Chapter 15

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Out of all the shops and places on that boardwalk he somehow ended up in the same store and same time as me. Of course that had to happen. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time. I should've been harder on myself and kept my distance from him. I should've never looked at him. My phone buzzes and see a message from Robbie.

I turn my phone off for the night not wanting to speak or see anyone

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I turn my phone off for the night not wanting to speak or see anyone. I collapse on my bed as tiny tears roll down my cheeks. Did he mean any of this? Did he know she was gonna be there? Was I just a pawn in his game to win her back? It was stupid to think an actual boy likes me. My eyes blankly stare at the ceiling. I can't fall asleep. I just pace around in my room. All of a sudden a tiny noise hits the balcony. It's probably just the wind. After a while the noise starts again. Reaching for the handle I slide the balcony door open and see Robbie standing there.

"How romantic." I mutter rolling my eyes.

Quickly turing around to head back inside Robbie pleads,"Megan! Don't go!"

"You're gonna wake everyone up. Plus I have nothing to say to you." I coldly state.

"Please tell me. I want to make things right." he begs.

"It's too late for that. You lost your chance. Bye Robbie." I walk into my room and slam the door and shut the curtains.

The door creaks which makes me jump a little.

"Sorry!" Lauren says,"I can't go back to sleep."

"Oh did you hear Robbie? I'm sorry about that."

"Yeah. It's fine but he's still out there. I told him to leave but he won't until you guys resolve this." she told me.

"There's nothing to resolve he kissed another girl." I tell her.

"He still likes you. I hope you know that. No guy is this determined to solve relationship problems. I-" she says.

"Wait!" I interrupt.


"I don't hear him yelling. Maybe he's gone!"

A large noise hits my door making my get chills.

"Or he's right outside your room." Lauren sighs,"go to my room I'll handle him."

I nod my head and open the door and rush in. I lean against the door trying to hear what they say. It's quiet at first but then they seem to almost be shouting at each other.

"Tell me where she is. I need to see her." He says.

"I'm sorry she doesn't want to see the jerk who broke her heart right now."

"Lauren, please! I love her. I wouldn't hurt her on purpose." his voice cracks and he sniffles.

"Listen it's not a good time. We all need sleep right now. It's best if you leave." she calmly says.

He says something inaudible and then the door closes. I make my way towards the bed and Lauren opens the door.

"He's gone. I don't think he'll be bothering us now. Ugh I need sleep." she yawns.

"Yeah me too." I yawn,"also I'm staying here."

"Cool." She throws the covers on and turns out the light.


All night I keep tossing and turning. I try to close my eyes but my thoughts keep getting in the way. I thought it was different. I thought he was someone I could actually trust. I just really love him and it's so hard to move on. He's bad for me that's what I need to keep telling myself. He's poisonous and addicting but dangerous. The drowsiness takes over and my eyelids close and I finally drift off to sleep. 


My eyes open wide to a pounding on the door. I hear Lauren toss off the covers.

"Maybe it's the breakfast I ordered." she skips.

The door opens, "Lauren before you close it-"

"Robbie how long have you been here? You didn't even change clothes. Did you sleep outside the door?" Lauren asks in shock.

"Yeah. I just really need to talk to Megan." he said.

"She really does not want to talk to you though. Why can't you respect that?"

"Because I'm an absolute fool for hurting her. It wasn't intentional I swear. I don't even know what I did." he said.

"I don't care. You hurt her. Now either leave or I'll call security. I should've done that last night." she threatens.

"Just give me five minutes. Please, that's all I ask." he begs.

Lauren looks at me then back at Robbie who looks like he's about to cry.

"Listen you hurt her once. I'm not gonna let you do that again." she tells him.

I want to talk to him. But I don't need to talk to him. He's dangerous I just need to ride out the rest of this crappy vacation by avoiding him and Tori. They fight for a good five minutes.

"Megan do you want him to talk to you?" Lauren asks.

Both are looking at me. Lauren eyes have a worried look on her face. Robbie looks at me with pleading eyes.

"Let him in." I said. That was not what I wanted to say. It's too late now, "You have five minutes."

"Thank you." he said.

"I'll be in the other room." Lauren said.

He starts it off, "If I hurt you in some way tell me. I never meant it."

"You kissed her." I look away from him.

"Kissed who?" he asked.

"Don't act innocent I saw you kissing Tori after we went to the pier the other day."

"You don't understand. She came on to me. I like you. No, I love you."

"That's what you all say. You say 'Oh she's crazy she came on to me. Trust me I love you babe.' How do I know you're not lying?"

"Have I ever lied to you in our relationship?"

I sit there. Trying to prove him wrong. But I can't. Remember he's bad for you.

"No... but that doesn't mean I wanna jump back into a relationship with you." I told him.

The door opens and Lauren walks in, "The five minutes are up." She says.

Thank you Lauren!

"If you do want to get back together with me. Just let me know." he walks out.

"He's bad for you." I tell myself.

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