| 6 | Prince Zen Wisteria

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I woke up in the tavern laying on my stomach. My back didn't ache as much as it did yesterday, so that's a good sign that it's healing. Honestly, thank God for that coat of mine. The gash was only a light graze making it faster to heal. 

Today I plan to go to the palace and see Shirayuki for the last time before I leave her to enjoy her love story with the prince charming. I stood up and stretched taking off the bandage and checking the wound that now had a scab. I should be fine to move around by myself without assistance. My clothes were absolutely useless now that they had a big hole in the back of them. I chucked them to the side without a second though. My pants are still good so I can use them but I can't just go out with only pants, I need a shirt. I sighed and placed on my old shirt that had the hole in them. I'll go shopping, find some new clothes and bam! I can go to the palace.

I ran down stairs in a rush. There was a bandage wrapped around my chest, so it's not like I was showing skin, but I still got strange looks. I was relieved when I managed to buy new fitting clothes for a low price (You imagine this one). I headed back to the inn and threw my clothes on the bed. I'll patch them up when I have the time. Now to find the Palace. I looked in the distance, and sure enough, it was there on top of the hill. Great now I need to do more cardio.

Finally made it to the palace after walking up a massive hill, I arrived at the entrance gate where two guards are standing, I walked up to calmly and tried to pass.

"Hey, and who might you be trying to pass without permission?!" one yelled

"My name's Y/N, I'm here for a missing friend so if you don't mind can you please let me through," I said as you took another step forward, the guards put their large spears in front of me to stop me from passing.

"oh com one guys I really need to see her" I wined "I didn't come all the way up that damned hill for nothing"

"Sorry miss but we can not let you pass without an identification," the other guard said, now I was getting frustrated, In a swift motion, I pulled out my sword and pointed it and guard 1.

"Don't let me say this again, let me pass otherwise I'll make you look like fools," I said with a smirk.

"Do not move or we'll take action," guard 1 said

"Oh take action, I don't care because I'm a better swordsman that both of you combined" The guards stood their ground and pointed both spears at me. I wasn't really in the mood, I was kind of angry. I can understand that they are doing their job but I just want to get this over with. I need to see Shirayuki and leave.

"I'm sorry it had to end like this" I got in a fighting stance, They charged their spears at me but in one swift motion I dodged both attacks. This would take two swings and they would be defeated. So that's what I did, two swings and both spears were out of their grip just like Kiki's sword yesterday. Then I kicked each to the ground, the guards who a second earlier were standing on their feet, weapons in hand and ready to fight were now on the ground, no weapons and defenseless

"now if you would kindly let me pass," I said as I wondered toward the gates as soon but as soon as I finished the sentence I felt a presence behind me and swung my sword around only to make contact with another sword. fire sparks alight as our swords clashed. My new opponent was strong, very strong. He had white hair and blue eyes, I would actually say he's handsome if I weren't fighting him.

He was a much better swordsman than me, no doubt he was one of the palaces best guards, but he would not stop me from finding my friend. our swords clashed, I managed to cut his cheek and he managed to cut my arm. I was starting to get weak, the fight was endless. But in one second my sword flung out of my hand and I was pushed to the ground. A sword was no against my throat threatening to cut me at any second. He sliced my neck barely, blood dripped down my neck.

"STOP!!!" a familiar voice yelled, my opponent looked over to the person who yelled, this gave me a chance to get my disarm the white-haired boy, I rapidly grabby his sword out of his hand and flung it away. Now both of us were disarmed, this makes it easier for me to eliminate him. Kiki raced up from behind me and grabbed both of my hands placing them behind my back as if she were to put handcuffs around my wrists.

"Y/N this is the second prince of Clarines, he's the one who found Shirayuki!" Mitsuhide yelled at me.

I turned my head over to the so-called 'prince' he looked pretty angry. I was so embarrassed and shocked, there were so many thoughts going through my mind, would he let me see Shirayuki after that. I quietly whispered a goodbye and ran away. Kiki ran after me but she lost me in the crowd of town. I screwed up big time, he'll never forgive me after that. Still, I have to see her one last time before I leave, there' no place for me in a town such as this one.


so I hope you liked the sword fight between you and Zen. What a great first impression. Dear me reader what are you going to do now? well, find out in the next chapter

~transition to next chapter~

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