Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and get ready for the second day of camp. I go to the dock like usual and see someone sitting there.


"Oh hey! Thought I'd see you here." he laughs.

"Did you now?" I smile.

"I really like this place I understand why you go here every morning."

"It's nice before all the chaos kicks in. My sister doesn't even know about this place."

He laughs," I wouldn't want my siblings to know about this place either. "

"Hey can we have another art lesson tonight? I really want to perfect this landscape."

"I think I can manage to make time for you." he chuckles.

"Good. My ok drawing doesn't do this scenery justice." I laugh," Hey we should get going or we'll be late for breakfast."

"Oh yeah. See you here tomorrow?" he asks.

"Sure. But don't tell anyone else about this." I told him.

"This could be our thing." he says.

"Sounds good to me."

We walk to the dining hall and I see Lauren and Lexi waving at me. He goes to his friends and I meet up with them.

"Omg! You were with Robbie!" Lauren giggles.

"Yeah I met him along the way to the dinning hall." I lie.

"You guys would be so cute together! Oh please date him." Lauren begs.

"As much as you think the world works like that it doesn't." I laugh.

"Lexi back me up here tell me that Robbie and Megan would be such a cute couple." Lauren says.

"Oh you guys would be so great together." Lexi tells me.

"Can we stop talking about it?" I laugh," What about your camp and stuff?"

"Fine but your love life is so much better. Also the kids are okay. One is a total brat. " Lexi says.

We burst into laughter as Lexi demonstrates how the kid walks like she's on the catwalk.

"Wait omg this kid is so annoying he keeps saying 'we did this already!' Ugh I hate him" Lauren complains.

"Well luckily I have the 13-15 year olds so they're not as bad." I brag.

"I'd trade you in a heart beat the 10-12 year olds are so bratty they think they're better than each other since they're almost teens." Lauren rolls her eyes.

"I like my group it's just that one kid." Lexi laughs.

We finish up breakfast and leave to go to our groups. I make my way to the tent and see Robbie chatting with some kids. Wow he's really great with kids. Unsure if I should make my way to him or let him hang for a while he spots me and makes his way over to me.

"Hey! Do you know whats happening right now? Britney says she has some news." He asks me.

"Um no. It's only the second day of camp what could she possible have to announce?" I laugh.

"Okay campers!! It's time to pick partners for the rest of camp. Everything you do will be with that person so choose wisely. Don't forget you will be with them during the annual scavenger hunt. That is all thanks. Also counselors pick a partner too even though you can't participate in the scavenger hunt you can at least help the campers." Britney says.

"That was lame. I thought it was gonna be exciting." I laugh.

"It was. Wanna be partners though?"


"After dinner meet me at the dock."

I nod my head and we separate as we go to different group activities for a while. I keep wondering what he wants to talk about. I try to push it out of my head but I can't help but wonder what he wants from me. I mean it can't be bad because he wants to be partners. I don't even get why I'm overthinking this. It's stupid. I should just relax and breathe. Hopefully it will be a good talk. I shouldn't even be nervous.

Soon enough dinner comes around and I totally forget about the talk until I see his eyes looking at me. He nods his head and I nod back.

"Um I have to go. Excuse me." I said to Lauren and Lexi and they give me a confused look. I don't talk about it. I just get up and clear my stuff and leave out the door. I walk to the dock and see him sitting on the edge. I walk quietly and sit next to him.

"You wanted to talk?" I ask.

"Yeah. I just wanted to know about you. I think you're great and we could be amazing friends."

I sigh of relief," Well thanks thats really sweet of you. I have a twin sister named Lauren but she's 2 minutes and 13 seconds older than me. I mean what do you want to know? I'm not that interesting."

"I think you are. Talk about what you want to do in your life? Or even your pets." he says.

I laugh," I have no idea what I want to do in life. I know I don't want a desk job. I want to travel. I would love to travel for a living. Take pictures and just see the world instead of this little town. I forgot to mention I'm totally into photography. Okay your turn."

He sits there for a minutes until he turns to look at my face," I have two older sisters. My family is really supportive. Well almost always. I wanted to make my living as an artist. But they wanted me to have a steady job. Thats the only thing they don't support me with."

"I think you could make it. Your drawings are incredible. After school give it a while. If it doesn't work then go to law school. But I can see it happening. Speaking of art please give me more art lessons."

"Thanks for believing in me Megan. That means a lot coming from you." he smiles.

"My parents always told me you should never give up on your dreams. They're right. If you love something chase it."

"We better get going. We have a big day tomorrow. This was fun."

"It was. I'll see you tomorrow." I get up from the dock and walk away.

Hey I just wanted to let you know I'm working on a series based on The Selection Series by Kiera Cass. It's called Selected. There are three chapters up already. I'd really appreciate if you checked it out. Thanks!


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