Chapter 24

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Robbie or Dylan? The answer seems so simple. Dylan, someone who doesn't hurt me, someone who respects me, and someone who would choose me. I should be with him but I don't want to be. Out of all the people I could be with I want to be with him. Robbie. Someone who my first love you could say, my first real relationship. I don't think you ever get over a first love no matter how hard you try to move on or try to replace them. The more I get to know Dylan the more I want to give him a chance. He's so sweet and he just gets me. I'm finally slipping from Robbie's grasp and I'm finally moving on. I smile at the thought of that.

"Hey Megan! I have two tickets to this small concert. It's some new band. Would you want to go with me?" he asks his eyes hoping I'd say yes.

"Sure when?"

His face lights up," Tomorrow at six. I'll pick you up if you want me to." his face turns a light pink.

"It's a date." I smile.

His eyes widen," like a actually date?"

I pretend to think about it for a minute," yeah it's definitely a date."

His faces lights up," well I'll see you tomorrow at six then."

"I'll be waiting." I smile, flip my hair, and walk away.


"He asked you out?" Lauren beams.

"Yeah I told him it should be a date. I think I'm ready for whats next to come. I'm so sick of being heartbroken I need a change. " I finish applying my makeup on.

I search through my closet looking for the perfect first date dress. I pick out a spaghetti strap floral dress with a cut out in the front. I straighten my hair and add some light pink lipstick.

"You look amazing." Lauren says as I step out of my room.

"Thanks." I blush.

"You have to tell me how it goes!!" Lauren giggles already waiting for the details.

The doorbell rings, my heart races the closer I get to the door. I open it and see him standing there smiling like an idiot.

He gasps as he looks me up and down," you look incredible."

"Thank you. You look handsome as well I might add." I feel myself blushing.

"Are you ready to go?" he clears his throat.

"Yeah I'm ready." I nod and head outside closing the door behind me.


We pull up to a outside venue. A state famous pop band plays as we walk in. People are crowded near the stage clapping and singing along. Others are sitting on blankets trying to be too cool. We stay in the back where we can hear the music and still hear ourselves.

"They're really good." he said.

"Yeah. I really like their sound. I'm surprised I haven't heard them before. "

"I'm really glad you came tonight." he smiled.

"Me too." I feel his hand lace in mine. It didn't feel strange and I didn't want to pull away when he did it..

"I didn't know if you we're gonna come tonight let alone call it a date. But I'm glad you did."

"I think it's about time I move on and focus on people who want my time."

"I like that." he gently squeezes my hand.

A slow song starts to play and takes my hand and we start to dance. My head lays against his chest and we sway to the music. The song ends and he leans his head towards me. He tilts his head and presses his lips against mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. I feel myself smiling through the kiss. He breaks away and looks at my face and smiles.

"I'm so glad I did that."

"I am too." I blush looking at his hair glisten in the moonlight and his shining eyes. How did I get so lucky? The concert ends and he drives me home with one hand on the wheel and the other interlocked in mine. The radio fills the silence but yet I can still know what he's thinking.

He pulls into my driveway and looks at me," I had a great time tonight." he smiled.

"I did too." I smile back.

"When can we do this again?" he smirked and then laughed.

I laugh a tiny bit, "I don't know, maybe... next Friday? I'll have to see if I'm free or I'm working."

"Well whenever it is I hope it's soon."

My heart melts and time stops. It feels like we're the only two people in the world.

"We'll see." It was my turn to smirk, "I have to go. I'll see you soon." I kiss his cheek and walk to the porch. I watch him back out and drive away. I watch his headlights get further away from me until they disappeared. I smile replaying every moment in my mind. I head inside and up to my room. I see Lauren on my bed waiting for me to tell her every single detail.

She giggles, "Sooo how did it go?"

"It was everything I needed." I sit on the end of the bed, "He was different but not too different. He wasn't just my friend tonight. It was definitely something more."

"I told you that you should go out with him. Once again I'm right!" she laughs.

I playfully punch her arm, "I'll give you this one. You were right I'm surprised I didn't go out with him sooner."

"You're with him now. That's all that matters." she said.

"Oh and one last thing, probably the best the that happened on our date!" I squeal, "he kissed me!"

"Omg! That's so cute! How did that happen?" she nearly jumps hearing that news.

"It was amazing. I was in total shock. But when he kissed me it felt like time slowed down. I was only focused on him."

"I'm glad that you're happy now."

"Me too. Everything is finally working out."

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