| 24 | Love Square

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~*~ Later that Night ~*~

I walked into Shiro's room, he's my new friend in this palace. He had two beds just like he said, I wonder why he has two beds. Perhaps there was someone else in this bedroom with him, his sister maybe. I'll ignore the question for now, I need some sleep, it's been an exhausting and depressing day but on the contrary I made progress with the investigation. Should I tell Zen? I don't even know if I can face him after what that girl said.

"those PJ's suit you" Shiro complemented me before getting into bed, I go in bed as well.

"Thanks" "goodnight and sweet dreams"

"dido" and with that, we both fell asleep.

Meanwhile Zen ~ At the same time

I was searching the whole castle for Y/N and I still couldn't find her. I couldn't stop worrying, it's painful. I haven't seen her at all today, why didn't I check up on her in the morning? What if the person has gotten to her? I sat down on the garden bench and ran my hand through my hair, I told her not to go anywhere without me or did she take that as a joke. I can't lose her now, I stood up again and continued to search for her. She must be around here somewhere, I looked back into the medical room but of course there was only two guards. I looked back in my chamber to see if she was just late to bed but no, she wasn't there either. I tried the library, the workshop, the garden =, my office but she wasn't there. I laid down in my bed and tried to go to sleep but I couldn't because I wasn't able to get the thought of Y/N missing out of my mind.

I'm not going to get any sleep tonight unless I know of Y/N's where abouts. There's nothing I can do at this time of night and then I remembered that she likes to visit Clarissa once in a while. She's probably over there for the night. Still knowing that fact I couldn't get to sleep because I hadn't seen her at all through the day.

~*~ Morning time ~*~

I sat up in my bed and looked over to Shiro who wasn't in bed anymore, he must've gotten up early to start making a breakfast suitable for the nobility of this castle. There was a knock on the door.

"come in" I jumped out of bed and stood towards the door, it was Shiro holding two plate of food. To my surprise, he made us breakfast. I scratched my neck "Shiro you didn't have to-"

"Don't mention it, I could tell that you were down in the dumps the other day so I made you this" he handed me a plate of (Your_Favourite_Breakfast) (even if it's fancy cereal... or fancy tuna XD). He could tell that I was sad, usually my emotion aren't easy to read to people I just met, I guess this guy has high social skills.

"Thank you" "This does a world of good" I began to eat on my bed. He is certainly a chef, a good chef at that. It's just as good as the breakfast I shared with Zen that morning. I didn't appreciate the memories but it was nice to have a teat. I'll have to repay Shiro back somehow, someday and after this debt is repaid I can leave Clarines and start anew again. I finished my breakfast and Shiro kindly took them back to the kitchen while I got showered and changed into my work clothes. I have a new sheet of orders to fill from the palace. When Shiro had come back to the room I was already away working in the work shop.

I hammered on the hot metal just like I always have but this time I was hitting it extra hard venting all my anger and frustration, knowing that Zen and I will never be together. It breaks my heart but I can always dream.

"Y/N!" I looked up and saw Zen walking or more like stomping towards me. What did I do to make him upset? "Where were you last night" he whispered/yelled

"I was sleeping in a different room"

"What room?" "You should've told me I got worried that you had been attacked"

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