Chapter 1

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No one ever told me that this year everything was going to change. I didn't know it was going to hurt this much though. It was just a fling I thought to myself. If it didn't mean anything to him it shouldn't mean anything to me. It was just a summer fling. Like I haven't had these before. I mean I never was into the summer fling. They never last. I should of just left when he came. Yet somehow something drove me towards him. I should've of been more careful.I should've known nothing lasts forever.

~June, 3 months earlier~

"Meg get up! You're gonna be late for school." my mom yells.

I groan and pull the covers over my head.

"Meg!" My mom walks in and pulls the covers off me,"Get up please."
she walks away and heads downstairs.

I get up and get ready to finish the last day of junior year. After I get ready I head downstairs as my mom greets me.

"Last day! Aren't you excited?" She asks, "After that camp and then our fun beach vacation!"

"Yeah our fun beach vacation every year. I hate the beach. " I said.

"At least you have camp. You're able to be a counselor this year! Plus Lexi will be there." she said, "Wont that be fun!?."

Lexi is my best friend since day 1. We've been through thick and thin and this is the first year she's coming to camp with me. Which is great for me because I can finally have someone there I can actually stand.

"Lexi's coming to camp?" my fraternal twin Lauren comes down the steps.

"Yeah." I said.

"Oh yay!" she says.

"Girls you have to go the bus it going to be here soon." mom says and pushes us out the door.

We walk to our bus stop and wait for the bus to come.

"I think Justin is gonna ask me out today!" Lauren squeals.

"Why?" I asked.

"I heard it from Julie who heard it from Justin's best friend Drew." she blabbed on.

"Cool." I say in a monotone voice.

"Meg don't feel bad I bet there's someone for you."

"It's not that I'm perfectly fine not having a boyfriend.That's not my top priority."

"Then whats wrong."

"Nothing! I'm fine." I laugh, " see?" I laugh again," I'm fine."

The bus finally comes as we sit silently on the way to school. I get of the bus and the first thing I see is Lexi waving over to me.

"Megan!" she hugs me," Oh I'm so excited! Camp's gonna be great! Think of all the hot guys. Lauren aren't you excited?"

"Yeah totally." we said in unison. We look at each other and laugh as we walk into the school building.


The boring school day went on as teachers blabbed on and on and everyone did the yearbook signing. Thankfully this half day went quickly like all half days do. I clean out my locker and Lauren runs up to me.

"He asked me out!!!!" she squeals.

"Aw!! Yay!" I hug her," That's so great. I knew he liked you."


"Pft yeah. He'd never stopped looking at you." I told her.

She blushes then grabs my arm,"Let's go! We need to pack for camp."

"Yeah don't forget that Lexi's coming with us cuz she's already packed."

We all arrive home eat some snacks, hang out, and pack. Lauren is texting Justin in her room as she packs. Lexi is telling me about how there are so many cute boys at camp.

"As much as I'm looking forward to meeting cute guys which isn't much I'd rather just get this camp job over with and leave."

"Megan come on! You never talk about this."

"Wow guys are like so hot and cute." I mimic. Lexi rolls her eyes.

"Just be open minded okay?" Lexi pleads.

"Fine." I said as I roll my eyes and lightly push her off the bed.

"Hey!" she says as we both laugh.

"Why do you want me to find a guy anyway?" I ask.

"Because its wonderful to find someone that you care about. Also I feel bad that you're like a third wheel. Everytime Danny and I hangout with you I feel like you're a third wheel. And we can go on double dates."

"Cause I am the third wheel. But double dates are fun." I said.

"Did I just hear the word date and fun come from Megan's mouth?" Lauren says as she stands in my doorway.

"Shut up!" I smile as I throw a pillow at her.

We have a great night of laughing and talking and eating. We stay up till 5 am and we're still not tired. I wish it was like the for the entire summer. My best friend and my sister just staying up till 5 and being with each other.

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