Chapter 29

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"Megan!" my mom yells from the first floor, "can you go to the store and pick up a few things for me?"

I groan sitting up from my bed getting blinded by the sunlight seeping through my curtains, "okay." I yell back.

I throw the covers over my head not ready to get up to start my day. My mom has Lauren drag me out of bed before I can even get up. After lying on the floor for a good 10 minutes I start to get ready for the day. I eat a quick breakfast and grab my keys. I drive to the store with the radio blasting on the way there.


I'm almost done getting the last of my groceries when I hear a familiar voice. I try to hide and leave as quickly as I can. I go to aisle 13 to get away from him but he happens to be there the moment I get there. It's too late to turn around now. Just when I thought that he was gone for good he shows up again.

"Megan?" they ask as I turn around.

"Robbie...What a surprise." I quietly say.

"How have you been?" he glances at me.

"Fine. You?" I'm already waiting for this awkward conversation to be over.

"Good. I just got accepted Stanford last week." he smiles a little bit.

"Oh really? What for?" I'm shocked that he wanted to go to Stanford in the first place. He always told me how he wanted to go to a small state school around here in Virginia.

"Business. How about you?"

"University of Florida. For psychology." I reply back.

"Interesting." he says, "how are you and... Dylan is it?"

"We're doing good. We've been dating for six months. It's really nice. What about Tori and you?"

"We broke up in January."

"Oh I'm sorry." I try to say without smiling.

He catches and smiles too," nah. It was for the best. I don't know what I was thinking when I got back together with her."

I laugh a little bit, "I have to go but it's been nice talking to you." I start to walk away.

"Megan wait." he calls my name which catches my attention again.

I quickly spin around listening to what he has to say hoping it's quick and short.

"I'm really sorry about everything that's happened between us." he starts out,  "I should've known better and I'm sorry. I just really wanted you back and I still do. But if you're happy with Dylan then I support it."

His eyes looks so sincere a part of me wanted to jump back into his arms and say I was his again. As much as I wanted to I was Dylan and it would be wrong. Was I happy with Dylan though? In many ways yes but he's not Robbie.

We stepped closer to each other as if we were magnets. We were face to face, close enough to kiss. We almost did if I didn't stop him.

"I'm sorry. That was so wrong of me." he apologized.

"No. I would have done it too." I admit," but I can't."

"Friends then?" he sticks his hand out

"Friends." I smile on the outside but am devastated on the inside. I shake his hand and  I wave goodbye, checkout, then head home.


"Hey! What took you so long? I'm starving!" Lauren gets up from the couch excitedly as soon as I walk through the door.

"I ran into Robbie." I told her.

"Really? What happened?"

"We talked." I casually say walking away rom her putting groceries away."

She raises an eyebrow and gives me a look, "what else?"

"We almost kissed." I blurt out.

"What?! How?" she asks.

I sigh as I try to explain how we almost kissed in the dairy aisle in the supermarket, "He said sweet things and it was just a moment. But it's over nothing happened. I stopped him before we did anything stupid."

"You have to tell Dylan." she says.

"You're right. But it's not a good time." I try to get out of it.

"He has the right to know. Besides it's never gonna be a good time. It's like ripping off a bandaid just get it done."

"Well for one thing, those are two different things because bandaids aren't as hurtful for what I have to say to him. Second, I don't have the heart to hurt him. I know I have to do it but I really can't."

"You have to. He deserves to know."

"You're right. I need to tell him. But maybe later."

"No do it now before you change your mind."


My hands shake as I see him approach the corner. He steps out of the car and smiles at me. I smile back but feel like I'm gonna throw up. The whole drive here I was worried how he'd react or if I should turn around.

"Hey. You wanted to talk?" he comes over to the table and sits down.

I clear my throat and hand him a coffee, "yeah."

"Ok." he has a concerned look on his face.

"I ran into Robbie this morning." I sigh starting to get nervous the more I talk, "we almost kissed but nothing happened. I just thought you should now. And if you're going to break up with me I totally understand and deserve it."

He leans back in his chair, "I'm not breaking up with you. I just want to know who stopped it. You or him?"

"I did." I say, "I'm surprised that you're okay with this. I thought you'd be mad."

"Just as long as you didn't do anything. You stopped it. It shows that you're loyal which I really admire."

"Yep. " I quietly say.

He kisses my cheek, "I have to go but I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok bye." I wave and head to my car.

It's over. I told him what he needed to know. What he didn't need to know is that I would've kissed him. Or the fact that his voice just makes me melt. That it took everything in me not to say I wanted him back too.

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