Reader x Prussia - Words Unspoken

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"Vell (Name), vhat do you vant to do?"

You blinked once and began to scan the room. Each nation had a hopeful look in their eyes, while some, like China, were practically giving you puppy eyes. You wanted to giggle at their looks, but you knew if you did you might offend some of them. While your eyes scanned, you let your mind wander. How could you pick one single nation out of all of them?

The opening of a door quickly broke your short thought as Japan came in carrying a blanket and a soft looking pillow. He then came over and handed both of them to you before bowing and going to his seat next to China. You snuggled into the blanket but held the pillow in front of you in your arms as you began to look around again.

Your eyes soon landed on France, Spain, and Prussia. France was holding a rose and winking at you, Spain with just smiling at you, and Prussia seemed to be in a trance. He just kept staring at you and it was making you slightly uncomfortable. His piercing red eyes seemed to bore into you while his face looked unreadable, but you figured he was deep in thought. About what, you didn't have a clue, but he wasn't making any flirtacious gestures at you, which was wierd considering he was part of the Bad Touch Trio. He was definitely handsome. He was wearing his signature blue uniform and, like always, Gilbird was perched on top of his silvery hair.

Gilbird seemed to be doing the same thing Prussia was doing. He just kept staring at you, but he tilted his head slightly making you giggle a little. It blinked once then took off from Prussia's head and flew over to you. You held your left hand out and it plopped down into it as it then looked back into your eyes. You brought a hesitant finger up and began to lightly pet its head. It leaned against your finger for a few moments then flew up and landed on the top of your head making you smile.

"I don't think Glibird has ever taking such a liking to anyone except Prussia," Germany murmured from beside you.

"Really?" you asked with curious eyes.

"Ja, he normally attacks anyone who even tries to touch him."

You brought your hand up again to pet Gilbird, and once again he leaned into your fingers while making cute chirping noises.

"Maybe he thinks I'm as awesome as Prussia," you giggled at the thought.

"Ja, right. No one is as awesome as me! Hey West!" Prussia called out making you jump in shock, "Can that frau stay vith the awesome me so I can show her that no one can beat the awesome me?"

"Give me one good reason vhy I should let her stay vith you, bruder?"

"Because I'm awesome! And if she stays vith me she can see mein awesome fi-Humph!!"

You cut him off from finishing his sentence by throwing the pillow in your hand at him. Even if it was soft, you threw it hard enough to make Prussia lose his balance on the chair and fall backwards with a loud 'thump', earning laughter from Spain and France. You regretted ever thinking he would be different than you thought he was. You also mumbled an appology to Gilbird, who seemed to be laughing at his master with little 'keseses.'

"Good throw, chica," Spain managed to say.

"I think I like this fille," France chuckled and sent another wink in your direction, which you answered with an eyeroll.

"If that's all you're going to think about while I stay with you then the answer is no. Those thoughts are very unawesome," you glared at Prussia.

He was taken aback slightly at being called 'unawesome,' but quickly recovered with a determined look on his face along with a smirk. He jumped up from the floor and pointed at you.

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