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A month later........

India's POV

I was at Justin's, sitting on the long, white couch he had in his room which was in front of a flat screen T.V that was playing a chick flick. He was plopped right next to me and he was so into the movie. I giggled and he quickly shot his attention on me.

"What?" He asked in a very cute and confused way.

"Are you seriously into this movie?" I asked and gigled again. He just smiled really big and turned his attention back on the movie. I kept on giggling.

He finally had enough and said, "stop laughing." Once he noticed I wasn't going to stop, he took my phone that was in my hands and threw it.

It landed on his bed that was at least five steps away and I got up to go get it. I soon found myself looking up at the sealing then Justin darted for the phone.

I quickly got up and ran after him. He was laying on the bed going through my phone. I knew I shouldn't have gave him my password.

"Justin Drew Bieber give me my phone right now!" I demanded him as I lay my hand out so he could give it to me. Him being Justin, ignored me and continued going through my phone.

Groan. I jump on him and as we fight over my phone. My legs were around his torso and he held my phone behind his back. I tried my hardest to get it.

Over the month Justin and I became really close. It took me just a month to get to know him and he became my best friend.

It was not so long when I noticed the position we were in and Justin still looked pretty clueless. He was too busy trying to keep the phone away from me to relize anything.

I played along and faught for the phone but then we hit a moment. That moment we catch eye contact and can't look away.

I noticed that his hands were on my waist and then he smiled at me so I quickly got off of him changing the subject. "Justin, you can't just go through my phone like that." I say more serious, as I put my hair up with a hair tie getting up from the bed.

"What?........ I thought we were playing around?" He asked confused still to what just happend. I just ignored him and walked to his bedroom bathroom.

That moment I felt something I never felt before. Did I have feelings for Justin?
Justin's POV

It was movie night at my house and everyone came. All the guys and a few of the girls. It was a full house.

India and I were talking non-stop and I could feel River eyeing us like crazy. I mean the way we haven't been talking. Idk I thought we ended things. Things with us are just way too confusing these days. Plus India is just a friend that's all. I think?

River's POV

"Okay is it only me, or have Justin and India been all over eachother this whole time?" I asked the girls, but only Janay responded.

"Is it me, or is River jealous?" She replied sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes in return.

Honestly I was jealous. Ever since India moved to town, it's like Justin cut me off and we haven't been doing what we do best.

India's POV

Justin was busy talking to the guys so I walked over to Janay, and River just had to be there.

You see, for the past month River had a hard time accepting me. She just had this hate for me that I never really understood. I got over it though. But it's kinda hard when she always had this energy.

"Boo". I say coming from behind Janay as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Hey pretty girl". She says as I make my way to sit next to her. River who was sitting on the other side of Janay chuckled to herself at what Janay Said.

Wow she really hates me. I thought to myself. As Janay gives me this look. The *sooooooo?* look.

I really didn't understand until she tilted her head twards Justin.

"You guys seem really close for the past month, and I notice that you have been doing quite a bit flirting." She says raising her eyebrows.

"Oh brother!" I say with a chuckle. "Come on Janay we are just really good friends. That's all." I say as I scoot further into the chair.

You guys knew each other for weeks, "good friends"?

She said putting her hands up in quotation marks.

"You know........ he's easy to talk to." I said playing with my fingers.

She chuckled in a sort of evil way. "OMG you totally like him!" She says a little too loud.

I slowly nod my head no, looking away, and ignored her the rest of the day.

You see the question is not if I like him or not, it is if I have feelings for him, and if he has feelings for me.


XOXO Catching Feelings.

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