| 31 | Happy Ending

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Previously ~ (Shirayuki's POV)

"Remember what you said in the garden with me today?" she stared at me wide-eyed. "You said that you could do it if Zen was by your side" "Zen will always be by your side for as long as he lives" Y/N's eyes stared to burn with determination.

"Well then we better get going then" and with that, we both sprinted off towards the forest. Please still be there by the time we get there!


Your POV

I was running behind Shirayuki as she showed me the way to Zen, a lot of things were running through my mind but right now, I couldn't care less about them. I could easily tell that we were going towards the forest, I'm not surprised that this is where he chose to be.

Before I knew it, we were at the entrance of the forest. Usually I wouldn't be so scared to enter but I knew that my future will forever change if I do. Shirayuki looked at me from ahead. She was already in the forest, I was frozen at the brink. "I know you're scared and everything but this is ridiculous" "come on!" She snatched my hand and forcefully dragged me into the dark forest. "I know you're scared of change but don't worry, I'll still be by your side and so will Kiki, Mitsuhide and Zen" Shirayuki yelled as we dodged a few trees and fallen branches. Shirayuki is right, I have to accept change.

Looking back at the forest now, I remember when I first came to Clarine's. Through the woods wearing the old blacksmith clothes. I wonder what I would have done if I knew that I was going to fall in love with a prince. Knowing me I probably would've ran away but then again, I wouldn't have stayed at Tanbarun.

Shirayuki and I raced past the small cottage and I thought of the fight I had with Kiki and Mitsuhide. Who knew we would all be best friends after a little talk. Not only that but that was also the time when I got my first lead on the whereabouts of Shirayuki. The cottage had a lot to do with where I am now but then again so did the people that I have met. Clarissa for taking me in when first came to Clarine's and giving me some proper clothes. I'm grateful for my time at Clarines and now, I'll be taking up a much higher responsibility than what I have ever had as a blacksmith.

Shirayuki and I saw dim lights ahead of us. That must me be Zen. Shirayuki stopped me and dusted me off. "You ready?" she whispered

"I guess..." I whispered back

"Oh, come on" "You're meant to be positive" "Let's go" Shirayuki held my hand and lead me slowly toward the glowing lights. My heart was threatening to jump right out of my mouth and all I could do was breath to stay calm.

I gasped as I entered the scene. The place was lit with glow bugs everywhere. There was no force that was keeping them here it was just pure magic. Flowers were blooming of bushed and the grass was a nice, fresh green. It's amazing that I didn't stumble across this place in the time that I've been here. Of course, it could just look prettier because it's lit up and of course, like they say everything is more colourful when you're in love.

Zen came into light, unaware that I had arrived. He was leaning against a tree, calm and confident. Even I thought that someone like him would be nervous about this. Zen was wearing his formal white attire rather than his daily blue. Either one suits him though and besides, it's not really about the looks right now however I wish that I was in a better attire. I was still in my blue dress, it must've gotten dragged along some sticks along the way because it didn't look too clean.

Shirayuki gave me a slight nudge towards Zen. The moon slightly shone through the thin branches, shining right on me. Zen noticed me and his face instantly became red. I didn't have any words to say, I don't think he did either.

"I'm glad you could arrive" "I've been planning this moment for a while now, so I think it's about time I put into play" he slightly chuckled. I looked behind me at Shirayuki but she wasn't there. She must've left so Zen and I could have time alone.

"When we first met, we didn't really get along" "I think you can remember that fight" I smiled and nodded my head. "but Shirayuki brought us together as friends and eventually you became the palace's blacksmith just as you were in Tanbarun"


"Every day we grew closer together" Zen started to walk towards me. "And then the day of the fire I learnt of your past and I felt as if I had the duty to protect you" "There were many days when I thought it was just a stupid emotion and I thought that Shirayuki was the one I loved" "but the more I got to know and be with you, the more I started to love you" My face started to red.

I was speechless, I knew he was going to say this and yet I'm still stunned to hear it. "Y/N, it is no lie that I am deeply in love with you" "from the way you look to your personality" "So I ask tonight, if you will be the princess of Clarine's" Zen bowed down to me, kneeling on the ground with his head low. The words I wanted to say were stuck in my throat, the things I felt couldn't be expressed through words. I knelt to Zen and hugged him tightly. He looked up to me and we kissed.

"I love you Zen" "and I would gladly be the princess of Clarine's" Zen face lit up with happiness.

"I promise I'll be forever by your side" Zen kissed me again, forever sealing my fate as the princess of Clarine's. Zen lifted me up bridal style, something I wasn't expecting and took me to a horse that was tied up to a nearby tree. He sat me on the horse and together we both gently rode back to the palace together.

As we arrived at the palace gates everyone (literally the entire palace) was waiting. Zen held his head up high, what else could he possibly have planned? He jumped off the horse and helped me off too. Zen held my hand and lead me to the front of the crowd.

"The new princess of Clarine's has arrived" Mitsuhide shouted. Everyone bowed to us. My face went red from embarrassment, I can't believe this is happening.

Zen whispered in my ear "Sorry for the surprise but I couldn't wait to tell everyone the news" He proudly grinned. I gracefully smiled back at him, this is my new life as a princess and I'm happy to stand by Zen's side and proudly hold the title. This is my fairytale and my happy ending

~*~ The End ~*~

A/N: OMG!!!!!!!!!! GUYS WE DID IT!!!! WE FINISHED THE BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M SO PROUD OF MYSELF and of course sad that the book has ended and that I can't speak to you awesome guys anymore. Well, hopefully, we'll meet in another fanfiction some time. Thanks to all you guys that have supported me and even put up wth my stupid no update thing~ ;;;; I feel realllllllllyyyyyy bad for those as well, especially this one because it's the finial chapter. 

Happy Easter to everyone and I hope all your school exams went well (I'm not sure if you get progress reports in America) but I know that I did extremely well!!! (Thank god) Also, I recommend seeing Beauty and the beast, I watched it and it was really good. 

Well enough jabbering on, I'm just clinging to this story so I better stop. Have a great holiday! Thank you so much, love you XOXO - From SurveyCorpsMember 

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