we can make it happen" Zen laughed, I hope I'm not being too much of a burden.

"I'll build it all by myself" "I'll get the water and the plants, the rocks and I'll take care of it!"

"you don't have to do it alone, I don't want you to overwork yourself" "you're still sick from yesterday"

"No I'm not, I'm completely fine" my face went slightly red "thanks for looking after me yesterday as well, I would probably still be in bed without your and Shirayuki's help" "and sorry for causing so much trouble with Shiro and Angela the previous days... and also sorry for running out in the rain so suddenly..."

"don't apologise, I'm sorry for not coming on time to hear the confession, you wouldn't have gotten sick and Shiro wouldn't have gotten shot with the Arrow"

"but everything turned out fine" "I mean Shiro is heading back to Kensington today" "and Angela is no longer causing any more trouble"

"You're so positive all the time" "I wish I could have a mindset like yours"

"I don't always have a positive mind set, I was thinking about leaving Clarines when I found out you and Shirayuki were having fun together and I didn't want to disrupt that and I also had plans to leave after Angela had put me down through words"

"You're not actually going to leave are you!?"

"Calm down, no I'm not" "they were stupid reasons anyway, I know that I belong here in Clarines and nowhere else" I smiled at him, the sun shining on my face making his face turn slightly red.

"let's continue walking, what are you planning for the lily pond?"

"You mean we're actually going to make it!" "well if that's the case then it's just going to a pond of fresh water with fish and of course lilies and all the fish can be my pets"

"What about Victor?"

"we can bring him here and let him outside his, he can bathe in the pond" "beside he's growing up into a big bird so he'll have to leave his cage at some point soon" "but I'm sure he'll come back and visit this palace again"

"you never know he might bring back a family and have no time to play with you" I lightly punched him in the shoulder.

"of course, he'll let me play with him, I'm his adoptive mother after all"

"Adoptive mother?" Zen chuckled "if you say so"

"You two seem to be having fun together" we whipped our heads around to see Mitsuhide and Kiki.

"You better not be following us" Zen glared at them, Mitsuhide gulped in fear but remained posture.

"We would never to such a thing, Kiki and I were just taking a stroll together discussing some things about work" (One of my OTP's).

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