America - Hero in the Night

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"Ok (name) vhat do you vant to do?" Germany asked.

You didn't even have time to look around the room, or even think for that matter, when America loudly spoke up from behind England.

"Dudes, she can totally stay over at my place!"

"What?? You git, you can barely take care of yourself, and I think it would be better for her to stay with me since this is my fault in the first place." England gasped.

"Dude, can you stop treating me like I'm still a kid? Come on, she'll have a ton of fun at my place, and we can go get McDonalds together and I can teach her how to play Call of Duty and some other games."

England just face palmed and shook his head.

"Vell it's up to (name) if she vants to go vith him or not," Germany stated.

America looked to you and gave you his signature thumbs up with a wink. You blushed slightly and looked down to hide it. You thought about staying with him, and thought it couldn't be that bad. If you ever wanted something besides McDonalds you could go and buy yourself other things. You had also wanted to try to play CoD, but never got the chance so maybe this was a good idea.

Looking back up, everyone had their eyes on you, waiting for you to make to ultimate decision.

"I'll stay with America. I think it will be very fun."

"Woohoo! This is going to be totally awesome." America cheered and started to jump up and down, earning a slap to the head from England.

"You git! Stop acting like a child."

"Ah come on England, you're just jealous she's staying with me and not you."

England then blushed and started to stutter.

"W-What are y-you talking about?? I'm not jealous! I just don't agree she should stay with an oblivious git like you."

He then crossed his arms and closed his eyes tightly shut as if trying to make America disappear.

You giggled and America turned to you to give you a wide smile.

"Ahem. Since ve vont be getting much done vith zhis meeting, the meeting is now adjourned."

Germany then packed up his things and called for Italy and Japan that it was time to head home. Italy gave you one last hug and followed after Germany while Japan bowed to you and left.

The other countries soon followed suit, but England came over to you and whispered something in your ear.

"I hope you know what you are getting yourself into, love. I'll try to create the spell to send you home as fast as I can, but I have no idea when it will be done."

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