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Justin's POV

"Psssssssst, Justin.......Justin..... yo Justin."

I was currently in Biology and Roc and Austin were calling my name from the back of the class.

I turned around and gave them a smirk.

"Roc and Austin can't you see I'm trying to learn. It is awfully disrespectful and rude of you to distract me." Note the sarcasm.

Mr.Turan gave me the look grown-ups give you when they had enough. He was the only teacher that didn't like me and it was not because of my behavior.

Honestly I am only like this in his class. He is the whole reason why I act up. He always wants to call me out for no reason. Plus it's not just me. No one likes him.

Him and his thick lened glasses, his hair that he seems to be loosing, his skinny legs that goes nothing with his beer belly, and worst of all he had lisps. The word just makes me me shivers. I can't even say it.

I just looked down at my notebook that had no notes and began to doodle. The bell finally rang and I was so ready to get out that class. I always was.

Roc and Austin catch up with me. "So I found out that Wayne is coming back." Roc says as we walk to our next class which we all had together.

"Oh really I miss that dude, where'd he go amyways?" Austin asks.

"He told me he was in Miami and that they're moving back. I miss him and India."

"Yeah India, your girlfriend." Austin teased.

"Shut up." He striked back pushing him almost into a locker.

I heard nothing that they were talking about. I was too busy reading the longest text I've ever received. My mom gave me a shopping list of all the things she needed to get.

She was having a party tomorrow. I really didn't see why she couldn't do it herself. But what are children for.

"Dude Bieber did you hear him Wayne is coming back." Austin says breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Who's Wayne?" I say putting my phone in my pocket and leaving my hand in there. I really knew who he was. He's been my best friend sice forever. I just needed a way to enter the conversation. Don't know why that was it.

"You don't remember Wayne?" Niall asks breaking into our conversations. He put his hands around mine and Roc's neck. Leaving Austin just to hang.

"Of couse I do, and when is he coming back?" I ask as we enter the classroom.


India's POV

I was struggling as I try to pull two of my suitcases down the stairs. I probably almost fell about six times.

Wayne comes down the stairs laughing historically.

"You look like like you need some help." He says with a stupid smirk on his face.

I roll my eyes at him and say, "Yes I would love some help. Now would you be a gentleman and help me out?"

"No can do, I'm busy. Thinking of making myself a sandwich." He says as he makes his way downstairs.

"Your such a JERK!" I call out to him. Thankfully my dad comes up behind me and picks up both my cases. Not saying nothing, just chuckling.

"Your a jerk too dad." I say to him as he walks by. Which makes him chuckle even more.


'Really high pitch girly scream'

Both Janay and I scream through the phone. I was waiting in line to get my bags checked and loaded

The fact that we were becoming closer to see each other made us more and more excited.

Janay and I knew eachother since we were in diapers. She was my best friend ever since. Leaving her wasn't easy. We both cried in her room for two days wondering what we would do without eachother. Turns out no matter how far we were from each other, nothing could've broken us apart.

"India you don't know how much I miss you! How I miss us! Nothing is the same without you!"

She was practically yelling every word, messing with my eardrums. I love her.

But it was now time to say bye to my dad. You can look at the relationship my dad and I have, and see that I'm the biggest daddy's girl ever.

As soon as he looked me in the eyes I began to tear up.

"Sweetheart don't cry, I will be there to visit. I'll call you, skype."

I just got my dad on skype and he loves it. So I just had to laugh. He kissed me on the forehead and whispered in my ear that he would miss me.


The flight was not as long as I thought it would have been. It was only five hours. The first time it felt like forever.

Janay told me that she would meet me at the airport with everyone else.

After getting all our things we went to the entrance and found 'everyone'. Everyone was there.

When Janay and I saw eachother we ran twards eachother.

It was like a scene from a movie. When it's all in slow motion. Seriously. I even droppedmy bags.

After Janay and I had our moment, I ran directly to Roc and gave him a big hug.

Roc was the only real guy-best friend I had. The one I trusted. He's like another big brother to me.

After we all settled down, mom thought it would be good for us to go to a hotel and get some rest. I mean, Wayne and I did start school tomorrow.

Next chapter is when they finally meet. For spoilers. Vote and comment what you think I really would enjoy reading them.

P.S:Roc Royal (Mindless Behavior) and Austin Mahone (Teen Popstar) Niall Horan (one direction) and more

Just keep reading just keep reading

Just keep swimming just keep swimming.

XOXO Baby.

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