| 25 | Trust Bonds

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Zen's POV

I just need to prove that they're the ones who attacked this kingdom and then everything can be perfect and I can tell Y/N that I love her, I just hope that Shiro doesn't get to her before I do. I walked to the library, most likely where Y/N would be. I peeked inside and surely enough she was there sitting on a chair reading a book.

"Hey Y/N" she looked up from her book and smiled at me but it was an empty smile, what have I done to make her this upset?

"hello Zen" "did you and Shiro sort it out?" Y/N knows that we didn't like each other.

"you can't trust Shiro, he and his sister are the ones who are responsible for everything that's happening" Y/N slightly gritted her teeth.

"Zen, I know, you have to trust me" "I know what I'm doing"

"I don't think you do, you don't know what you're getting yourself into" "he's heir to the throne in Kensington" "he has a lot of power"

"I know!" "Zen, trust me, please" I was taken aback by her attitude, she's so stubborn but I never expected to raise her voice at me. "Just wait, in a few days I'll explain" she shut the book and walked out the library. I know I should trust her but for me to do that, I need to know what she's doing.

Your POV

I walked out of the library straight past Zen. It hurt to raise my voice at him but I honestly do know what I'm doing. I know that Shiro and his sister are behind everything, Zen has it all correct but I want to do this myself. I want to prove that I can take care of myself and now that I know they're behind everything I realised that what Angela said was just giving me a motive to leave. The words are still imprinted in my mind though and I know they were meaningless but they still pierce a hole in my heart. Sure, Shirayuki may be smarter than me, cuter than me and prettier but I am not just some lowly commoner, I'm better than Shirayuki at many things, everyone has their own talents.

I'm certain that Zen and I have something more than just a friendship, of course I don't know that for sure but the way he acts around me it would point to it.

I bumped into Shiro on my way back to the bedroom. "I thought you would be around here somewhere" he smiled at me kindly. I'll get Shiro to talk about his crimes with his sister to me and when he does I'll make sure Zen is around to hear. Zen just needs to put his faith into me that I'll be all right.

~*~ The next morning ~*~

This morning I woke up before Shiro, surprisingly he had decided to stay with me for the night despite his status and the fact that he has a chamber of his own with his sister Angela. I quietly left the room and Zen was outside waiting for me. "good morning Zen" "do you need something?"

"did he do anything to you?" "I can't have you getting hurt"

"I'm really happy that you're worrying for me-"

"Morning prince Zen" the two of them glared at each other, I'm so certain that Zen likes me but this needs to stop. As much as I love Zen I can't have him interfering with this plan, I hope he doesn't take any of my future actions to seriously.

"Can't you two just get along" "Zen, I'm fine" "Shiro you're provoking him somehow, stop" Shiro sighed and put his hand around my shoulder.

"Y/N is right" "we should start to get along" he smirked at Zen provoking him even more.

2nd person POV

Zen's blood boiled when Shiro touched you he wanted to trust you but he couldn't around him. "Zen! There you are, I've been looking for you" the three of you turned your heads to Angela.

"Sister, what a surprise to see you here" Shiro walked up to Angela and stood by her side, she gave you a nasty glare but gave Zen a happy smile. "Zen, Angela I believe you two have an appointment together" Shiro grabbed your hand and dragged you away, just like Zen has done with you many times. Shiro had walked you all the way over to a garden fountain, the two of you sat on the edge next to each other. "My sister has had eyes on Zen ever since she came to Clarines" "I could tell her plan in seducing him wasn't going to work because I knew he had eyes for a certain someone in this castle already" Shiro eyed you. Your cheeks went slightly red, "If you haven't gotten it yet, I mean you"

"Don't talk about us like that" "we're just friends, I think you mistook me for Shirayuki"

"Ah Shirayuki of course" "the red head pharmacist" "she's beautiful, Zen had his eyes on her for a day or two before you came" your face reddens even more, what is he trying to do? "do you love Zen?"

"I don't know if I should" I bit my thumb.

"Because he is a loved prince" "because he loved your best friend" "Because you don't have a proper status" "are those the reasons why you think you shouldn't love him? I mean Shirayuki did meet him first"

"Ye-yes those are the reasons why" you shamefully put your head down, Shiro came in front of you and tilted your chin upwards to look him in the eyes.

"Then forget your feelings for Zen and start anew with me" "you may not love me at first but I will win your heart"

"get your hands off her" Zen rushed over to you and Shiro and grabbed his wrist off of your chin. "do not touch her, I know what you're up too"

"Zen, shouldn't you be with my sister right now, you do have business to discuss with her" Shiro smirked at him again. "I'm having a discussion with Y/N can't you see" Zen hissed and took off in defeat, I wonder what this business is with Angela that he has.

"Zen!" "they were having a discussion" "I told you shouldn't have interrupted them" Angela slid her hands around Zen's shoulders, he didn't like the gesture. Angela was Shiro's half-sister, they loved each other to infinity but no matter how much she was accepted into the family she would never become a queen besides Shiro's side unless she of course married a king that is not her own her kin and Shiro is the obvious heir to the throne, some say that he will rule with an iron fist and others say he'll rob the country of its wealth. Their father, the king of Kensington, is allies with Zen's elder brother and present king of Clarines Izana. "Zen, do you love Y/N?"

"I love her and I tell her when the time is right"

"are you sure you should fall in love with her" Angela's piercing emerald eyes gazed into Zen's, he couldn't look away. "I mean your friend, Mitsuhide he did see her first and I heard that they have quite the friendship not only that but my brother is out for her love" "who's to say she won't choose them and leave you"

"I'm not saying anything about her feelings, I can't say she loves me but I can't say that she loves your brother or my close companion"

"You're so stubborn, can't you see Zen" "I'm right in front of you, Y/N isn't suited for you she doesn't even have a spark in her eyes when she looks at you"

"I can see you very clearly Angela but I don't love you, I love Y/N and it's going to stay that way" Zen gently took Angela's arms off his shoulders and bowed to her in apology rejecting her love. Out of spite Angela started to yell.

"WELL WHAT IF SHE REJECTS YOU! WHAT IF EVERYONE ABANDONS YOU!" Zen stood up straight listening to everything she was saying. Angela slapped Zen, "do you know what it feels like to be rejected?" "I was rejected from the throne because of my own blood" Angela started to cry and hugged Zen tightly. "All I want is for you too love me and if I can't have you then no one can" "Y/N will never love you and nor will Shirayuki you'll have no one" Angela stormed away. Zen sighed and sat down in his chair holding his head in his hands. What is he going to do now? The words that Angela had spoken, they were true, Y/N may reject him when he says those three words but that's the worst he did fear you falling in love with Shiro and that was something that he was not going to allow. Shiro will not have your heart.

Sorry this update was an hour late! I had no access to technology at all! :( thanks for reading :) have a great day

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