Chapter 2

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"Get up!! We have to get ready for camp! It's gonna be our first year as counselors!" Lauren squeals with excitement.

"Lauren it's 5 in the morning we don't have to be there till 8:30 and we're already packed. Go back to sleep." I groan.

"I can't just think of how the kids will look up to us and love us." she says shaking me.

"Stop!! Let me sleep." I laugh.

"I'm sorry I'm so excited to go back. Also that Justin could meet us at the beach for a couple days! I'm so glad he asked me out. This summers going to be great!" she said.

"Great now let me go back to sleep." I said kicking her.

"Fine! I'll wake you up at seven." she sighs.

My alarm goes off at exactly seven and by alarm I mean my sister.

"Get up get up get up!!" she says dragging me by my hand, "Lexi's downstairs waiting for us."

"Wait! Give me 10 minutes and then we can go." I said as I finally get up from my comfy bed. I throw on some plain makeup and brush my hair really quickly. Put some shorts on and my camp shirt.

"I'm ready!" I yell as I run downstairs.

We say a quick goodbye to our mom and head out with Lexi.

"Lauren can you drive since you know where we're going?" Lexi asks.

"Yes! As long as Meg is in charge of the aux cord." Lauren laughs.

"YES! You always have the best playlists." Lexi says looking over at me.

"Yeah I know." I flip my hair and smile.

After a hour we finally pull up to camp.

Lauren sniffs the air and smiles," Ahh camp Birch. Good to be home."

"Why Birch?" Lexi asks.

"It's named after a tree." I said.

We park the car and go to counselor registration. I see all the counselors in big groups laughing and taking selfies.

"I'm so glad we get nicer cabins this year. Finally cabins with air conditioning. That's what I'm talking about!" Lauren smiles as she puts her sunglasses on.

I look around overwhelmed by all the kids this year. It seems like many more people showed up this year. Luckily I won't be alone with trying to control the kids and I'll have help.

"Megan!" Lexi yells.

I look over and she her and Lauren walking to our cabin. I grab my things and run towards them. Suddenly I'm on the dusty ground.

"I'm so sorry! I should watch where I'm going next time." I said. I get up and see a really handsome face.

"My fault I'm really clumsy. Sorry love. I hope you're okay." A voice says in a British accent

"I'll be fine. Thanks." I said.

He helps me gathering up my things and hands them to me, "Thank you so much."

"Anytime love, It was nice bumping into. I'm Robbie."

"Hi I'm Megan."

"Well Megan I hope to see you around." he says.

"I do too." I smile.

I walk away and see Lexi and Lauren smirking. I catch up to them and we find out cabin. Finally we can relax and settle into our cabin.

"Omg Megan tell us about that hot guy you bumped into." Lexi says smiling.

"It happened so fast. I was running up to see you guys and I guess we didn't see each other. It's no big deal. I'll probably never see him with so many people here." I shrug.

"But you have to see him again!" Lauren tells me, " It will be just like the movies."

"Then this will be the worst summer love story ever. It would be impossible for me to see him. There are so many counselors here. Plus I'm here for you guys and the fact that mom sent us here." We all laugh," Plus he might not even live near us he did have an english accent he could only be visiting for the summer."

"But he could. You never know. How crazy would it be if he did live near us?" Lauren said.

"Crazy but very unlikely." I smile, "I just want to enjoy summer. Listen we have a campfire tonight and I don't want to miss it. Plus I want to say hi to our friends."

"Don't you just want a little romance?" Lauren sighs.

"It would be nice but it's not my top priority." I said.

"I'm just saying he's really hot." Lauren says giggling.

"I know. If something were to happen great if not great. I'm more excited for smores." I laugh as Lauren hits me with a pillow.

"Let's go we're gonna be late for training." Lauren says.


We rush to the main circle of the camp to hear the announcements and rules for counselors. I see the handsome stranger there. He's laughing with his friends. I snap out of it remembering that this isn't what I'm here for. I'm here for fun and friends.

A few hours later we get ready for the campfire fest.

"I'm so excited for the bonfire and smores." I said.

"Me too. I'm just excited its my first time here and I love it already." Lexi says.

We make our way to the pit and see it starting to crowed up. Everyone sits around the fire singing the same songs that are always replaying on the radio. I look around and see Robbie, the guy I bumped into looking at me and smiling. I smile back. For the entire night we're playing eye games and smiling at each other.

"What are you looking at? What's so funny?" she asks.

"Oh nothing." I sigh.


After that wonderful night of games and fun we head back to our cabin. Lauren keeps going on and on about her texts with Justin as I space out a bit.

"Guess who was totally looking at Megan tonight?" Lexi giggles.

"The guy?" Lauren's eyes widen in excitement.

"Maybe. And his name is Robbie." I say as a smile creeps up on my face.

"Aw you like him!!" Lauren jumps up and down.

"I don't like him. I just think he's cute." I told her.

"Yeah but he was totally checking her out and flirting with her." Lexi chimes in.

"I'm so tired can we talk about this tomorrow. I'm going to bed." I said.

"Okay. night!" Lauren says.

"Night guys." Lexi said as she turns out the light.

I get into my bed and go right to sleep.

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