Where is he?

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   I knocked on the big glass door patiently waiting for an answer.

   Seconds after Jeremy swings the door open and greets me with a big smile.

    "India!! The queen of queens." He lets me in as I chuckle at his nick name for me. I swear I had a different one every time o saw him. Which is not too often cause he's either working or just busy.

   Patty comes from the other room and smiles when she sees me.

   "Hey sweet looks who's here. "The Queen of queens." Jeremy repeats as he motions towards me.

  "Hey sweetheart. How have you been? Feels like I haven't seen you in forever. She say as she pulls me in for a hug.

   Jeremy makes his way back into the other room. I hear him shout Justin's name a few times and then he returns.

  "Yeah. I know. It's crazy because I'm like here almost everyday." I chuckle and then she shakes her head.

   "Well then I guess it's our fault then." She says giving Jeremy a look and closing the door.

   We all make our way into the big living room that surprised me every time I saw how big it was.

   The walls were beige and each one had either beautiful art of the city or young and even baby pictures of Justin.

  No family pictures though. But a few of Jeremy and
Patty's wedding. They looked so young.

  The chairs were a bit of chocolate gold and they had grey and gold throw pillows.

  Just the house's design itself. Man Patty knew what she was doing.

   Patty heads into the kitchen and I follow her.

   "You want something to drink?"  She ask holding up sweet tea.

   I give her a smile and a wink and she gives me a chuckle back.

   "So where's Justin." I ask as she hands me a cup of iced sweet tea.

   "He should be up in his room. Surprised he hasn't came down here yet. But River was here earlier. I don't know maybe she's still here."

    The second I heard her name, my hear began to beat. Not really of anger, but of jealousy.

   Isn't she somewhat his ex? I don't know the story between them but I know they had a thing. And I hate that hoe. Every time she's around she all over Justin like 🙄🙄

  "Oh." Is all I said and then took a sip of my iced tea.

"Well can you let him know I stopped by?" I say picking up my bag and making my way out.

  "Yeah no problem but India....." That's the last word I heard.


baby. baby.  (Justin Bieber FanFiction ) (COMPLETED) (MATURE)Where stories live. Discover now