Totally like the Movies

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Justin's POV

"So Justin. You still haven't put any thought to being on the schools team?" Grandpa Mike asks as he takes a bite of his roll.

He actually caught me by surprise. I was in no knowledge of the conversations going around the table.

"Oh come on Michael. I told you, no sports talk at the table." Grandma Diane scolds.

"Ummm. Well no, I'm not thinking of playing at all." I answer anyway.

"Well why in the hell is that! Justin your the best player I've ever seen. That is incredibly bull." I could see my grandma shaking her head in the corner of my eye.

"Well you probably haven't seen a lot of people play then grandpa." I chuckle as I continue to play with my food.

"No use Mike. I've tried to get him to play on a team for years. He's ganna stick to playing in the front yard." My dad jokes and then they both laugh. I playfully roll my eyes

"Ok well that's enough with the sports talk. Justin sweetie, have you found yourself a nice sweet girl yet?" Grandma changes the subject.

I squint my eyes at the food before answering. "No." Is all I said.

My mom gives me a look like I was lying giving the same look to my grandma.

"Ooooo sweetie who's the girl?" She get all excited.

"There is no girl." I quickly say before asking to be excused.

I lay across my bed and their was only one thing on my mind. The "there is no girl."

All day I couldn't get her off my mind. To be honest I just wanted to kiss her. I just wish we could pass all this weird stuff between us and just be with each other. But it wasn't that easy.

My phone rang. I picked it up to see who it was. It was River. I didn't pick it up until she called again.

I quietly open and shut the door so they wouldn't hear me leaving. I made my way to Rivers but somehow ended up at India's.

I sat in the parking lot debating if I should go in or not. Ending up at her bedroom door that was connected to the outside.

I knocked like three times quietly. Then louder and louder. I could see her shadow getting closer to the door. Until she finally opens it.

She seemed pretty shocked to see me. But then again so was I.

I felt like the whole time I wasn't thinking. I wasn't in control of my body because my lips were on hers and hers on mine.

And then I suddenly felt at peace.

This is what I needed. What I wanted. And I was happy with it. India.

She pulls away from the kiss still a little shook. She gives me a smile. "Yes." She says grinning with her eyes gently shut.

"I think I'm in love with you India Mendez."

"I know I'm in love with you Justin Bieber."

And all I was thinking was, this is totally like the movies.


baby. baby.  (Justin Bieber FanFiction ) (COMPLETED) (MATURE)Where stories live. Discover now