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It was currently 11pm and the full moon was high in the night sky, floating in the ocean of stars that spotted across the sky. There were no clouds and the crickets played their songs without interuption. There was a slight breeze every now and then that would brush by your (h/l) (h/c) hair as you looked out your open window.

It was just another boring night in your life. Everyday it had been the same for you; go to school, come home for like 30min, then head to your part time job for the rest of the day. It has been like this for about a year and all you wanted was an adventure of some kind, a change in your boring routine.

You loved the fantasy stories of anime and manga, and were recently most interested in the incredible world of Hetalia. It was a world where every country had it's own human personification, and just like every fangirl out there, you had a crush on one of them.

Being a believer in the supernatural and in myths, you stayed up every night till 11:11pm to wish you could somehow enter their world and experience an adventure. Also, to meet your secret fantasy crush.

As the clock marked 11:11pm, you closed your eyes and made your wish, hoping with all your might that it would come true. After a few moments you slowly peeked your eyes open and found yourself still in your room.

"Ugh, another night of unanswered wishes. How long have I been doing this now? A year? Why can't at least something small happen so I can keep hoping?" you half yelled in anger.

Sighing in frustration, you went over to your bed and fell face-first into your pillow. You grumbled and yelled into the pillow, letting out all your anger, but stopped when a sudden sound, almost like shifting sand, came from behind you.

As soon as you turned around a hand went over your eyes and another over your mouth. Panicking, you struggled in their grip, but your efforts became in vain when you pairs of strong arms picked you up by the legs and arms.

Curling your hands into fists, you tried even harder to somehow wiggle your way out of all the intruder's grips. Their grip on you tightened and you could hear one of them begin chanting something in some weird verses.

As soon as he had finished you suddenly fell asleep, into a black, dreamless sleep.

---------------------Time skip ---------------------

You couldn't feel anything and could see nothing. All you could make out was the slight feeling that you were floating. The blackness of your mind kept it's hold on you for longer than you could count. After what seemd like an eternity, you began hearing voices which were getting louder with every breath you took.

"Vat in the vorld vere you thinking??" a german accented man yelled.

"You said there were no such things as an alternate dimension, so I decided to prove you wrong, you git!" a different brittsh accent man snapped back.

"Ve~ is the ragazza ok? She hasn't woken up since you brought her here," an italian voice came from close to your right side, and he seemed worried.

"The spell should have worn off by now," an english accent now?

"Dude, as cool as this is that someone from an alternate universe is here, it's still not cool that you dragged her here without thinking." That sounded like America.

You were indeed awake, but pretended to still be asleep to see what info you could get from them before you opened your eyes.

"Don't vorry Italy, I'm sure she vill be fine. If not zhen England vill be facing zhe consequences."

'Wait, Italy? England?' You couldn't believe your ears. 'Hold on, this ust be a dream. I know I wished for this to happen, but this seems too real to be true.'

As you began to get feeling back into your limbs, you could feel you were sitting up in some sort of chair. An uncomfortable one at that due to the fact it was extremely hard wood. You hands were in your lap and your head was facing the floor.

"Shouldn't we make her feel more comfortable, aru? These chairs arent exactly comfortable to sit in let alone sleep in." This new voice had a chinese accent which you made out to be China.

"China-san is right. I'll go retrieve some blankets and a pillow for her." Footsteps went further away and you heard a door open and close.

The room fell silent, but you distinctly feel the gaze of numerous eyes on you, their stares boring into your figure. Your finger slightly switched subconsiously and there were a few slight gasps.

"Honhonhon~ it looks like the fille (girl) is starting to wake up."

You inwardly cursed your body for betraying you, but started to slowly open your eyes anyway. You blinked a few times to clear your blurry vision before lifting your head up to look towards the voices. Your breath caught in your throat as you stared at the sight in front of you.

You were sitting in one of the chairs at the table of a Hetalia World meeting.

All the countries were there, and all their eyes were on you.

"Ve~ the ragazza is awake! I'm so happy!" Italy cheered and then glomped you into a tight hug.

"C-Can't breathe!" you wheezed.

"Italy! Vhat have I told you about randomly hugging people!" Germany then proceeded to pull Italy away from you and place him back into his assigned chair.

Still catching your breath, you managed to ask, "U-Um, w-where am I?"

Everyone's gaze turns to England as he tries to sneak out the door, but France and America grab him by the arms and drag him back to his seat. He crosses his arms and turns his headto the side as everyone then begins to glare daggers at him. He peeks one eye open and glances at you, and after seeing your distressed face he sighs and puts his elbows onto the table.

"Ok, I'm really sorry for suddenly bringing you here, love, but I needed to prove to these gits that another dimension did exist. You just kind of happened to be in the spot where my spell sent us, but we only took you with us because we didn't want you to scream and give us away."

You kind of understood his logic, and given that you were a fangirl of the Hetalia series you most likely would have screamed your head off and fainted, something you were trying not to do at this very moment.

You glanced around at the various countries, your mind still trying to process everything, but england seemed to notice that you weren't entirely shocked.

"May I ask a question, love? I just brought you here from another world yet you seem a lot calmer than I imagined.

You looked back to him and shyly gave your answer, not knowing if they would believe you.

"T-That's because in m-my world, your world is an anime we call H-Hetalia."

His widened in shock and there were various murmurs going around the room.

"U-Um if I may ask, is there anyway to send me back home?" not that you wanted to leave, but you wanted to at least make sure there was a way back home.

"A-About that, love, after I did the spell the paper which it was written on kind of...burst into flames. I don't remember the spell, so it might take time to create a new one." He rubbed the back of his head nervously, somehow waiting for a scolding from you.

It didn't come, and you decided that if you were going to be staying here for a while you might as well introduce yourself.

"T-That's alright, as long as you try to make a new one. By the way my name is (First Name). (First Name) (Last Name)."

"Ve~ it's nice to meet you (name)!" Italy had made his way back over to you and pulled you into a looser hug which you returned.

Germany spoke up then, getting everyone's attention back on track.

"Vell, since it seems you know all of us, ve von't vaste time vith introductions. Although, ve need to decide who you vill stay vith since you obviously don't have anyvhere to stay."

As soon as he said that the room errupted into a heated argument over who you would be staying with you. Truthfully, you weren't surprised by how this was going because this seemed to always happen at the world meets in the anime, but after a few minutes Germany finally snapped.


Everyone went silent at his sudden outburst and looked at him in shock.

Germany then composed himself and smoothed his now messy hair back into its original position.

He cleared his throat and stated, "Vhy don't ve let (name) decide or if she is ok vith it let us calmly decide who she vill be staying vith?"

Everyone glanced at each other and after a few minutes, they all agreed with Germany's proposal.

"Ok (name) vhat do you vant to do?"

Who will you choose?

The Miracle of the 11:11 WishWhere stories live. Discover now