| 18 | The Blue Dress

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~*~ the next day ~*~

I woke up in the medical room again, I don't want to sleep in here for much longer. I need a normal room again, Victor doesn't seem to like it either because he keeps on making noises through the night. 

I'll have to worker harder today so we can get the building finished and I can move back into my room again. Of course, it's a dangerous idea because the fire was aimed at me but the palace guards are doing everything in their power to find the one responsible. I'll give the person a nice long chat when I find them. 

I walked outside in the same dirty dress, it doesn't even look white anymore and I really have nothing else to change into, my normal white shirt and brown pants are in the wash right now. They're my work clothes. I'll put work off and go shopping for some more clothes, no more procrastinating. I don't want Zen to see me leaving either otherwise he might think I'm slacking off. So I snuck outside the palace gates (Sneaky Ninja XD) and walked off towards the markets. Hopefully, they have good clothes like the ones Clarrisa's granddaughter has. 

I arrived at the market and looked around for the clothes, they were all so pretty but I need something that I can work in, not something to show off my features. I could greedy today though and get another dress, they do after all make me feel good about myself. I thought for a little while but the shop keeping interrupted me by pushing a dress towards me. 

"you seem to be having trouble" "here, this one will look perfect on you" I hesitantly took it and walked over to the changing rooms (this shop has one okay) I walked out wearing a blue, short sleeves dress. It wasn't like the white one I had this one was more suited for a day on the beach. 

"I-I really like it" I felt the fabric. 

"You can have it, discount" I handed the lady money and walked off wearing my new dress. I started to feel a little guilty because I wasn't meant to buy a new dress I was meant to buy some awesome new work clothes. My sweatdropped, Zen is probably going to say I'm slacking. 

Zen's POV

I walked into the medical room to see Y/N in the morning, I'm going to invite her to breakfast again. I walked in and she wasn't there maybe she already went to go and work. I walked to her workhouse and she wasn't there, I was starting to worry what if the person who started the fire had gotten to her?! I ran to Mitsuhide and asked if he had seen her today, he hasn't seen her at all. Damn, what about Shirayuki? I did the same with her as I did to Mitsuhide, she hasn't seen her around either. 

I wonder where she could be? Maybe I should go and visit that tavern, she could be helping over there. I walked outside the palace gates. 

"Prince Zen, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find Y/N" "did she pass you guys this morning?" 

"no, sorry " I gritted my teeth, so she hasn't gone outside the palace gates. Where could she possibly be? I walked back into the medical room and went up to Victor. This is stupid but worth a try. I put my face up to the cage. 

"Victor do you know where Y/N went?" he started to chirp, I can't understand bird language. Why did I even think that this was a good idea? Victor started to peak at the cage door, fine I'll open it. He hopped out and bounced around the room, what is he doing? He made his way over to the closet and started to peck at the wood. 

I opened it up and it was completely empty, doesn't she have clothes? Now that I think about she only wears that dress and I'm pretty sure after the forest it got really dirty. She should get new clothes... and then it hit me. She's at the market buying new clothes but the guards didn't see her pass. Well, I know that she is on the market, well at least that's what Victor is trying to say... I think. 

I walked past the palace gates and the guards didn't even bother to ask me what I was doing. I know they said she hadn't past but I'll put my trust into Victor for now. Once outside the palace gates, I went straight to the clothes market. As I was walking through the crowd I saw Y/N in the distance. I have never seen such a prettier girl in my lifetime, a smile graced her face and the dress swayed with each step she took. My face turned red just by looking at her. 

"Zen" She stopped in front of me "Zen, are you alright you won't say anything" 

"U-uh well, I just got worried" "tell me where you're going next time" 

"Sorry, I didn't know you would be searching for me" "thank you for your worries"

"I honestly thought that the person who had set the fire had gotten to you" "I want you to be careful, I might just have to walk you everywhere until I catch that delinquent" 

"I'll have you know I can take care of myself" 

Your thought: 'It would be kinda nice to have him around often, though' 

"I-I didn't mean it like that, I just want to make sure you're safe" "I would never forgive myself if you got hurt in my own kingdom" Her face turned a slight shade of pink. 

"W-well lets go back to the castle, I should get back to work and get my clothes off the line" "I don't want this dress to get ruined like the other one" I scratched the back of my neck and looked away from her to save me the embarrassment of my blushing. 

"The dress really suits you" "you should wear it more often now that you have it" 

"You really think so" "okay, I'll wear it when I can" she grabbed my hand and happily pulled me towards the castle. I love her, someday I'll have to tell her but I don't think I will now. I don't think she even loves me, she seems to enjoy Mitsuhides company. I wonder what her feeling are towards him, I should stop thinking about that. Right now I should enjoy the time I have with Y/N. 


This chapter was uneventful, I'll make up for it in the next chapter, I promise and your reward for being a sneaky ninja once again is a watermelon or a biscuit. Your choice. Sorry about the leave, everything is sorted out with my friend and it turns out she'll be moving away, it makes me sad but I know it's not a goodbye, I'll be seeing her again in Easter! shoutout to her and I hope she has a great time in Brisbane. I'm not sure how consistent update will be but I'll try my best. 

Love you, my angles I shall see you in te next chapter! ♥ Sorry for the rant in this chapter *hands you a cookie* ♥♥♥

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