| 14 | Philia

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Philia - Deep Friendship


I was beat after last nights training with Mitsuhide. It was fun though, I learned a few new skills too and I improved. I might even be able to beat Zen straight up now. I don't really want to fight him though in case he takes it the wrong way, the last thing I need is to be on his bad side.

Today I have to do more training with them since I was meant to train with Mitsuhide as well as Zen. I sighed and opened the bird cage I created. Victor still couldn't fly but he could certainly jump, at least he isn't all helpless. I kept on looking at him, I wonder what bird type he is, maybe I should visit the library later today. I shouldn't procrastinate because I'll probably just forget. I got out of my sleep wear and left my room, I'm running out of things to wear I only have a set of normal clothes and this dirty white dress I'm wearing now. I should really go shopping sooner or later, I need to stop procrastinating.

As I wondered around the castle I couldn't help but admire how big it was. There were paintings hung up and portraits of previous kings and queens, they were all so pretty. You could tell that they were all royalty, I think all royalty are naturally born pretty because they were born to lead the world. Some however weren't born with leadership skills and others ruled with an iron fist leading their countries to victory. It made me think what kind of king Zen would be, I bet he would be one of the best kings this country have seen and Shirayuki would be such a caring queen ruling beside him. I would probably mess a lot of things up and in the easiest of situations I would make the most obvious mistake. I laughed at myself.

I must've gotten too distracted by the paintings because I've ended up lost in the long corridors of this all aspiring palace. I wonder how one would make their way through this place? Royalty or nobles would have a good memory if they spend their lives here. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a shopping centre in here. Does that mean Shirayuki was born to become royalty, she has to looks, the personality and the memory. I guess she was born to live in a palace with a prince.

Then it hit me, am I allowed in the main part of the palace. I'm a blacksmith and I do have my own living quarters but I don't know if there are sections that are restricted. I'm going to get in big trouble if I'm found. I looked left and right, I should've ask Zen or Mitsuhide to come with me. I walked the way I came but I couldn't remember the turns that I took. If worse comes to worse then I can just escape through a window, considering the height I am now,  if I fell I doubt my heart would be working. Still, that's last resort.

I heard footsteps around the corner and I dashed behind a pillar on the side of the room. Why do castles have pillars anyway? Does it help the roof stay stable or is it there for show? The man who past me was defiantly a noble. I think nobles in Clarines reside in the palace with other higher ups and the workmen have their own living quarters on the bottom floor of the castle. I wonder what kind of room they have? I bet it's massive and then Zen's room is even bigger because he's a prince. Once the noble past I was free to move around again, it would be useful if I knew where to go. All I have to do find in the star case leading down and then I'm cool.

After about 20 minutes of walking around and hiding from everyone who past I was about to give up and resort to going out an open window when luckily Zen came to my rescue.

"Y/N what are you doing in this part of the castle?"

"I was trying to find the library but I got lost while looking at all the paintings" I fiddled with my fingers. This was so embarrassing, why do I always have to embarrass myself in front of Zen?

"The library is a little walk away from here, I'll show you" He gestured for me to follow him so I did. I walked beside him the whole way without talking, it was a peaceful silence. I got to admire his features a little closer as well, I realised that he was a lot more handsome than I had made him out to be first time I met him. I especially love his white hair and his blue eyes. They were so beautiful. Now that I've said all that I might as well just say that I love him but then I remember that Shirayuki is his queen, not me. 

The library was massive, enormous.  I wouldn't be surprised if I got lost in here as well, now I just need to find the bird books, if I know what type of bird Victor is then I can understand how he fly's, hunts and his diets. I hope I was right that he was boy, usually when it comes to animals the boys are colourful and the females not so much. Victor had a white and brown chest with a blue back, I would include that as colourful. I still couldn't get the thought out of my head, seeing Shirayuki and Zen standing together in love, it made me jealous that Shirayuki got everything I wanted.

"Zen, do you know where the bird books are?" I stayed happy despite the previous heartbreaking realization.

"Yeah, I think there just over here" he grabbed my hand making me blush, why does he have to make me feel this way? "You have to climb the latter" "and I hate to break it to you but I'm not climbing this time" I huffed at his teasing

"I was going to do it myself anyway" I stuck out my tongue at him, I can do it without his help anyway. I started to climb the ladder, this reminded me of the tree. I was in the same dress and I kicked off my boot because I can't really climb with those things on. I hope he doesn't see up my dress, that would be even more embarrassing than falling again. I looked down from where I was, I wasn't too high up but I bound to get a concussion again if fell. Let's not jinx myself.

I scanned the book shelf for any explaining the birds in Clarines. I found it and it was just a little to the right. I just need to shift the ladder a bit, I'm going to ask Zen because I'm too scared that I'll be clumsy again. I looked down to see Zen and Shirayuki happily chatting away, damn of course she steals his attention. Why am I even complaining? It was bound to happen sometime, I might as well not even bother to get his attention. I reached over to my right so I could grab the book but I accidently lost balance and fell just like I predicted.


Zen's POV

I was watching Y/N as she climbed up the ladder. The higher she got the more worried I became maybe I should've climbed up there instead of her, I know how clumsy she is when it comes to heights. Shirayuki came into the library to return some books and she asked me what was going on. I got side tracked from watching Y/N to talking to Shirayuki about how her exam was going, I should stop getting side track all the time.

I looked back over to Y/N as she was trying to reach a book slightly to her right. Her hand slipped and her foot work went out of control, she fell. This time I wasn't going to let her fall on the ground. I can't let her get hurt again.

"Y/N!" I ran and caught her in the nick of time. We both sighed in relief, she looked like an angle in my arms with her white dress fluttering ever so lightly. Although you could call her a fairy as well, always in that dress and exploring the garden without a second thought. What am I saying? I'm pretty sure she likes Mitsuhide anyway, someone like her doesn't deserve  prince like me, a knight would suit Y/N and Mitsuhide is most definitely a knight.


The comments on the last chapter were so uplifting thank you to everyone! I hope I'm writing the story to your standards and that you're enjoying the story so far. Thanks for the reads an the votes! love you my angles ♥ or fairies ♥ 

♦ P.S ♦ This is our biggest chapter yet with a total of 1459 words, excluding this authors note. REJOICE

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