| 4 | Kiki and Mitsuhide

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I loved writing this chapter, I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Your P.O.V

I woke up to an extremely bright sun, my eyes were so used to the dark from last night it made it hard for me to adjust to the new light. I blinked quite a few times, the sunlight peeked through the trees, I can now see why someone would want to build a house right here. Such a beautiful scenery.

I stood up and stretched, my legs were feeling drowsy. What happened last night? I remembered. I met the two guards and disarmed one of them with my sword while they were talking. They were running after me but I escaped then I found this house meaning that they are still searching for me maybe. I should probably forget them and start to head off again on my journey to find Shiryuki. That was my plan until I heard a small sound from a distance away. I gripped my sword tightly. It couldn't possibly be the guards.

Someone came running towards me in the distance, a girl with blonde hair... so it wasn't the guards from last night, and sadly not Shirayuki. She saw you in the distance and stopped running, her eyes were full of surprise, I let my guard down and let my sword dangled from my hands, strange looks were passed between us until a boy with blue hair with an undercut came running past her.

"HAHA I BEAT YOU!" he yelled as he ran past her, blinded by my presence he ran right into me, my sword went flying out of my hand and hit the brick wall behind me.

I was laying on the ground with a blue-haired boy on top of me, defenceless. The Blondie came charging for me and kicked the boy off of me, I was kind of grateful for that, I was starting to get uncomfortable but instead of helping me up she pulled out her sword and held it underneath my chin, my eyes widened and kept a focus on the tip of the sword.

"H-hey," I said gulping down my nerves.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" She said moving her sword closer to my throat. She's so uptight, what got her so angry? This is probably their home or something and misunderstood me for an intruder. I don't want to resort violence but I think I may have to however these guys look way more experience with a sword than what I am.

"I c-came looking for a friend," I said truthfully as you lifted up my finger to move the sword away from my chin, any closer and the sword may have pierced my throat, I didn't want that to happen just yet. I stood up slowly not wanting any tension to grow, all I needed was my sword then I was good. When they least expected it I dived for my sword, the girl had her sword pointing at my back, I could feel her smirking.

"you're too slow" I spun around and disarmed her with one strike, her sword flung far behind her.

"and you let your guard down too easily" I now had the upper hand, "don't get so cocky next time." My word turned right back on me. I shouldn't get so cocky either. I felt a sharp, painful slash against my back. I screamed in pain and dropped my sword falling to the ground. I forgot about the other boy. The blue haired boy now had his sword pointing at my back.

"Okay, okay calm down this isn't a battle to the death you know, my name's Y/N. I came here looking for my friend, you have to believe me" I pleaded them. I was laying flat on the ground with a huge tear in my coat.

"how can we trust you!"

"because um..." I was speechless, they were no way I could tell them that I wasn't lying. "you can't trust me!" "I have no evidence" "But honestly from my heart, I am telling the truth"

"then why did you try to kill us?"

"Well, you're the one who was pointing your sword at me first!" I yelled

"she has a point Kiki" The blue hair boy sighed and put his sword away.

"Alright fine, my name's Kiki, this is Mitsuhide, sorry for the misunderstanding," Kiki said picking up her sword and placing it inside her case, however, her hand hovered above it as if she was ready to strike at any time. They invited me inside and offered to treat the wounds that Mitsuhide kindly gave me.

"I'm sorry for this wound, your lucky that you had that coat on, it would've been worse if you hadn't been wearing it" Mistuhide pulled down my shirt after bandaging it up.

"So you came looking for a friend huh?" I nodded my head at Kiki's question. "You ran away from your hometown?" I nodded my head again.

"Wow, you have some guts" Mistuhide chuckled. "We'll get into the details later, how about we take you back to our town and you can rest there for a bit before telling us about yourself"

"Are you sure, I would rather continue to look for my friend-"

"Right now you need to rest in a proper room" I sighed. So the journey in on hold for a day. Damn it, I need to find her as soon as I can, I'm sorry Shirayuki.   

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