| 28 | Sickness

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A/N: Enjoy the much-delayed chapter - sorry it isn't really edited I just rushed to get it published


I wrapped myself in blankets while asleep. My face was red and I was sweating a waterfall, the water in the fountain must've not been to kind on me. I sat up straight in my bed and sneezed, it would seem as if I have a cold. Damn there goes work for another day. Should I let Zen know? I should probably get Shirayuki to give me some medicine and that way I won't spread this disgusting cold of mine. I stepped off my bed and holding my head in pain. I could barely get changed let alone walk without feeling light headed. I managed to make it over to her without fainting thankfully.

"Y/N, what's wrong you look... drowsy" I sarcastically laughed. '

"You think so" "wow I haven't noticed" I rolled my eyes.

"You're sick aren't you"

"Stop stating things that are obvious" "c-can you please help?"

"Of course," Shirayuki helped me walk over to the medical room and laid me down on the bed placing a cold towel over my forehead.

"Thanks, Shirayuki" "Can you do me a favour and not tell Zen about this" "he might not be too happy with me being sick and all"

"How did you get sick anyway" My breath hitched, crap I forgot she doesn't know about last night, it should stay that way too.

"I fell into the fountain water at night and maybe caught a cold"

"Y/N! You have to be more careful" "you'll get hurt one day and I might not be able to heal you"

"You'll be able to heal anything Shirayuki" "you should stop doubting yourself, you are after all going to become a court herbalist someday"

"Thanks, you're always so supportive of me"

"What's all this about healing?" Zen walked into the room and saw me laying down on the bed. Well there's goes that secret that I was meant to keep.

"Sorry Y/N looks like he is going to find out" Shirayuki chuckled cutely like she always does.

"Would you stop saying the obvious" I may have spoken a little too loud because I had a coughing fit right after.

"Hey Y/N don't speak so much" "You're sick, right?" Zen knelt beside me, I nodded my head slowly. "Then rest so I can treat you to a surprise" he smiled at me making me blush. Shirayuki handed me a tiny cup of purple liquid.

"Shirayuki, are you sure that this isn't poison?" I hesitantly held the tiny cup.

"I'm sure now drink it, it'll get rid of the germs" she pushed it towards me

"whatever you say Shirayuki" "whatever you say" I reluctantly drank the liquid, it had a horrible taste, I had a hard time keeping it down. I placed the small cup on the small table beside me and sighed. Thank god, I didn't throw up in front of Zen.

"See, it wasn't that bad" I started to feel slightly lighted and my vision started to blur. Is this a side effect?

"Shirayuki, are you sure this was the right type of medicine?" I shut my eyes and laid my head back on the pillow.

"Yes, I'm sure" "what's the matter, is something wrong with it?"

"Well, I'm not sure if I can stay awake from much longer" my vision blurred even more, I looked over to Zen and saw him starting to worrying just before everything went black.

Zen's POV

Y/N took the medicine and laid her head back down on the pillow, is everything alright? She must be tired, I guess being sick does that to you. I'll stay by her side today too, this is after partly my fault that she is feeling like this. If only I had made it to the fountain on time, well, what matters is that Shiro will no longer be bothering me or Y/N and I can finally start thinking about or future together in the palace.

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