| 1 | Shirayuki's secret friend

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This chapter takes place in the first episode (just so you know) Chapter Edited~


Tanburn 6:00 am
Your P.O.V

I woke up to sunshine and birds singing, it felt as if it was going to be a good day. I skipped happily over to my wardrobe to get changed into my work clothes. I was Tanburns own, personal blacksmith and I worked very hard for a pay, I'm not the richest person in the world and I honestly wished I got paid more but Tanburns prince is stuck up and only cares for women and money so the taxes are high but I never let that stop me from giving up. I make swords, shields, bows and arrows practically anything that any soldiers could use since I'm the only person within a mile to be able to make this artillery I'm treasured by the town, not so much by the prince but everyone knows that I do well from them.

I do the work outside of my little workshop, little kids always come up to me and watch me in awe. I guess to them hammering the metal, dipping the hot iron into the water and watching it sizzle is entertaining in some ways. I was happily forging a sword but the colour of red caught the corner of my eye. I look up and wipe the sweat off of my brow. It was my best friend Shirayuki, she was the town's pharmacist, also my best friend. She past with a heart warming smile and a basket full of herbs for her medicine. I owe my life to her after my father died I wasn't able to take proper care of myself after being depressed over his passing. I got very easily sick, one day it got really bad after I had breathed in too much smoke from the fire. Shirayuki was the one who helped me clear up my throat and stopped me from suffocating. I'll have to owe her back one day.

I gave her a kind smile and a small nod hello. She was my best friend but the other part of me was quite jealous. She has this beautiful red hair that suits her face perfectly and she had skills beyond belief. Shirayuki had the skills to save a life but I was giving the power to kill. All I make are weapons for the palace, my weapons are used in battles by our prince, Reji, they are used to kill not to help or to save. That's the thing I envy of her, I still love her though and with all my might I try to be kind to other people, just like she is.

Time Skip

So far I had made 6 swords after 4 hours, the 6th was my masterpiece, I had even made a black leather case for it and set it on my bed, I was going to sell this to the prince surely I would get more money than anything from this one. I already had a sword, a very special sword. It was my fathers before he had passed away from something that I shall not mention. I would rather not remember it. My fathers sword has a royal blue coloured grip and little ruby implanted in the handle, he had taught me how to basically use a sword before he died so I'm not an expert but I like to swing it around now and then, my mother, on the other hand, taught me stuff like sewing and cooking, that's why I know how to make a leather sword case. I wish I could see her again. It is really hard without parents sometimes but like I said. I have Shirayuki to help me out. Although I would rather not depend on her half of the time.


The day had finally finished and I had gotten my pay of $100 from the palace for my 10 swords and the 10 shields to go with them, I wasn't very happy, I should've been paid at least $200 for those and even I would consider $200 crazy cheap. my swords, shields and bow & arrows have been used in many fights and they never broke! They are great quality.

I started to clean up, tomorrow I would be making bow & arrows. Different weapons every day, It changes things up.

I wiped the sweat off my brow and washed my hands. I pulled off my gloves revealing numerous blisters. I must've overworked myself today, I hate it when I have an injury but I don't notice them until I see them. I could go over to Shirayuki and get some ointment but I think it would be best if I left her for the day. She was after all in the bushes all this morning digging up plants, her hands must be sore too. I would hate to disturb her. So I sucked up the pain and wrapped my hand up in bandages before making a small dinner and heading off to bed.


Just remember Shirayuki is running away through the night... thank you I hope you enjoyed the first chapter! Tell me if there's anything I need to correct, my editing is horrible and please tell me your opinion!

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