| 13 | Sword Training

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Your POV

After Mitsuhide and Zen both asked me to teach them some moves with them I was instantly surprised. It's not everyday you get asked by the prince himself and one of the palaces best fighters to teach them how to use a sword.

"How about we train tomorrow, that way you can get some more rest" Mitsuhide laughed and scratched the back of his neck as soon as Zen said he was going to train with us. If I knew any better it would seem as if Mitsuhide doesn't want to train with Zen, I don't know why though.

"Yeah that would be best, we don't want you collapsing on us" Zen laughed, I think he noticed it too. "Y/N, I'll walk you back to your room, we can find something to keep the bird in" Zen put his hands on my back and started to push me towards the castle. Mitsuhide just looked at us in confusion as we walked off.

"What do we do with Victor?" "we'll have to put him in a cage won't we" I looked down at small victor who was curled up asleep in my hands. I didn't particularly want him to be in a cage but for tonight I think it's necessary.

"Don't worry, you can let him out tomorrow" Zen patted my head. A knock on the door interrupted, it was Shirayuki.

"Hey Y/N" she smiled warmly at me "I wanted to see if you are okay, I heard you got a concussion the other day" she sat next to me on the bed and then noticed small Victor in my hands. "Oh isn't he cute" "You found him in the woods?"

"Yeah, Zen helped me rescue him" "Zen, are you dry yet?" I completely forgot that Zen fell into the river. Shirayuki walked up to him and felt his clothes.

"You should probably get into warmer clothes it's not healthy to stay in wet clothes all day" She took the words right out of my mouth.

"Right, I'll go an get changed" "unfortunately I have desk work to finish so this is the last time I'll see you today but I'll check up on you tomorrow, see ya" and with that Zen left. Shirayuki lightly nudged me.

"I think he's warmed up to" my face went red.

"It's not like that he just helped me that's all"

"Say all you want, I'm going to stick with my theory" She smiled and left the room, how do I make these friends? I forgot to ask her how the exam went. I'm so forgetful, I wish I had a better memory like Shirayuki, she's able to memorise anything and I have no doubt that she'll pass that exam with flying colours. There was another knock on the door, this time Mitsuhide. I though they wanted me to rest? What's with all the sudden visitors.

"Hey sorry to disturb you but do you think we could sneak in some secret practice tonight" "I want to train without Zen so I can beat him with new moves" Now it was clear, the reason why he doesn't want Zen is because of friendship rivalry.

"Yeah sure, I understand"

"You're an angel, thanks" He waved and ran off, my cheeks were pink. He's so sweet. I looked at the clock, it's a while till night so I'll kill some time by doing my job. I don't have any orders to make anything so I'll make my own cage for Victor. It can be his home through the night and he cane be free through the day. That sounds like a deal and I'll train him to catch food so someday Zen and I can release back into the forest together.

I walked over to my workshop and started to make the bird cage. It wasn't anything special, just an ordinary, oval shaped cage. I made sure there was enough room for him to move around in though, I would hate to be cramped up in a cage if I had wings.

At night I was reading a book outside next to a fire torch waiting for Mitsuhide to arrive. The place was lit up by the torches. We would have to make sure that we didn't knock them over and set fire to anything. I'm not particularly fond of fire since an accident in my childhood. I was dressed in clothes that were easy to mauver in.

Mitsuhide tapped me on the shoulder and out of pure reflexes I hit him on the head with my book, oops.

"Ouch, that's a leather case you know" he rubbed his head and bowed over and over again.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you that bad" I stood up straight and placed the book down on the bench.

"It's alright, I've done worse to you"

"You're still not worrying about that are you?!" I didn't know he still cared about the back slash. It wasn't even that much of a cut, it did heal with in one day after all.

"I just wanted to formally apologise" Mitsuhide bowed to me and I chuckled.

"It's okay, you were forgiven ages ago" "Anyway lets get on with this practice lesson" I clapped my hands together and pulled out my sword.

"Isn't that the same design as Zen's sword?" Mitsuhide inspected my fathers sword.

"Well the gem stone yes but I have a red one not a blue" "Zen and I have the same design in a way" "I have a red gem he has a red grip" "He has a blue gem and I have a blue grip" "The only thing that is different is that he has a golden spiral and I don't"

"Oh, okay I see now" "we'll let's start, I want to keep on beating Zen in spars" and with that we started. It was quite fun actually, Mitsuhide has a lot of talent for using swords. I know how Zen fights, I knew since the day I met him. He wasn't easy to beat so I doubt I'll be able to beat his superior, Mitsuhide.

Zen's POV

I looked out the window from my office. I saw Mitsuhide and Y/N having fun sparing together. I couldn't help but feel a little jealous. They went behind my back and trained, I doubt it was Y/N's decision though so I shouldn't feel anger towards her. I think Mitsuhide likes Y/N just as much as I do.  


Thanks for all the view and votes so far on the story! I love you readers so much, you have no idea how much this means to me. ♥

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