What does this mean?

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India's POV

Ok, honestly I miss Justin. It's been almost a week without me talking to him. Which was weird because we used to talk all the time.

It was 8am on a Saturday and I was still laying in bed thinking about none other than Justin Drew Bieber. I wanted to see him. Talk to him.

I quickly got up and got ready having the idea to go over to his place.

I open my walk in closet, and grabbed my black high waisted jeans and quickly slipped them on. I grabbed a t-shirt that had the words I Love New York and tucked them in my jeans.

I have been only been to New York once with my mom and it was literally a shopping spree. Thats honestly all we did.

I grabbed my blue vans and stidded them on, grabbed a brush and a bag to put in things I might need.

I then ran to the bathroom and applied some light make-up. It's not like I'm going anywhere special. Then I quickly made my way down the stairs.

This house was different from my other one. Instead of the stairs leading to the kitchen, it lead to another hallway which led to the big living room.

Where I found Wayne my brother munching on some chips. Making a mess everywhere.

"What, are you five?" I said giving him a dirty look. He just ignores me and notices that I look like I'm going somewhere.

Apperently I looked like I was going somewhere special, due to what he says.

"Where on earth are you going looking like that? You going on a date?" He says putting another handful of chips in his mouth as he chuckles.

I roll my eyes at him. "I'm going to a friend's." Wayne doesn't know the relationship that Justin and I have, how close we were and I didn't want him to. I mean that is his best friend.

He smirks at me and lift his eyebrows at me.

"Just tell mom I'll be home before dinner." I say ignoring him.


I ring the doorbell that was connected to a big red door and stepped back waiting for someone to open the door.

A very tired young looking Pattie opens the door. Her straight face turning to a very big smile when she saw that it was me. She quickly opens the door and gives me the biggest hug.

You see, the closer I've gotten with Justin, the closer I got to his parents. I mean they love me. Pattie is like my best friend I could tell her anything. I'm closer to her than I am with my own mom. She says that I reminded her of herself when she was younger.

Still in the hug she tells me she missed me and quickly invited me in. We walk through the long hallway thay had a butch of baby pictures and even a few family pictures.

"Your probably looking for Justin huh. You didn't come here to hang out with this old girl." She says leading to the big kitchen. That is probably at least three of mine.

I chuckled, "Pattie, you know your only 32 right? And how do you know I didn't come here to hang out with my girl?"

She chuckled at what I said. "Cause you didn't." We both crack up.

"Where you been anyways? I really missed you. You know it's not easy living with two boys." She says pooring herself a cup of coffee.

"Yeah.......you know." Was all I could say.

She laughs and takes a sip of her coffee. She points towards the stairs, telling me Justin was up there.

I make my way up twards the stairs and see Justin's school pictures. From kindergarten to 8th grade. I couldn't help but laugh.

I never seen the upstairs of the house, Justin's room was downstairs and Pattie really didn't give me enough information.

Upstairs was literally another house and I honestly didn't know where I was going. Justin thought it would be funny to come from behind me and whisper boo and grab me by the waist. I jumped at his touch.

"What are you doing creeping around my house?" He says still talking from behind me and holding my waist.

I quickly turn."Looking for you." I say in a frustrated and whiny voice. He lifts his eyebrows, in a way of asking really?

He grabs my hand and pulls me tward a room. The game room. This room had everything and the tv was at least just a bit more smaller than the one at a movie theater. Ot had a shelf with a whole buntch of books, a pool table, everything.

Justin let's go of my hand and sits on the big long couch. I follow him and plop down next to him. He sighs. I sigh. Then we both sigh. We stared at eachother and crack up.

"So what are you really doing here?" He asks me, looking straight in my eyes. It took me a while to answerer. I was too busy admiring his beautiful golden eyes.

"I already told you......... I was looking for you." I say. My eyes still locked with his.

"Why?" He says still looking in my eyes.

Me not thinking what was coming out of my mouth says....... "To do this." I say as I slowly lean in twards his lips.

Justin beats me to it and presses our lips together. A kiss leads to a long kiss, to a longer kiss, to a make-out session.

As soon as I knew it, I was laying down with my back on the couch, and Justin was between my legs, his hand rubbing my thigh.

He slows the kiss and then pulls away. All you could here was us gasping for air.

"So...... what does this mean?" He says with a heavy breath. I smiled and kissed him again. This time making sure he wouldn't pull away.

baby. baby.  (Justin Bieber FanFiction ) (COMPLETED) (MATURE)Where stories live. Discover now