France - The Love of Jealousy

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"Vell (name), vhat do you vant to do?" Germany asked, and you then began to scan the room.

England raised his hand to get everyone's attention before bringing back down to the table. He took in a deep breath and kept his eyes closed while his head faced the floor.

"She can stay with me since this is all my fault in the first place."

You stared at him and tried to decide if it was a good idea or not, but were interrupted by France.

"Quoi?? I refuse to let a belle dame like her to live with you even if it's for a short while. You have terrible cooking and you would probably make the fille work around your house nonstop."

England's face first went pale then red with anger as France insulted him. He then slammed his hands down on the desk and faced France with a glare that could kill.

"I would not make a lady work nonstop you bloody frog! And my cooking is perfectly fine!" He yelled.

You cringed in fear at the argument that was unfolding before you and hugged the cowering Italy beside you. You had known that they would always fight, but to see it in person was a whole different story. Dark auras surrounded both of them and some of the other countries, except for Russia, began to cower back in fear.

Germany looked to America, who was laughing his head off, and gave him a stern look. America seemed to understand and they both went and pulled the two apart, America had England and Germany got France.

"Let me go you bloody git!"

"Don't you see zhat you are scaring (name) and Italy?" Germany half yelled at them.

They both looked at you and Italy cowering in the chair, holding onto one another as tears pricked the corner of your eyes. France's eyes softened and he asked Germany to let go and her did. England did the same, but gave France a glare before gathering up his things and leaving.

You watched him leave, feeling that this was all partially your fault, but France spoke up before you could say anything.

"Je suis desole, mon cher*. I wish you didn't have to see me like that." He apologized.

Looking up at him, you could tell he was sorry, but you also felt something else about him. It was like he didn't know what to do at the moment.

"Now that that is over, would you allow me to take care of you while you are here?" He winked at you and held out a rose while his other hand found yours and he kissed it.

You blushed bright red and looked down at your feet to try and hide it. You were becoming a little unsure if staying with him was truly a good idea or not, know that he was the country of love.

Sensing your discomfort, France let your hand go and took a step back.

"Honhonhon~ don't worry, mademoiselle, I will not do anything to you." He said, slightly bowing and giving you another wink.

You lifted your head and gave a slight nod. Germany then cleared his throat to address everyone.

"This meeting is now adjourned since I can see zhat ve vont be getting much else done."

He then packed his things and left the room with Italy and Japan following behind. Everyone else did the same, but some looks of uncertainty and worry as they looked at you and France.

You just shrugged it off, but deep down you were slightly worried about being with the Frenchmen.

France interrupted your thoughts by standing in front of you and offered his hand to help you up. You thankfully took his hand and he began leading you to his car, so that he could bring you to his home.

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