Reader x Mafia!Romano - A Change for the Better

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I know the mafia is not a very good subject for a lot of people, so I warn you now that this might not be the nicest story I have ever written. I don't know what really goes on and can only speculate and read about it, so please don't hate me for anything in this story. Also there will be cursing, as it is Romano.

Warnings: Language, some things are suggested, and a bit of fighting.


"Vell (Name)? Vhat do you vant to do?"

"Umm I -"

"She isn't going with-a anyone except-a me!" a loud voice interrupted yours.

You jump at the sudden exclamation and turn your head to look in the direction it came from. You then lock eyes with an agitated Italian who had his arms crossed over his chest. He gave off an air of authority, but you could see he was secretly afraid. You guessed he was trying to act tough.

It only took you a moment to confirm that the man was none other than Lovino, or in other terms Northern Italy. He wore his familiar tan uniform. The iconic curl poked out of his head and curled off to his right side. His signature frown was plastered on his face as he looked you straight in the eye. There was another emotion there, but you couldn't place it.

"And what gives you the right to decide for her when she hasn't even told us what she wants to do?" England asks him, crossing his own arms.

Lovino was clearly not expecting to hear a comeback and began to slightly tremble in his seat.

"A-And what makes you-a think she'll pick the right-a choice," comes his weak comeback.

"Lovino, I highly doubt she vould vant to go vith jou," Germany cuts in. "Not zhat you couldn't vatch over her, but... jou know vhy."

"Oh shut it potato bastard! She-s would be-a safe with me!"

"Safe with a retired mafia boss? I hardly think that's a safe place to be," England scoffs and begins searching through his pockets.

Lovino begins shout curses at him as you just sit in your chair. He was sure short-tempered just like in the anime. And while you liked the hot-blooded Italian you'd rather not get involved with anything. Especially the mafia.

"Ve~ Fratello calm down. I'm-a sure the bella will be safe with-a someone else," Feliciano tried to calm him down.

Lovino slaps his hand away and begins shouting at him, "And how would you know that?"

"Because Doitsu protects me all the time-a!"

That just made him even more angry. You had to resist the urge to plug your ears from how loud he got. A light tap on your right shoulder brought your attention away from the bickering brothers. You made the emerald eyes of England as you noticed some parchment in his hand.

"Come with me, love. I'll get you back home. I'm quite sure you don't want to listen to that," he gestures to the fight.

You lightly chuckle and nod your head. Standing up, you follow England to a corner of the room away from the argument. You watch as he begins drawing symbols and circles along the ground with a white piece of chalk. Did he always carry that around? His pocket must be very white if he did.

"Alright, that should do it," he says as he connects the last line. "Just stand in the middle and please don't move."

Nodding again you step into the middle, careful not to smug the carefully drawn markings. All the markings were quite intricate, but you didn't know what any of it meant. As soon as you stood still in the middle England began to chant to words written on the parchment. Light began glow beneath your feet as he continued chanting.

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