| 17 | Gardenias

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Previous Chapter ~
Zen gave me a heart warming smile that made my face go red. "Everything will be fine" his hand was on my shoulder making feel safe but nervous. This is what is feels like to be in love.


"If you don't mind Zen, I want to help rebuild" "it's the least I could do"

"will you be alright, I don't want you to get hurt or remember anything you don't want to..." he started to trail off with his words.

"I'll be fine, you can trust me to supply tools and materials" "let's do our best together, we'll restore this place back to its normal state in no time" I smile at him with determination gleaming in my eyes.

Zen's POV

I can't help but admire her determination, even I'm not that up and running in the morning. Her eyes sparkled with determination.

"Well then, we'll start the day with a proper meal" "can't have you burning out on energy half way through work" I held her hand and walked her inside the castle, she was flustered I could tell but I didn't say anything. It would embarrass her and I would prefer for her to stay flustered, it's cute seeing her in that type of personality. I brought her to the dining hall where I would usually be served my meals, I was always told by my brother not to skip out on meals otherwise, I would easily get weak and that's the last thing I wanted.

Y/N stared in awe at huge room, of course, she hasn't seen a place like this before maybe I should've brought it to inside the bedroom. If we had a garden then I would've eaten out there with her but that's kind of hard after the fire. "Zen, are you sure I'm allowed to eat here, it seems out of my league".

"Of course you're allowed here, you're a friend of Clarines feel free to wonder the castle when you feel like it" This is sure to impress her right?

"If I do that then I'm most certainly going to get lost again" She giggled and walked towards the table, feeling the wood.

"Then I'll be with you" Now I have an excuse to spend more time with her. She looked at me surprised.

"Really you would do that?" "aren't you too busy though I mean you have desk work right and that stuff shouldn't really be-"

"Don't mention the desk work, I would rather not remember that right now" My sweat dropped, I have a pile of papers on my desk that needs to be confirmed and signed. I'll procrastinate for a little longer. She marched up to me and shook her head.

"Don't procrastinate, do it now before you forget" "that's one of my mottos" I was about to reply but the cook came in with our food. Way to interrupt a good conversation, I sighed in defeat and walked over to the table taking a seat on the very end of the table. Y/N took a seat just around the bend of the table.

'She can't sit next to me if I sit here'

Once the chef had left the room leaving Y/N and me alone, I picked up my plate and moved beside her. Much better. Y/N stared at me for a bit before picking up her fork and hesitantly started to eat. I wonder if she likes the breakfast I chose for us, or am I trying to hard to impress her maybe I should try something less fancy tomorrow.

"are you going to eat that?" Y/N pointed at my food with her fork, I looked over to her dish and she's already completed it. That was quick, I pushed my plate towards her.

"Have as much as you like"

"Aren't you going to eat?" "You were the one who said that it was important to get food so you don't burn out on energy" "stick to what you said and eat, I'll wait for you" she pushed the plate back towards me. I don't want to keep her waiting for too long so I'll have to eat as fast as I can. "Zen, slow down you'll get sick" Y/N sighed as I ignored her advice. This is what I have a great immune system for. I placed down my fork after completing the meal, it was quite delicious.

Now we were ready to start work. It'll take more than a day to fix but if we work really hard we should have it done by tomorrow, the garden will take some time to regrow but it'll be better after we get rid of all the ash.

Y/N raced to her workshop to start building bricks meanwhile I'll go and help out with the cleaning. Shirayuki and Ryuu have management over the garden and Kiki and Mitsuhide will help carry certain supplies to everyone. This should be a piece of cake.

~*~ 1 hour later ~*~

Everyone was exhausted beyond belief. The sun has been shining all day and it's started to heat up. I don't think I can work for much longer without taking a break, Y/N, however, is still over in here workshop making bricks. She has so much energy, Maybe I should go and tell her to rest for a little. I looked over to her and saw her not working, she was distracted by Mitsuhide. They were having a fun conversation, should I interrupt? I can't just let her slip through my fingers.

I ran up to the two of them and joined in on the conversation "Hey Y/N, what are you guys talking about?" I stood by her side.

"Hey Zen" Mitsuhide laughed at me, what's he laughing about? "we're just talking about the work we're doing today" "It's coming along well don't you think?"

"Of course it is, we've all work together just like Y/N said" I put my hand on her head.

"and I better get back to work otherwise we won't have enough bricks to rebuild" Y/N laughed and walked back over to her workbench. Why do we have to go back to work now? I just got here. I feel like they're avoiding me.

"If you need any help, I'm right here" I waved to her and walked off with Mitsuhide.

"If I didn't know any better I would say you're jealous Zen"

"I'm not jealous, she was just having a fun time with you so I wanted to join in"

"Say all you want Zen, I've been your since childhood" "I can read you like an open book" Maybe I was jealous but it's not like I did anything too rash I mean I just joined in on the conversation. I better get back to work anyway, if Y/N is working hard then I'll work hard to impress her. I ran over to Shirayuki and Ryuu who were planting seeds in the areas that have been cleaned of ash.

"Hey Shirayuki, mind if I help you two"

"Sure Zen, can you clean some more, the only way we can plant new seeds is if the ash is gone" I sighed, more cleaning. I looked up to the sky, something good will come out of this.

Your POV

I looked over to Zen sweeping away the ash, he's working so hard today. I wonder why? I looked over at everything I've done and felt proud of myself. One more day of work and everything should be complete then I can help clean with Zen. I looked back over at him, smiling in the sunlight. He was so handsome, I could look at him all day and not get bored. Zen stood up from the ground and looked over to me in my workshop. Heat rushed up to my cheeks, crap he caught me staring at him! I went straight back to work as if everything was normal.

Zen came over to me and started to talk. "We're planting flowers if you're interested you can come and help" "maybe we could plant one together and it can be our flower?" he smiled at me. My face was still red, plant one together?

"That would be great" I placed down all my equipment and walked over to the sink to wash my hands. Afterwards, I walked over to the clean garden with Zen, he did a good shop with that rake. "What flower are we planting?" I looked at the seed packet. Tulip. It's a flower for love but mostly known for charity as well.

"I was actually thinking we could plant Gardenias'" he handed me 3 seeds. Gardenia. It represents purity and sweetness but indicates secret love. I can relate to it somehow, having a secret love for Zen. I planted the seed into the ground, I can't wait for it to grow and to represent the feelings I have for Zen.


You got a flower lesson in this chapter, hope you enjoyed love ya'll 

*I put this chapter through Grammarly and it had so many mistakes, glad I started to write on a different computer ;;

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