Reader x Japan - New Beginnings

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"Vell (name), vhat do you vant to do?"

You began glancing around the room, taking in everything and everyone who was seated, or standing, around the table. Most of their eyes held hope that you would choose them while others held a hidden desire. It made you slightly uncomfortable that some of the nations would look at you like, but you knew how they were in the anime.

Your heart began to beat uncontrollably as panic and fear flowed down onto you. The thought of staying with a stranger, even if they were your favorite characters, made you feel uncomfortable.

A sudden pair a footsteps getting closer and an opening of a door brought you out of your thoughts as you turned your gaze towards the source. You then saw Japan making his way over to you with a blanket in his right hand while the other held a pillow. Seeing the blanket suddenly reminded you that it was actually quite cold in the room, that and you were only wearing your pajamas. He then offered the blanket to you to which you said 'thank you,' and wrapped yourself up in it.

Japan just bowed to you, a slight smile on his face, and went to take his seat next to China. He kept the pillow with him for some reason, but you didn't ask why. You took a moment to look at him and he was wearing his white uniform. His dull, chocolate eyes seemed to send you in a trance, and at his waist you noticed his katana.

"(Name), vould it be better if ve chose for you? You seem to be unable to choose someone to stay vith," Germany spoke up, breaking you out of your thoughts.

"U-Um..." was all you could get out before a certain Prussian began to shout over his brother.

"Hey, Vest, she can stay vith the awesome me!"

"No she vill not bruder. And besides, you live in mein basement, so I doubt she vould vant to stay vith you."

"Aww, come on! Who vould say no to the awesome me and mein awesome five –hmph!" He was cut off by a pillow being thrown at his face with such force it knocked him backwards onto the floor with a loud thump.

You couldn't stop yourself from bursting out laughing like America was now doing as well. Other nations were also chuckling while France and Spain were slouched over because they were laughing so hard.

"Honhonhon~ I think you 'ave been rejected, mon ami." France managed to wheeze out before laughing again.

"Yeah, amigo. I don't think the chica is going with you."

"Vhat?! Who says I have been rejected?"

"I do, Prussia-san. I will not let you lay a finger on (Name)-san," Japan firmly stated, his hand resting on the hilt of his katana.

"Kesesese~ fine, I vill let this frau go, but only just this once."

Even after he said that, though, he looked at you and gave you a devious grin.

Japan still held a firm gaze at Prussia, but took his hand off his katana. You hadn't noticed you were holding your breath, so you let it out in a relieved sigh. You didn't want to nations to resort to fighting one another over such a small matter.

"Japan. Since you seen capable of protecting the frau, do you think she could stay vith you till England finishes the spell to send her home?"

"It would be an honor to have (Name)-san stay with me."

"What? Why does everyone always get to go with you, aru?" China pouted.

"You are staying with me remember, da?" Russia said while moving behind China.

China froze and began shaking as Russia's purple aura began to manifest. He then bolted from his seat and out the door with Russia following calmly behind.

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