Chapter 11

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I wake up and text Robbie where I'm staying. I take a shower and get ready to meet up with him. I grab a quick lunch and watch tv to make this day go faster. I look at the clock and he should be here in 10 minutes. I feel my heart race. Soon enough I hear a knock on my door. I rush to open it and jump into his arms.

"Robbie!" I squeal with delight.

"Missed me?"

"Yes! Very much." I kiss him then pull away, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. It's a perfect day to go to the beach." he said.

I take his hand as we walk down the hallway and ride the elevator down to the lobby. The sun hits my face the second I walk through the door. I automatically smile as I hear the waves crashing on the shore. We cross the walkway to the beach and we set up our towels and umbrella.

"Let's go in the water." He suggest.

"What? No! It's way too cold. I just want to sit in the sun for now. Later though."

"Fine." he smiles as he rolls his eyes.

I listen to my music and just lay there with the sun beaming on me. I stay like this for an hour before I decide I want to go into the ocean.

"Ok lets go in the water. I think I'm ready to brace the cold." I laugh.

"Good." he stands up and reaches his hand out in front of me.

I take it and he lifts me and throws me across his shoulder. I instantly start laughing which makes him laugh. Then I start playfully hitting him on the back. Once we reach the ocean he gently drops me so that I make a tiny splash in the water.

"Ah!" I scream from the coldness, "I'm so gonna get you back for this."

"I'd like to see you try." he smirks.

I smile as I splash him and hit him in the face. We spent a good few minutes having a splash fight like we did in the lake this summer. I can't stop smiling thinking about that memory. I feel him put his arms around me and then carries my bridal style.

"Wait you better not dunk-" I get cut off as Robbie dunks me underwater. It was only three seconds but it felt like three hours. I finally can breathe the air.

"Robbie you're horrible." I laugh splashing him in the face.

"You started this." he kisses me.

We spend a few more hours at the beach. We try to build a sand castle that went horribly wrong. Then went back to the water for a while. By the time we got out there was a really beautiful sunset that I could've watched for hours.

"Hey we should get going if we're gonna meet Lauren at the boardwalk." I said.

He nods and we rush back to the hotel. I run to my room and take a shower. I change into a cute white tank top and some shorts and converse. I knock on Lauren's door to see if she's ready.

"Hey Lauren are you ready? It's almost time to go!" I said through the door.

"Yeah. Justin texted me. He's almost here." she told me.

"He's coming now? I though he was coming later!"

"His schedule changed. He's free for two weeks."

"Ok I'll meet you in the lobby." I said.

I see Justin down there waiting. I give him a tiny smile and he smiles back.

"Hey. Um my sister will be down in a few minutes. Do you want to go meet her at her room?" I manage to ask.

"Nah. She wants me to wait down here. So how are you?" he asks.

Ugh small talk,"Um good. How's your summer so far?"

"Good. I've just been sleeping and working a little bit. Not to much." He said.

"Good." I said. This is so painfully awkward where is my sister?

"Hi Justin! I missed you so much!" Lauren says giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe. I've missed you." He said.

"Let's get going I'm so excited to go to the boardwalk." Lauren says.

We walk to the boardwalk as Lauren is talking to Justin and catching up with him. I see Robbie and run towards him.

"Hey love." he says kissing the top of my head.

"Hi. Robbie meet Justin my sisters boyfriend." I introduce Robbie to him.

"Sup." Justin says giving a tiny nod.

"Hey." Robbie says giving a nod back.

"Cool accent dude."

"Thanks." Robbie says.

There was a tiny moment of silence. No one knee what to say. Luckily I saw Tori and I wave at her. She makes her way over to us.

"Hey guys this is my new friend her name is-"

"Tori?" Robbie looks at her.

"Robbie? Wow small world." she says.

"Oh you guys know each other?" I ask.

"Yeah. Um we.. Uhhh. We-"'

"Dated." Tori interrupts Robbie finishing his sentence.

"Oh. Um cool." I say awkwardly. Could this night be any more awkward?

"Oh don't worry that was like years ago. I'm totally over him." she says smiling at me.

"Well then let's go have fun. I mean it is the beach after all." I said.

We get a tiny dinner and then head out to the arcade and get ice cream.

"Hey are you ok?" Lauren asks me.

"I don't know. Ever since I found out she dated Robbie I've been getting a weird feeling from her. Is it bad? Am I terrible for thinking she's after him? I mean look at the way she looks at him." I said looking over at Tori and Robbie.

"I don't know. She seemed pretty genuine. I wouldn't worry about it. Robbie doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who would cheat on you. Or willingly go back with his ex." she assures me.

I sigh and feel a little more relaxed," I bet you're right. There is nothing to worry about. Thanks Lauren."

"Yeah anytime." she smiles.

Later on Robbie and I are on top of the ferris wheel.

"Look at this view!" I said looking down at the beach and the lights from the mini games and rides.

"Yeah. It's almost as beautiful as you."

I start to blush a little bit," Stop." I laugh as he puts his arms around me.

"You are beautiful though. You really truly are."

"You're too good to me."

Later we get off the ride and Robbie heads to the hotel early because he doesn't feel well. Then Tori comes up to me.

"Hey." She smiles.

"Hi." I smile back.

"I just want to let you know that you should back off." she says.

I feel my stomach in knots," Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Robbie is mine. I know we broke up but I think we could have a chance of getting back together. But you're in the way. So I need you to back off." she smiles.

"Oh. I really like him. There is nothing you can say that will make me back off." I said.

"Then I'll have to fight for him."

"It's not much of a fight if you don't have him."

"Whatever. I'm just warning you. This is the beginning."  she flips her hair and walks away.

I feel like I could throw up. I shouln't have to fight for him. He's already mine. I have no idea how to handle this. I don't know if I can handle this. I don't want to end this he makes me really happy I can't lose him already.

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