| 22 | Protection

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About the picture, I'm sorry but I found it and I needed to share it~ I've finally worked out how to put pictures up although I doubt I'll put any on in the future. 


Zen rushed to get the guards, he was determined to find this person. For you, for the kingdom and for everyone's safety. It was obvious that this person was aiming at you but why? What had you done to make someone so mad? Zen couldn't think of any reason or any person that would harm you, of course, the royal douche bag, Raji in the neighbouring country could have something to do with it but he would be too scared after Zen threatened him with Shirayuki.

I have to protect everyone in this kingdom – Zen

I'm causing trouble, what happens if they hurt Zen! – You


Your POV

I have to do an investigation myself, I can't let my presence cause any more trouble otherwise I'll just become more of a burden. I sat up and walked to the bathroom washing my hands, I watched the blood run down the drain. I wonder who this guy hurt just to freak me out. I wonder if they're dead or if it was just a cut. I grabbed the letters that were stored in Zen's office and then I went to the library that had some decent light.

I first investigated the letters, the handwriting thinking of any other similar writing, looking for any symbols that he may have left on the street to see if he was a part of a group. I did find that both letters had different handwriting. The first on I received isn't as cursive as the second one. Of course, that could just be coincidence but the second one would have been done by a woman whereas the first one who has been done by a man. I bit my thumb, so this is a crime done by two people.

It would have to be someone in the castle because if they had entered the castle to do this then the guards would've seen them, therefore, they must be inside this palace. I thought of everyone who would have a grudge on me but I haven't done anything in this palace to upset anyone.

"Y/N?" "What are you doing here you should be asleep in bed" Shirayuki came into the library and sat down beside me, I quickly hid the letters in my lap. "you look exhausted, go to bed". It was true, I was tired but the person is scaring me, I need to find out who they are.

"I have to find out who set the fire"

"Don't worry about them, they haven't done anything else to us" I got confused, does she not know about the letters, did Zen not tell anyone. Of course, he didn't, I mentally slapped myself. If he did tell everyone it would cause panic around the kingdom so it's best to keep this to the royalty of this country and of course me, the victim.

"You're right but I'm scared they're going to try something else" "I just want to know how they are so they can't try something else"

"Y/N, did you ever think that maybe the fire was an accident? Not all fires are on purpose I know that what happened to you in the past was traumatising but you need to let go of that fear" "it'll rule you one day, I don't want you to be taken over by fear" I gulped at the little lecture Shirayuki gave me. I know the fire wasn't an accident so how am I meant to let it go? Should I tell her about the threat but before I did that I realised something that I should've asked first up.

"Shirayuki, was anyone cut the other day?" This question sounds totally not suspicious.

"Cut? You mean with a dagger?" "in the kitchen, it might happen a lot, why do you ask?" she eyed me suspiciously. I don't want to drag her into this.

"I just saw some blood on the ground, near the kitchen yeah, of course, how could I be so dumb" "by accident" I fake laughed and scratched my head, hopefully, she fell for that. I'm relieved she wasn't hurt.

"Y/N! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Shirayuki turned her head in surprise and then put her fingers to her lips.

"Shush" "this is a library Zen respect the rules"

"Oh sorry Shirayuki, I've come to collect Y/N she's meant to be asleep by this time" Zen glared at me, I sunk into my seat, most likely he knows what I was doing here. "come on you need to rest" Shirayuki slightly giggled. "You two sure like each other don't you" My face went red, I pointed my finger at her accusingly.

"I-it's not like that, Zen is just taking care of me" Zen looked a little disappointed with my accusation.

"Say what you want, have a good night sleep you two" Shirayuki bowed and left Zen and me alone together. I could've sworn I saw her wink at me before she left. As soon as she was away Zen instantly started to talk.

"What are you doing with the letters?" "You shouldn't focus on them, just leave everything to me" "I'll protect you"

"Zen, I want to help-"

"I know you want to help but I can't put you in danger, the front gate guards were attacked, one stabbed and the other knocked out" "they're both fine and recovering in the medical room"

"Did they see who attack them?!"

"they were too exhausted to answer" "we'll speak to them once they wake up tomorrow" I nodded my head slowly in disappointment, I should tell him my findings even if they don't mean much. Zen started to walk away out of the library, naturally, I followed him.

"I think it is a man and a woman who did this" He turned his head and looked at me. "At least that's what the hand writing suggests anyway" He walked up beside me and sighed.

"Thank you for the information, I'll try and use it" he placed his hands on my shoulders and hugged me close. My head rested on his chest. "now, please let me do the work this time" I nodded my head in disappointment. I can't believe I'm going to have to sit around and do nothing. I didn't like this and I wasn't intending to sit down and watch Zen do the investigating. I'll make sure he trusts me, I'll show him that I don't need super protection. We walked back to his chamber and went to sleep together again.

I thought I wouldn't get to sleep again but it turns out that with Zen it's a lot easier, I guess it's because I feel safe around him. He's someone I know I can trust and depend on, I hope he'll be by my side for a little longer because who knows if we might split ways...


I found it hard to start off this chapter based on the last chapter because my stupid writer's block ヽ('⌒'メ)ノ
but now I think its gone! (*≧ω≦*) This is an easy chapter to start off of again so I have the whole story planned out in my head basically. I still need to make that relationship between you and Zen strong. Love, at first sight, isn't really my thing, I still need to establish the trust in this relationship because what's a romantic royal relationship without trust? What's any relationship without trust? so let's use character development soon! Sorry for the rant, love ya'll and I know this is late but I realised this 1.1k votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG YASSSSSS I'M SO HAPPY THAT MY STORY IS LOVED!!!!! Anyway, I'm going to bed and dreaming about Haikyuu!! + Yuri!!! on Ice because Victuri is life... WE WERE BORN TO SHIP VICTURI!!!

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