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My mom and I shared a hotel room and Wayne stayed in his own room.

I wasn't able to sleep at all. I just had so much on my mind. And when I would drift off to sleep, I would wake up and do it all over again. I'm in Cali! I would keep telling myself.

Janay, Lia, and I were on our way to our next period class. Which we all had together. Lia had to get some books from her locker. So Janay and I joined her.

"So....... what do you think about the school so far?" Lia asks as she puts her combo in. They both look at me waiting for an answer. They looked at me like the answer depended on them.

"I love that there are so many hot guys." I say with a stupid smile on my face. They just laughed.

I ignored them and looked at a small group of boys and had my eye on one.

"Especially him." I say not realizing I siad it aloud. The girls look at me, where I was looking, at eachother, and then back at me.

They had a momenet when they spoke with there eyes and looked back at me.

"What?" I asked all offensively.

I looked back at the one I couldn't stop looking at. Two boys who looked like his friends, were in a conversation as he looked down at his phone confused.

He was so cute. "Oh". Both Janay and Lia say, snapping me out of my thoughts. Lia slams her locker shut.

"No no child. He's not available." She says as they both pull me  towards class and they left it at that.


We went back to my Hotel after school and Janay was painting my toes and I was braiding Lia's hair.

It kind of reminded me of when we were younger. We would do this every Friday after school and take turns who's house we would stay at. I kind of missed it.

"So, what did you mean when you said he was off limits. Did you even know who I was talking about?"

They both looked at eachother like they did earlier. "Justin." They say at the same time.

"And we ment that he's not available. Off limits." Janay says shrugging her shoulders saying simple as that.

"That doesn't explain anything." I say as I finished Lia's braid.

"It actually explains everything. He's not available and since you need to know so badly, he's with 'the' River Smalls."

"Why do you say it like that?" I ask confused to the fact why she said it as if she was so important.

"Because River is like the hoe of the school and all she does is plays with that little boys heart. Poor Justin. You won't believe how many times they have been on and off." Janay continued.

"But we like her though. River is our girl. She may be messed up but we love her. Her and Justin just don't mix though." Janay says as she puts away the nail supplies.

"Yeah, I was talking to Justin yesterday and he was thinking about completely ending it with her. Justin for real has a thing for messed up girls."

"Wait you guys know him, and like associate with him." I asked. Then they looked at me like that was the most stupid question ever.

"Everyone associates with Justin." Lia says quoting the "associates".

"You know what?" I say not really knowing if I knew.
"Let's just watch a movie." I say popping in Legally Blonde frustrated.


The next day I was told some of my classes were swiched. They figured most of my classes that I was taking I already took.

Third period I had Biology with some teacher named Mr. Turan.

When I walked into class everyone looked at me. I noticed Roc and smiled. Then I saw Wayne sitting next to him and rolled my eyes playfully at him.

I sat at a two seated table that was empty and looked at the bored which said cells/Mitosis.

I looked around and saw that everyone was taking notes. I tried to get Roc's attention but he was too busy talking. Not even the teacher came up to me and told me what was going on.

I thought I should try to fit in with the crowed and pulled out a notebook and a pen. Titling it Cells/Mitosis.

In the middle of me writing Mitosis, he came in.

"Your late again." The teacher says fixing his glasses with his finger so he could see him.

"No, I'm actually not." He says with an attitude in his voice as he hands the teacher a pass.

"Why don't you sit down Justin and try not to cause any trouble." The teacher says as he was already on his way to his seat.

He looks back and gives him a look, squinting his eyes at him.

It looked that his seat was the one next to me. The only empty one. For some reason my heart pounded faster and faster every step he took.

As soon as he sat down I tried everything I could to avoid eye-contact or looking at anything that belonged to him.

I could here Roc and Wayne call his name from the back. I didn't know Wayne knew him.

The teacher got up."Ok class as you could see the board, we will be learning about Mitosis. You and your table partner will go in the book and get all the information you can about it." He says as he walks back to his desk leaving it at that.

Finally I took a look at him and found him digging in his bag. He came back up with a Biology book, a notebook and a pen.

He opened his notebook to a clean page and the way he did it made me wanna lauph so hard. And knowing me as me, I did.

He quickly looked at me confused and that made me laugh even more.

"Ok what is so funny?" He finally ask still with that cute confused look on his face.

"Ok one, who opens a notebook like that, all delicate and slow like it's special? And two, who opens a notebook like that." I say chuckling.

"Because it 'is' special. Paper comes from trees, and 35% of trees are cut down for paper each year. Trees are very special and when they are cut down that leaves paper to be special." He said like that is something everyone should know.

Honestly I was surprised he knew that. "Why do you know that?" I ask with laughter in my voice. He laughs. A really cute lauph that I wanted to rewind over and over again. I know I'm weird.

"I'm Justin and I could have sworn you have never been there the whole year, or am I just crazy?"

"No, your not. Well maybe a little for knowing the whole tree thing but no. And my name is India." I respond to his silly question.

He laughs, that cute lauph again and continues, "well India, we should get to work."

Honestly I didn't know it would be so easy to talk to him.

Lol what do you guys think? Comment your favorite JB song.

XOXO Catching Feelings.

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