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Justin's POV

The boys and I were playing on my new Xbox. We were playing Call of Duty Black Opps and I was losing badly.

It was Roc and Austin as always. Then Zayn and Emily who were over.

I know what your thinking but Emily isn't the girliest girl you think. And I forgot to mention that I was losing to her.

"Ha, beat you for the 5th time." She says as she goes through everyone getting a high five and bowing as she mumbles thank you's.

I roll my eyes at her cockiness.
"Only you would count." I say throwing a pillow at her.

She just begins to laugh along with everyone else who start yelling things like.

"You just got beat by a girl!" Austin yells.

"For the 5th time." Zayn adds using his fingers to show the number. Giving Emily another high five.
Later That Day

After a while, the boys, Emily and I got bored so we desided to head to the mall.

Zayn got about five pairs of shoes, Wayne got like three cool t-shirts, Emily kept trying food at different resterants, and Austin kind of disappeared on us. Me? Well just added on to my hat collection.

Zayn decided he wanted to buy one more pair of shoes so we headed to Foot Locker.

That's where we found the girls. Janay, Lia, and India. She was the first one I saw amd she gave me the biggest smile.

"Hey." She says walking twards me keeping that smile on her face.

"Hey." I reply as she links my arm in hers and pulls me towards the exit.

"Let's get out of here." She says.

India's POV

I loved the way Justin's mind worked. He had something to say about everything. Plus he was so cute and funny. There was not a moment that we had nothing to talk about. He talkes a lot, in a good way.

We were at an ice cream stand where Justin was paying the cashier. He odered plain vanilla and I ordered rocky road.

When the man gave us our ice cream, I gave him the look. The really? look.

He chuckled, "what"?

"You could have had any ice cream you wanted and you chose plain vanilla?" I reply as we walked through the cool breeze.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that? Vanilla is classic? He says with a chuckle.

We just walked around for hours talking about life, lauphing and having fun. I then relized I told this guy my whole life. I knew him for about two weeks and I trusted him with everything.

Something I never done. Not even with my ex James but that's another story.

Justin's POV

I took her to this place I used to go when I was younger. It was actually just down the street from where I lived. It was some kind of lake that had a brige that headed towards the water. It was pretty beat up but very special to me.

"This was an abanded place. It kind of still is." I told her walking along the bridge.

"I remember the day I found it. My parents got into an argument. A bad one. I was about 12 years old and I just came walking from school because I noticed no one came to pick me up. I walked in the house and yelling boomed in my ears. I walked in to see what it was about but something stopped me."

I looked down at my fingers and played with them. India came closer in to sign to say move. I took a deep breath.

"I mean, I know he didn't mean it, but............. he said.......... he said we wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for Justin. We would have gone our seperate ways. You should have just gotten that abortion. Then he walked out stopped to look at me with tears in my eyes, but kept on walking."

I took another deep breath and looked at the ground. I put my hands on the railing of the bridge and pulled back and forth. India moved closer and reached for my hand. I continued before she could touch it.

"I ran out the door and didn't stop until I found this. I cried for hours but then my mom found me. She explained everything. I didn't talk to my dad for a long time." I stopped and forced a smile on my face.

"I like to come here and watch the sun set." I says, and then motioned my head twards the sunset.

India's POV

And that night, I watched the sunset with Justin and fell in love with the bridge.


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