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Justin's POV

India has been really distant lately. I have one class with her and always see her in the hall, but it feels like she has been ignoring me or something.

"Yo Justin, man I heard the funniest thing today, Mr. Moore got hit in the head with a basketball and passed out, and everyone who was in his class ran out and skipped. They didn't even get help." Emily comes up to me and says.

I didn't really respond. Just nodded my head and kept looking around for India.

"Who you looking for?". She asks.

I look around once more and give up.

"Have you seen India around?"
I asked her frustrated at this point.

She just simply nods her head no as I walk away from her not even saying goodbye or I have to go.

I didn't understand I mean last night was weird but...........

Last Night

"Hey India, what's 12 x 22?" I yell to India, who was in my bedroom bathroom!"

I was doing my math homework and I just didn't feel like doing anything technical. So I used my human calculator. In other words, India.

"Really Justin, I'm in the bathroom figure it out yourself!" She yells back.

"Fine, you don't have to be so mean." I say in a whiny voice, messing around.

She open the bathroom door, sticks her head out, and says fine back.

Me, just wanting to win the argument says fine back too. Surely again she comes stick her head out and says fine one last time. Thinking she won the argument.

I waited till she went back in the bathroom and shut the door to say under my breath "fine".

She comes out again saying, "I heard that". And goes back into the bathroom.

"Oh my goodness." I say to myself "What are you doing in there anyways?" I ask as I slam my math book shut.

I walk towards the bathroom door since I didn't hear a response,and opened the door to find India on her phone.

"Really your phone is way more important than helping me with my homework?" I say sarcastically.

"Yeah pretty much." She says still looking down at her phone.

"You know, if your hanging around with a boy named Justin too much you sometimes get tired of him. If you know what I mean."

She says lifting her eyebrows on the last sentence. I put my hand on my heart to sarcastically say that I'm hurt.

I grabbed her the wedding style way and threw her on the bed.

"What did you say?" I ask as I tickle her which is her weakness.


I stopped like she commanded and got caught into her eyes.

I was laying between India's legs and she wraps her's around my torso.

She slowly pulls my shirt. Bringing me closer.

And sooner then later our lips were pressed against each other. From that.... it slowly became a make out session.

My fingers slowly make their way up her thigh. Until she quickly pushes my hand away, gets off from under me, grabs her things and goes.

End of Flashback

It was last period and I was exhausted and just wanted to go home. Then the Bell finally rang I made my way to my locker rushing my way out to go home until I got a text from Zayn.


Hey, Bomani wants us to meat at the Bay.

I throw my head back in annoyance. All I wanted was to hang out with my bed and do what we do best, sleep.

Bomani was our vocal coach and he took our talents seriously. And since we had a concert this weekend, he has been super strict on us lately.


I made my way into the big building that has the name Bomani's Dance Studio printed on the top which was ironic because it wasn't a dance studio. More like a big house that had a stage in it. That was basically what it was.

I walked in to see everyone there including India who was talking to Chris .

Chris is basically my ex best friend. I know it sounds stupid and childish but that's what he is. Ever since the Selena thing, I hated his guts.  But that's another story. It made me more pissed that he was talking to India and I honestly don't know why.

"So someone finally decided to come." Bomani says as I walk in the room.

India's POV

Ever since Justin and I kissed, I honestly stayed as far as I could from him. Why? Well what would I exactly say to him.

I won't lie, that was the best kiss I ever had. It made me feel something I never felt before. And if I could, I would do it again.

That kiss answered a very important question. I had feelings for Justin.

It was just a normal day. We had a corny question of the day and we went through our songs that we would sing for the concert.

And still..... I siad nothing to Justin, all he did was stare at me at the corner of his eye all night.

XOXO Baby .

baby. baby.  (Justin Bieber FanFiction ) (COMPLETED) (MATURE)Where stories live. Discover now