| 11 | The New Blacksmith in Town

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Clarines The next day 7:00 am

Rumours had spread like wildfire, everyone knew about how you were the new blacksmith in town. Unfortunately someone also told everyone about how I fought against Zen and the palace guards and do apparently 'won'. This rumour damaged Zen's reputation as most people thought he should be stronger. You are seen as the towns strongest swordsman but you disagreed with the title. You didn't actually defeat Zen, Kiki and Mitsuhide had distracted him for a split second and you got the upper hand. Since you have warmed up to the town you decided it was best to get used to the land of Clarines. So you were going to explore for some time.

You don't reside in the tavern anymore either. Since you are now one of Clarines palace workman you have living quarters in the castle, you still visit Clarissa and sometimes help her out with business if you aren't busy. As a congratulation gift, Clarissa had given you the white and gold dress that you wore on your first days here in Clarines.

Your POV

I woke up in my new living quarters in the castle. I was only a small room but it had a book shelf a desk, a clothes closet and a bathroom so I would consider it to be quite luxurious.  I brushed my teeth and got into the same white dress and gold rim/belt I walked out of my living quarters with my head held high, I felt really good in this dress. I passed Mitsuhide and he complemented me on my looks, he's so kind to me, I wonder if he still feels guilty about the injury? I shook off the thought and continued on my way out of the palace. I walked past the palace gates and bowed to the guards. I still have to do something special for them.

It was nice and cool under the shade of the trees, I kept walking deeper and deeper into the forest. I came across an apple tree, I took a bite of an apple. It was so fresh and sweet. The atmosphere in Clarines is much more happier and relaxing than the one in Tanbarun even though these are technically the same woods. I don't know if it's possible but everything is more colourful in Clarines, I think that's how you would describe it. I got easily worn out after walking for and hour or so and decided to rest in the shade of a near by tree.

I woke up where I fell asleep, the sun beamed through the tree branches, it was so relaxing, not a trouble in the world. I got up and stretched, I should probably head back to town now, I might have new orders to make something in that work shop of mine. I was walking back when I heard a few chirps of a baby bird I looked around. It was stranded up in a tree, I can't just leave it here, I need to help it. I shook off my shoes and started to climb the tree, the things I do for nature.  

Zens POV

I was running into the forest not looking behind me. I decided to have a little time off desk work if you know what I mean. Shirayuki was busy taking the court herbalist exam so I couldn't talk to her or anything. Shirayuki is beautiful and she's kind, she respects my decisions and the things I do as a prince, she doesn't judge Y/N is exactly the same, she's beautiful, smart and kind and she teats me like a person, not royalty which means a lot more to me than anyone would expect. Ever since my childhood, being a prince has cause a lot of havoc for my life.

In the far distance I could see a figure of white up in a tree. It was obviously a girl, what was she trying to reach? I looked up and there was a little bird lying on the branch tip. It was frighten and possibly couldn't fly. As I walked closer I realised that it was Y/N. Why is she even bothering with this? I walked towards her, I should help. I didn't get there soon enough though, Y/N lifted up her foot to go higher but the branch was unstable and the branch underneath her foot collapsed. I ran towards her in an attempt to catch her but like I said, I was to late. The good thing was that she was still conscious but didn't look to well.

I leaned over her small frame laying on the ground and looked at her in the eyes she looked right back. I sighed, I held out my hand for her to get up but she rejected the offer and got up herself only to fall right into my arms.

"My head doesn't feel so good" She moaned and pulled away from me, pressing her palm against her forehead. I rolled my eyes at her stubbornness, I'll have to carry her home if she can't walk. She probably has a concussion so it's normal for her to feel dizzy. I picked her up bridal style since she probably wouldn't get on my back.

"Wh-what are you!?" "I can walk by myself!" I continued to carry her back to castle despite her complaining. I arrived back to the castle, the guards straight away opened the gates for me so I could walk straight through. Mitsuhide came running up to me, first angry at me for running away again but then he realised I was carrying Y/N and stopped. He asked what happened and I told him she fell out of a tree and couldn't walk.

I have to take her to Ryuu's office to make sure that she's okay and not severely injured. Jeeze her first day as a workman in the palace and she already goes and gets herself hurt. I wonder if she did that at Tanbarun as well, if so then Shirayuki probably took care of her a lot hence why they are friends now.


There you guys go another chapter! I hope I'm not boring you, anyway, please tell me what I could do to improve my writing more, Thanks! 

btw this chapter has been changed a lot, the first versions of this was when you got poisoned, the second version was when you were knocked unconscious by a falling branch but now I have come up with the perfect scenario for the readers personality I mean who doesn't like climbing trees? (personally I don't like climbing them but oh well)

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