Chapter 7

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It's been a week and Robbie has ignored me all week. I don't blame him. I unknowingly lead him on and crushed his heart. I need to talk to him. I need to make things right with him again. How can I when he won't even look at me? I've gone to the dock ever since the fight he's not there. I still go not because I like it but because I hope he's there and we can talk this out. I doubt it. Camp ends in a week and he won't even be in the same room as me. I dread getting up now. Lauren and Lexi are already at the dinning hall. I throw a t-shirt on and meet them there.

"Meg are you okay?" Lexi asks.

"I'm fine. What makes you ask that?" I said.

"It just that you seem distant. Did something happen between you and Robbie?" she asks.

"No." I lie.

"Come on I'm your best friend you can tell you anything. So please tell me." she pleads.

I was about to open my mouth but the door swings open and I see Robbie. With Britney. I get this horrible feeling in my stomach. They're both laughing. I don't understand how they even ended up together. Am I jealous? I can't be jealous I don't even like him. Do I?

"Did you guys feel the tension when Robbie walked in?" Lauren said.

"Megan spill! He's with Britney what happened to you guys? That should be you and him not him and Britney." Lexi said.

"Ok. It started last week. He told me he liked me and he kissed me. I told him I didn't feel the same way. Then it all lead up to this. I want him back. I really miss talking to him." I spill.

"There one question you have to ask yourself. If you do get him back. Do you want him back as a friend or more?" she asked.

"I don't know. I thought it was going well as friends. But now he won't even look at me." I feel a pain in my chest. Do I really like Robbie? It wouldn't kill me. If we we're a thing I don't want us to breakup and not stay friends. What if we don't breakup and we stay together forever? There are too many possibilities.

"You need to act fast before Britney becomes his girlfriend." Lauren says.

"I don't him with her. Or anyone. Maybe I want him with me. But it's too late. I ruined it."

"Then you need to fight for him." Lauren tells me.

"I can't even be in a five mile radius with him anymore. How will he ever listen to me?"

"Yell then. Just find a way. You can do it." Lexi assures me.

I take a deep breathe and felt calm. I could do this. I could fight for him. I'll make him listen. I don't care if I have to yell across oceans. I run to the camp station and see him there in the tent alone.

"ROBBIE!"I yell trying to get his attention. I know he heard me but he doesn't turn around. I need to be closer to him. I'm so close to the tent but Britney steps in front of me.

"Don't even think about it Megan. It's too late. He doesn't want to speak to you anymore. Also I think he's falling for me." Britney brags.

I roll my eyes," Just give me 5 minutes. Please I want to talk to him."

"Um no. It's actually kind of funny to see you beg ya know?" She smirks.

"Did he even send you out to do his dirty work?"

She pauses," No... but I know that he doesn't want to talk to you. You crushed his heart why would he ever talk to you again?"

She was right but I wasn't gonna back down. I'll find another way to talk to him. Without Britney being in the way.

"You're right.I surrender. I will never attempt to speak to him again." I lie.

"Ok then bye." she waves me away.

Well at least I got one victory out of that conversation and its when I stopped talking to Britney. Throughout the day I see Britney smirking as she drapes over Robbie. He looks like he doesn't want her all over him. I chuckle every time I see her fall head over heels for him. It's so funny how hard she tries. The rest of the day drags on like this. Luckily Robbie and I got assigned to clean up after so hopefully we can fix everything then. I make my way to lunch and think of ways to start the conversation with Robbie.

"I think I have a plan." I tell Lauren and Lexi.

"Really?" Lexi squeals.

"Tell us!" Lauren says with a big smile on her face.

"Yeah we both have to clean up after the campers leave. It will just be the two of us. It'll be perfect." I said, "We'll talk and it will clear the air and then we'll be... what ever we are."

"As much as I love this you need to figure out what you're fighting for. Are you fighting for friends or love?" Lexi asks.

"That's the only thing I'll never figure out. I don't know if I like him. I want to be friends but maybe we could be something more. This is such a hard decision when you don't know." I groan.

"I know. Just think about it. You have 4 hours until then. Good luck." Lexi gets up and throws away her lunch.

I have that thought rush through my head for the rest of the day. I don't want to force my feelings it would make it worse. But if I don't then he'll walk away again. Maybe I should just say the first thing that comes out of my mouth. That's also probably not a good idea. I'm just overthinking. I just need to say how I really feel. Only problem is I don't know what I feel. It's four and the campers are leaving. It's time to talk.

"Ok listen this is gonna be quick and silent." he says coldly, "You wash the brushes and I'll stack the chairs and organize the snacks for tomorrow."

I nod my head. What was that? I was suppose to talk. Just say something.

"I know that you hate my guts right now. But listen. I never meant to break your heart. I didn't know I was leading you on. Please come back I really need you." I manage to say.

"Do you need me? You seem to be fine without me." he said.

"I'm not. Camp isn't the same without you. I've been here since I was seven and somehow when I'm with you I feel different. It's like everything makes sense." I told him.

"Are you just saying that cause I'm hanging out with Britney?"

"No. I really mean it."

"You talk to me as if you like me. Do you?"

I pause. My throat is dry. I stand there in silence not knowing what to say.

"I should've known. Talk to me when you figure your feelings out." he walks away.

Well that didn't go as planned. I don't bother finishing up the tasks I'll finish them later. I have to follow him.

"Robbie! Robbie please wait!" I catch up to him and grab his wrist.

He yanks his wrist from my grip, "Do you know how humiliating it is to get turned down from someone you thought you could be with forever? I told you things that no one in my family knows. You're the only one. I trusted you. I put myself out there. You didn't even notice when I told you I liked you until I kissed you."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen believe me." I plead.

"I don't. I have to go. Bye." he turns his back and walks away.

I wish I knew what to do to make this whole thing go away. I don't I have to fix this myself. I need to fight for him. I need him to know I care about him too much to let him go. I need
to let him know that like him. Wait did I just think that? I like him. I guess I always have. I just pushed it away all the time. I need to tell him later tonight.

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