Run River ?

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Justin's POV

   I was laying on River's bed repeatedly throwing a basketball into the air.

   River was going on about some gossip. I mean I saw her mouth moving, I just didn't care to hear what she was saying.

  "JUSTIN!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!?!" She obnoxiously yells.


  She rolls her eyes at me.

   "Whatever. It's your turn now. Tell me how life is nowadays." She says playing with the bridge of my sweater.

  I look at her playing with my sweater and then back at her.

   I squint my eyes at her. She widens her eyes and pokes her neck out at me. I then roll my eyes and sit up from the bed.

   "I don't know what you want me to say River." 

"How's. Life."  She say as if I was slow.



    "What?! River. This is weird. We never just... talked."

   "Yeah we did. All the time Justin. Remember."

"Yeah but that's was when we were like 12"

      "Ok well I miss my best friend!"

  I give her a look thinking about how being best friends used to be. 

     "Well. What do you want to talk about?"

"A lot actually."


"India?"  She says in a low voice and quickly looking away, knowing I wouldn't like what she had said. I roll my eyes again looking at the ceiling

"I knew you were up to something."

   "Justin you don't understand! SHE'S JUST ANOTHER SELENA!!"

  I quint my eyes and stand up from the bed. I grew so angry by that one comment.

  "No. River you can't do that. You don't know India."  I could here the anger in my own voice.

She also got up to her feet.

"Yeah?! Well let me guess. She's beautiful inside and out, she's makes you happy, you love her soooo much and you can't imagine life without her. Oh yeah and  wait, I forgot, you would do anything for her. Even die."  She was talking in a fast pace but also with mockery in her voice as she threw her hands up. I never felt so much anger.

   "River you......"

"Oh yeah Justin?!?! Well let me tell you. THAT WAS THE SAME WAY YOU FELT ABOUT SELENA!! In the end you still got hurt. Justin I've never seen you so in love then when you were with Selena. It's like you were lost in whatever she was tricking you into. You forgot who you were." Her voice softened."

"She's not Selena." I say in a low voice. Looking her straight dead in the eyes so she knew I was being serious.

"Whatever. Just don't come to me when you get hurt again." She says walking towards her bedroom door. I pull her by the hand to stop her.

"River can you just listen to me for a second?" I ask as I pull her back in the room. She takes a seat on her bed.

"I tried. You have no idea how much I tried."

"I also have no idea what you're talking about." She rolls her eyes.

"Just let me talk ok. Damn it River I wanted nothing to do with India. You know how hard I pushed her away the second I knew we were getting close? I for real beat myself up cause I couldn't stop it. She has this thing River....... I don't know all I know is I'm fricken in love with her and I fall more and more in love with her each day. I just... I couldn't stop even if I wanted to." I sigh from the loads of words and I could see her eyes to soften.

"I get that Justin. I do. But.... I swear to you this is exactly the way you felt about Selena." She says making sure my eyes were locked on hers.

I chuckle. "Yeah. But she's not Selena. I mean it's not like I ever denied the love I had for Selena. Shoot. I loved that girl with everything. I gave her everything. I just never saw how toxic that relationship was. India and I are nothing like Selena and I were." She nods her head at me I sit back on the bed.

"Just be careful.

Ok so many of you may be confused. Yes River and I had a thing. We did a couple times actually. But that's stopped when I stared dating Selena. River wasn't too happy about that. When we broke up I was so miserable and all I wanted to do was take all that anger out on River's body. So I did. Then that was on again. Until I met India. And man was I not happy about falling in love again because I told myself I was done with love and I didn't believe it. But then again, here we are.


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