Chapter 31

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Tomorrow is prom and as excited as I am to go. I'm really excited for it to be over as well. I'm not one to dress up and get all formal. I love wearing fancy dresses but only 30 minutes then I get bored. I know prom will be fun with all my friends but I'm ready for all the prom excitement to go down and not talk about it anymore. Talks about matching corsages with the right shade of blue or the shoes and how the heels need to be high but not too high. It's all too much.

I go to my favorite coffee shop to relax and chill and not focus on prom. I see Robbie there and he waves at me. I wave back, grab my coffee, and sit at a different table. Robbie gets up and sits right across from me.

"Hey! How have you been?"

"Hi. I'm doing fine. Just doing some last minute prom things." I causally say.

"Oh cool. I bet you'll look beautiful."

"Thanks." I smile.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving tomorrow night. I got an early leave to Stanford and I can leave to start my classes tomorrow."

"Really? That's wonderful."

"Give me a reason to stay."

"Huh?" I give him a strange look.

"Megan. I don't want to go. I'll stay if you give me a reason." his eyes plead hoping I'll give him a reason.

"I can't keep you here. There's nothing here for you. You can go off and be succsessful. You can't do much here in this small town."

He looks away from me. Hoping that I didn't mean what I said. But I did. I want him to grow. I don't want to hold him back from what he could be. I didn't want him to look at me with regret if I told him to stay.

"Ok. Well if I'm leaving tomorrow I guess this is goodbye."

"Goodbye Robbie." I say.

He walks away as a voice in my mind says I made a big mistake. I don't listen knowing I did what was best for him and me.


"Megan you look so beautiful!" Mom gushes over me.

"Thank you." I say as I play with my skirt, "Lauren are you ready?"

"Yep! I'm coming down!" she yells as she walks down the stairs in a strapless light blue dress with her blonde hair curled to one side.

"Aw my two girls are all grown up." mom says as she takes a picture of us.

The doorbell rings and Lexi stands there with Danny, Dylan and Nick.

"Omg you guys look amazing!" Lexi squeals as she hugs us both.

My mom takes a picture of all three of us. Then we take pictures of all the couples individually and then group photos. After what feels like hours pictures are over and we head to a restaurant in a limo.


We leave the restaurant and head to the venue. Everyone talks and has a good time. I don't say much because my mind keeps playing the conversation I had with Robbie. I know I made a good choice but I also knew that if I let him go I could have let him go forever. I try to ignore that and focus on prom and getting through that.

We pull into the venue and Lexi and Lauren get so excited. The music blasts and people are cheering and having a good time. Everyone is dancing and catching up with their friends. The theme was starry night and there were stars everywhere. I was in awe. We danced the night away and laughed at old memories. A slow song came on and Dylan took my hand and led me onto the dance floor. I realized this isn't what I wanted. I wanted to be with Robbie be he wasn't here. I pull him away and into the hall.

"Megan are you okay? Are you sick?" he asks with a worried look on his face.

"Dylan I need to tell you something. I've been thinking about it I really have. You've have been great to me. Your gonna make some girl out there really happy. But that's not me. You deserve someone who's gonna love you back. And over these few weeks I realized I'm still in love Robbie. I'm so sorry. I really hope you can forgive me and we can be friends."

"I kind of figured that out a while ago. I really liked you and tried to let it go. But something in my heart knew you'd never get over him. I know you tried to love me but maybe we weren't meant to be and I'm okay with that."

"I'm so sorry this didn't work out Dylan."

"That's ok. Go to him." he told me.

"What?" I ask thinking I hear him wrong.

"Go to him." he smiles.

"Thank you." I hug him and kiss his cheek. I run back in and grab my things.

"Where are you going?" Lauren asks.

"I have to go do something. I'll be fine." I tell her.

"Um... Ok." she says and walks away.

I rush out and call Robbie to go to the coffee shop.


I get out of the taxi and see him sitting there and I wave at him. He sees me and his face lights up.

"Wow I was right. You do look beautiful."

"Thank you."

"Shouldn't you be at prom?" he asks.

"I had to do something." I say.

"Which is?"

"I want you but I don't want you to stay. I want you to go."


"You're going to Stanford whether we are together or not. We can make long distance work! We can visit during long weekends and holidays. Robbie we can make this work. After college we can live together if you want. We can do anything."

"If long distance is the only way I can be with you I'll do it. I'll do anything to be with you." he says as he kisses me.

THE END!!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for reading this book and voting and commenting!! It really means a lot to me that you guys enjoy this book. I can't thank you guys enough. Thank you all so much!! I love you all! Also I am writing Run Away too if any of you want to check that out! Thank you all so much💖

P.s I'll be posting an epilogue too!!

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